Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Theory Of Multiple Personality Disorder - 1486 Words
Everybody forgets things now and then, but not usually personal information, location, name, age, or their entire identity (Residential). This could be multiple personality disorder- or MPD for short. Multiple personality disorder was first thought to be nonexistent, or extremely rare, but now after thousands of diagnoses (Carter), multiple personality seems to be in the in the spotlight of psychological disorders. Though multiple personality disorder only became a legitimate psychiatric disorder in 1980, there had been cases reported before then. Various individuals believe that the first reported case was by a man named Eberhart Gmelin who was a doctor. In 1791 he reported a peculiar case, one of his patients often transformed into a French aristocrat; she was usually and actually a middle-class German woman. (Carter). Many odd cases like Gmelin’s were reported, but were constantly misdiagnosed. Professionals argued over if it was a real disorder, or if it was an act as an attempt to gain attention. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, did many studies of the mind and its abilities to repress emotions. His opinions on hysteria and repression overshadowed the diagnosis of multiple personality disorder in the early 1900’s. Until the 1980s, it was disregarded, then suddenly it bloomed into a large area of study. In the next decade, it is estimated that forty thousand people were diagnosed with multiple personality disorder, twice as many than the previous century.Show MoreRelated Multiple Personality Disorder (Dissociative Identity Disorder)735 Words  | 3 Pages Dissociative Identity Disorder, commonly referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder, exists as a bizarre mental disorder in which a person acquires two or more distinct identities or personality states. The disorder received much attention through such accounts as Sybil and The Three Faces of Eve. 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