Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Differences Between Religion And The Philosophies Of...
As we see our world continually changing all around us, there are many things of interest that have not because of technology but because of the beliefs held in various societies. One such change has been with current religious beliefs compared with philosophies of the past. One may wonder if these ideas still have value, and, if so, what are the differences and similarities between current religion, such as Christianity and the philosophies of the ancients. When we compare both modern religion and ancient philosophy, some people may believe that they are two completely different ideas with no commonalities. The truth is that they sometimes serve the same purpose. In literal terms, philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature or knowledge, reality and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline. Religion, on the other hand, is defined as a belief in which a superhuman, controlling power such as a god or gods is in control of the existing world. While, by definition, these two concepts may seem very different, they are actually quite similar. For example, many of the fundamental ideas associated with Epicureanism, an ancient philosophy from the Greeks, are very relatable to Christianity today. Epicureanism is a philosophical system in which the central idea states that the external world is a series of fortuitous combinations of atoms and that the highest good is pleasure, interpreted as freedom from distur bance or pain. To fully understandShow MoreRelatedAncient China Versus Ancient Greece Essay1008 Words  | 5 PagesAncient China Versus Ancient Greece Ancient China and Ancient Greece were two vastly different civilizations with different cultures; they shared a multitude of similar political, economic, and philosophical achievements while also inholding multiple differences. The centralized government of China differed from the independent city-states of Athens. 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