Tuesday, May 26, 2020
If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Bad Common App Essay Samples
If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Bad Common App Essay Samples The Do's and Don'ts of Bad Common App Essay Samples It's difficult to pick my favorite of the essay prompts I encountered this calendar year, but simple to select the one I thought the absolute most off-putting. Essays which don't demonstrate these qualities are usually experiencing tone-deafness. Find out how to compose a winning essay. Share an essay on any subject of your pick. I am hoping this Redditor is thinking about studying creative writing. Together with the UK Essay Help undergraduates cannot be worried about the time but delight in a complete life. We hope they inspire you and allow you to compose your own special essay for your college application. If you intend to compose an effective essay, it's time to get familiar with every one of the forms of essay prompts. There's maybe some evidence to imply that the author was shaken somewhat from a comfortable, materialistic existence. Therefore, if you begin with a terrible topic, not only will you wind up with a poor essay, but you risk ruining the great impression that the remainder of your application makes. From time to time, even when you're writing about an interesting, relevant subject, it's still possible to appear immature or unready for college life on account of the direction you present that topic the way you truly write your own personal statement. And though the opening paragraph appears to imply that the essay will tell a story about an origami shop, the writer is clever enough to introduce his primary theme he likes to play and discover. This is the reason why you have to make certain that someone else proofreads your writing. Because the essay is a little too dry at this time, some additional voice would really offer the essay a boost. Within this blog, I (in addition to other writers) have been writing mostly about how important it's to be a good writer, how to write better, what's excellent writing, etc. The One Thing to Do for Bad Common App Essay Samples Writing well needs a significant amount of skill. Choosing where to go to college is an amazingly important choice. Don't forget that the Common App offers you creative license. Some terrible topics show admissions officers you don't have a fantastic awareness of judgment or maturity, which is a problem because they are building a category of college students who have in order to manage independent life on campus. Additionally, it showed he had good character. This title will get someone who would like to learn. Check that it is reasonable. How to Choose Bad Common App Essay Samples Bear in mind, no reader wishes to be lectured at. That tactic gets very cliche. The sentence isn't quite so disastrous, but nevertheless, it needs to be a whole lot easier to understand. Now it isn't virtually failure per se. What Everybody Dislikes About Bad Common App Essay Samples and Why Evaluate a substantial experience, achievement, risk you've taken, or ethical dilemma you've faced and its effects on you. The procedure for your experience is vital. 1 thing which he learned from this experience was that he wished to engage in a business career. Just be certain you have demonstrated experience. The Debate Over Bad Common App Essay Samples Most people today fail sooner or later in their lives. To the contrary, the way you shouldn't do something is frequently more inspiring in terms of earning people wish to improve and develop. The admissions officers most likely don't care whether you've got an active or intriguing sex life. A whole lot of students make the error of attempting to second-guess what the admissions folks wish to hear in an essay, then write about somethingn't actually central to their interests and passions. At precisely the same time, you are going to impress the college admissions folks greatly if it's possible to present your capacity to learn from your failures and mistakes. Check to make certain you haven't made any of the usual mistakes on this list. Redundancy isn't likely to impress anyone, and a tedious collection of activities isn't likely to generate a fantastic essay. Seek assistance and stand in the hour totally free of your tasks. Utilise the aid of our service and don't be concerned about how you complete the school. A friend or parent will most likely not offer you the honest feed back you will need. Put simply, you want admissions officers to have the ability to find the external circumstance and feel as they're inside your mind while you're facing this obstacle. There are just a couple of issues I want to caution students and parents about.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Industrial revolution management theory - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1839 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? The crucial importance event that formed the world into the shape we now see around us was the industrial revolution which began in the late eighteenth century. Before it, most societies were based on small-scale, agricultural production, with the vast majority of the population, living in the countryside. After the industrial revolution, the reverse became the case. In the industrialised countries, most people living in urban centres. The great importance  development of the industrial revolution was the creation of factories. During the early part of industrial revolution, most of production was carried out by occupation based on family units. As demand increased, some men and women became specialist in a certain job. In that time, It was the owner who began the move towards the factory system. The management based on two basic propositions: 1-  Labour is unreliable, lazy and will only work when tightly controlled and c losely supervised. 2-  The main controllable business cost is labour, therefore the key to increased profits is to make it cheaper and increase its productivity by getting employers work harder or for longer hours for the same or less money. Fredrick Winslow Taylor made a major contribution to the development of managerial theory and practice in the twentieth (lock, 1982: rose, 1988) Taylor believed passionately in the need to reform managerial authority: to base it on competence rather than the power to hire and fire. Taylors approach required a radical change in managerial behaviour. The objective of his system was to improve the productivity and efficiency by management. According to Feyol (1949), it is the prime responsibility of manager to achieve the organisations aim, he prescribed the main duties of managers as follows: 1. Planning : examining the future, deciding what needs to be done and developing plan of action. 2. Organising : bringing together the resources, human and material, and developing the structure to carry out the activities of the organisation. 3. Command: ensuring that the employees perform their jobe well and in the best interests of the organisation. 4 .Coordination: Verifying that the activities of the organisation work harmoniously together to achieve its goals. 5. Control: establishing that plans, instruction and commands are correctly carried out. Mc Greoger(1906-1964) In his book the human side of enterprise argued that decisions taken by managers on the best way to manage people were based on their assumptions about human nature. He maintained that there are basically two views of human nature, a negative view (theory X) and a positive view (theory Y ). The managers who adhere to theory X will use a combination of methods to control there subordinates. Those managers who adhere to theory Y will adopt a more open and  flexible style to management. Nothing is inevitable until is actually happens and even it may be reserved. In this days organisations dominate our lives, where they appear to be more powerful than ever before, The role and performance of managers will be crucial. manager will need to recognise that in the future, as in the past ,regardless of the particular issues involved, the environment in which their organisation operate will continue to change. managers will have to recognise that the appropriateness of their decision will be judged by a wider set of criteria and a wider range of stakeholders than in the past. At the same time management will continue to have to find ways of ensuring that their organisation and its environment and the other constraint under which it operated, are, as far as possible keep aligned. Managers seek to influence the constrains under which their organisation operates and the pace and timing of change to make them more favourable to their preferred way of working. The biggest challeng e facing industrial management today is globalisation. The creation of a unified world market place Allied to globalisation, however, are three other challenges ;how to achieve sustainability in a world of dwindling natural resources and increasing environmental pollution ;how to manage an increasingly diverse workforce, at a time when business leaders are considered less trust worthy than ever before, how to manage ethically. It has never been easy to define the role of manager, though this has not prevented a great number of attempts over the years. Definition of the role of management have ranged from attempts to list basic tasks: plans , organises, directs and controls on proprietors or on behalf, an industrial, commercial or other undertaking, organisation and co-ordinates the work of departmental managers or other immediate subordinates.( Quoted in Dakin and Hamilton, 1990:32) To more ambitious attempts to define the essence of the managers role : the manager has the take task of creating a true whole that is larger than the sum of its parts, a productive entity that turns out more than the sum of resources put into it.(Drucker 1985:53) Drucker (1985) also linked the manager to the conductor of symphony orchestra. Handy (1986), on the other hand, linked the manager to a doctor: the manager is the first recipient of problems. The managers role is, therefore, to identify the symptoms in any situation, to diagnose the disease or cause of the trouble; to decide how it might be dealt with, through a strategy for health; and to start the treatment. Duncan(1975) has a holistic view of the role of the manager. He identifies three distinct levels of management activity : philosophical(goal information), scientific(goal accomplishment and evaluation); and art(implementation of decisions). At the philosophical level the manager is mainly concerned with the effects of the actions and reactions of other individuals and groups which the organisation is set. At this level,  managers formulate clear and precise strategies that can result from the set goals. It is also at this level that the ethics of managerial behaviour, values and priorities of the organisation are formulated and established. At the scientific level, Manager develops plans, methods and techniques for achieving set goals. The art level is concerned with the implementation.This is the level at which tactical and administrative decision are made to deploy the organisations resoyrces. Mullins(1989) argued, that management is both a science and an art. By its very nature, management is forced to deal with both, science-based activities, such as the design and operation of manufacturing, and less rational, more intuitive activities, especially those concerning managing and motivating people. Mintzberg(1973,1975), He concluded the role of managers as follows: All managers do have regular, ordinary duties to perform. Rather than be ing systematic, reflective thinkers and planners, managers simply respond to the pressure or demands of their job. Managerial activities are characterised by brevity, variety and discontinuity. MIntzberg(1973) also found that managers role remarkably similar and their work can be described in terms of ten vary important roles that can be categorised under three headings: Interpersonal roles, informational roles, and decision-making roles. Interpersonal roles: One of the most time-consuming and important aspects of managerial role is to work with, direct and represent people. International roles: Those in managerial positions have unique opportunities to obtain and disseminate information. Decision making roles: One of the main parts of any managers role is to take decision. Yokl(2002) notes, though these roles are common to most managerial jobs, the emphasis and importance of these roles varies between managers depending on a range of factors such as organ isation size, level of management, level of managerial independence, and the stage the organisation had reached in its life cycle. Stewart(1976,1982) drew particular attention to demands, constraints and choices in shaping managerial roles .Demands-these are the expectations that those in positions of power have for a role holder. .Constraints-these are factors peculiar to the organisation and its environment that limit a managers freedom to manoeuvre. .Choices-though managers are limited in what they can do by the demands and constraints of their jobs, all managers have a degree of discretion (choice) in what to do and when to do it. Hales(1986:102) in the researches on the managers role, concluded that: what manager do is, of necessity, an unreflective response to circumstances. The manager has to react rapidly to problems as they arise, take decision in situ and develop a preference for concrete activities. Mintzberg (1975:49) pointed out: if you ask a manager w hat he does he will most likely tell you he plans, organizes, co-ordinates and controls. Then watch what he does . Dont surprised if you cant relate what you see to those four words. Managers have to able to change their style of management and exhibit different styles to different parts of their organisation at the same time. Managers can and do adopt both the planned and emergent approaches to change management either alternately or simultaneously as the situation requires. Managers have to capable under certain conditions, especially when faced with a crisis of restructuring their mental models of how the world is and how they should respond. Mintzberg(1976) offers some clues as how managers can be successful managers. He concluded that effective and proficient managers are whole thinkers. On the negative view, Managers van act to hold back organisations, prevent beneficial change and create a climate of blame and wrong doing where in fighting and discrimination are t olerated. On the positive view, managers can identify opportunities for progress, promote ethical behaviour, recognise the opportunities that diversity brings and create sustainable organisations which achieve harmony with their environment. good managers can create the conditions for growth and prosperity. Effective managers, are, therefore, for very positive reasons, important to organisation. However they do not operate in isolation or have a totally free rein. Industrial managers have to rely far less on their personality, important though this maybe, and far more on their knowledge, skills, creating and experience. They are called to perform a wide range of duties and activities. Managers sometimes may choose or be required circumstances to change their organisations radically and quickly; sometimes they may choose to influence the context to promote or reduce the need for such changes. In other cases, change may take place more slowly and over a long period. The ke y factor in all this is to make conscious decision. Those who manage organisations to question and challenge their own and other peoples assumptions. Even where choices are identified, managers should not assume that exercising choice is easy or that the results will be beneficial for all concerned, including themselves. For this reason, managers have a responsibility in making and implementing choices to consider the implications not just for themselves, not just for their organisation, but for society as well. Therefore, organisations face many challenges and choices. Some organisations will find that their room for manoeuvre is very limited. Others may find that there is considerable scope for discretion. It is the role of managers to ensure that all available options and choices are identified, and that the choices made take account of both the short and long term interests of all their stakeholders whether these be shareholders, employees, the managers themselves or the community at large. The worst managers may not be those make poor choices; it may be those who fail to recognise that there are choices to be made. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Industrial revolution #038; management theory" essay for you Create order
Friday, May 15, 2020
Eriksons Stages of Development A 19 Year Olds Case
The first person I interviewed is a 19 year old Hispanic female high school student. She is very short and meets criteria to be considered a midget. In regards of the Five-Factor Model described in Craig Dunn 2013, p. 436, this person is emotionally stable with traits associated with high end. Specifically she is relaxed and very extroverted. In terms of openness to experiences, she described herself very imaginative, creative and intellectual. On the last two factors she identified herself as a warm, friendly, organized, and persistent person clearly showing her transitioning from adolescent to the young adult stage. Another trait is her warm and kind presence. This is expressed in the form of volunteerism as she loves helping†¦show more content†¦Both the Hispanic heritage and American culture are highly influencing her, which brings an interesting integration of both value systems. Summary description of person # 2 The second interviewee is I. I am 41 years old which puts me in the middle age range. I am a Costa Rican descendant, weighting 170 lbs. and 5 feet 7 inches tall. I am already showing signs of age in the fashion of white hair in my beard and a few wrinkles on my forehead. In regards to the Five-Factor Model described on Craig Dunn 2013, p. 436, I am a mix of the 5 factors. I find myself moody and relaxed at times. Some of the factors influencing this mixture are due to stress related to work and life in general. I am an extroverted, assertive, and talkative person who likes to meet new people and help others. I am not very creative yet I am very intellectual in the way I do most of my business in life. I find myself enjoying working on my farm rather than going out with friend or partying As I reflected on Havighurst’s Developmental Tasks as found in (Craig Dunn 2013, p. 353), I realized that I am working to establish and maintain an adequate standard of living at this point in my life. I have a stable job, with a decent salary, and I own a medium size home set on one acre. I am also in the beginning stages of helping my teenage children to grow towards responsible adulthood. Furthermore,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Theory Of Multiple Personality Disorder - 1486 Words
Everybody forgets things now and then, but not usually personal information, location, name, age, or their entire identity (Residential). This could be multiple personality disorder- or MPD for short. Multiple personality disorder was first thought to be nonexistent, or extremely rare, but now after thousands of diagnoses (Carter), multiple personality seems to be in the in the spotlight of psychological disorders. Though multiple personality disorder only became a legitimate psychiatric disorder in 1980, there had been cases reported before then. Various individuals believe that the first reported case was by a man named Eberhart Gmelin who was a doctor. In 1791 he reported a peculiar case, one of his patients often transformed into a French aristocrat; she was usually and actually a middle-class German woman. (Carter). Many odd cases like Gmelin’s were reported, but were constantly misdiagnosed. Professionals argued over if it was a real disorder, or if it was an act as an attempt to gain attention. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, did many studies of the mind and its abilities to repress emotions. His opinions on hysteria and repression overshadowed the diagnosis of multiple personality disorder in the early 1900’s. Until the 1980s, it was disregarded, then suddenly it bloomed into a large area of study. In the next decade, it is estimated that forty thousand people were diagnosed with multiple personality disorder, twice as many than the previous century.Show MoreRelated Multiple Personality Disorder (Dissociative Identity Disorder)735 Words  | 3 Pages Dissociative Identity Disorder, commonly referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder, exists as a bizarre mental disorder in which a person acquires two or more distinct identities or personality states. The disorder received much attention through such accounts as Sybil and The Three Faces of Eve. 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The Differences Between Religion And The Philosophies Of...
As we see our world continually changing all around us, there are many things of interest that have not because of technology but because of the beliefs held in various societies. One such change has been with current religious beliefs compared with philosophies of the past. One may wonder if these ideas still have value, and, if so, what are the differences and similarities between current religion, such as Christianity and the philosophies of the ancients. When we compare both modern religion and ancient philosophy, some people may believe that they are two completely different ideas with no commonalities. The truth is that they sometimes serve the same purpose. In literal terms, philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature or knowledge, reality and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline. Religion, on the other hand, is defined as a belief in which a superhuman, controlling power such as a god or gods is in control of the existing world. While, by definition, these two concepts may seem very different, they are actually quite similar. For example, many of the fundamental ideas associated with Epicureanism, an ancient philosophy from the Greeks, are very relatable to Christianity today. Epicureanism is a philosophical system in which the central idea states that the external world is a series of fortuitous combinations of atoms and that the highest good is pleasure, interpreted as freedom from distur bance or pain. To fully understandShow MoreRelatedAncient China Versus Ancient Greece Essay1008 Words  | 5 PagesAncient China Versus Ancient Greece Ancient China and Ancient Greece were two vastly different civilizations with different cultures; they shared a multitude of similar political, economic, and philosophical achievements while also inholding multiple differences. The centralized government of China differed from the independent city-states of Athens. 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Housekeeping Department Of Hotel Management - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about the Housekeeping Department Of Hotel Management. Answer: Introduction The assignment helps in analyzing the different outsourcing of activities within the hotel as this will help in reducing the costs. The different roles, functions and tasks has to be analyzed in such a manner that this will help in handling the different activities that can meet the expectations of the customers. The role of the needs of the customers as well as the customers has to be considered, as this will ensure meeting the different demands of the different customers. The main aim and purpose of the report is to understand whether outsourcing is a viable solution for the department of housekeeping. The different drawbacks as well as benefits of moving to outsourced organization for the particular department. The different recommendations are essential to be adopted, as this will help in moving the entire organization in a forward direction. The structure of the report includes the overview of the housekeeping department along with identification of the roles and responsibilities of the respective department. The role of the customers and the need of customers has to be analyzed in such a manner that this will help in creating positive experience. The analysis of the viability of the outsourcing has to be analyzed, as this will help in analyzing the benefits and drawbacks of the organization. Overview of the Housekeeping department The housekeeping department is defined as the provision of comfortable, clean as well as safe environment (Nayak et al. 2015). It is the backbone of the hotel; the housekeeping department is the largest department in the hotel organization. The main goal is to ensure highest standard of cleanliness that will help in maintaining efficiency as well as consistency (Townsend, Wilkinson and Burgess 2014). The main and essential characteristics of the housekeeping department are willingness to serve as well as pleasing the different guests. The 24*7 proper availability of service is essential in nature as this will help in satisfying the requirements of the customers in an effective manner (Felicen et al. 2014). The housekeeping department is the main and essential department of different hotels as this department helps in attracting customers in an effective manner. The effectiveness is essential in nature among the employees who are working in the respective department to understand the requirements of the customers and this will help in solving the queries in an effective manner as well. The outsourced housekeepers has to be trained in such a manner that this will help them in meeting the different requirements and this will help the hotel to gain revenues in the future. Role, Tasks and functions of the housekeeping department There are different roles and responsibilities of the housekeeping department that has to be followed as this will help in increasing the revenue and profit generation of the company. The tasks and responsibilities are as follows:Organizing, coordinating and supervising the different tasks is one of the tasks of the housekeeping department as this will help in ensuring excellence in safety and sanitation of the hotel (Glodoveza, Sacluti and Dee 2015) The director or the executive of the housekeeping department will help in providing budget to the management and there will be forecasting management in the hotel Proper establishment and maintenance the standard operating process for cleaning the hotel rooms (Pan 2015) The deputy housekeeper will help in checking and ensuring that the public areas are cleaned and this will help in maintaining daily routine Proper preparation of the schedule of the staffs as well as weekly roaster as there can be rotation in the shifts The evening and night supervisor will help in reporting the security and safety hazards and organize cleaning of rooms as well Lastly, training the new staffs as this will help in ensuring proper safety as well of the entire hotel rooms Role of customers and needs of customers from housekeeping department The customers will be requiring proper respect and greeting from the housekeeping department as the housekeeping department is the backbone of the hotel Prompt and efficient room service is required to be made available by the housekeeping department as this will help in building strong brand image The rooms has to be clean and tidy as this will make the first impression in the minds of the customers and they are the gods of the hotel The customers require prompt service as and when required as they are the guests of the hotel. It is the duty of the housekeeping department to look after the demands and requirements of the customers in an effective manner Whether Outsourcing is viable solution for housekeeping department Outsourcing is essential and advantageous for the hotel industries as this will have huge number of benefits that can be viable in nature. The advantages of outsourcing the housekeeping department is as follows: Saving money is one of the advantages that will be gained by the respective hotel as there will be more than 25% or more decrease in the cost of the labor There will be reduction in the union of labor issues in the respective hotel as this will help in saving money on the cost of the labor as well (Parmar and Dalal 2017) While hiring the staffs from a different organization, it will be easier for the top officials of the respective hotel to judge and evaluate the talents and weaknesses of the housekeepers and this will help in benefitting the hotel (Fouad, Hussein and Attia 2016) There will be no requirement to keep expensive materials or equipments in the hotel as the housekeepers will be carrying their own equipments from the respective organization from wherein they are hired However, there are different cons or disadvantages of outsourcing the housekeeping department in hotels as there are few flaws that are discussed as follows: Security is one of the main concerns in the outsourcing the housekeeping department in the hotel as the guests may not feel safe when they will know that the housekeepers are not on the direct payroll of the hotel (Lie 2015) There will be no understanding of the service quality until the housekeepers start working and this can be a risk for the entire hotel (Aziz 2016) Lastly, the main issue of outsourcing is that there will be less control on the housekeeping department as the employees who are working are not the employees of the hotel (Prayag and Hosany 2015) Recommendations Therefore, it can be recommended that the outsourcing is viable in nature to certain extent for the entire hotel industry. However there are different issues and cons on the outsourcing of the housekeeping department. It can be recommended that hotels has to implement different strategies that include the quality has to be checked and tested for a week or so while outsourcing the housekeeping department employees. This will help the entire hotel to identify the different loopholes in such a manner that this will help in solving the issues related to outsourcing of employees. The housekeeping department in the hotels has to be trained in such an effective manner that this will help in managing the different issues related to security of the entre hotel. The hotel has to analyze and capture the different feedbacks from the customers as this will help in analyzing and tracking the guest experience in a prompt way. The performance of the entire housekeeping department has to be analyzed in such a manner that this will help in improvement of the performance in an effective manner. The hotels can tiff incentives to the staffs as this will help in satisfying the guests experience in an effective manner. The different expectations of the customers have to be met in such a manner that this will help in improving the efficiency of the firms and this will help in meeting the different requirements as well. The customers are the god of the different hotels and they are required to be treated as the celebrity as this will impress them. The housekeeping departments have to follow certain guidelines in such a manner that this will manage the different queries in an effective manner. In order to make outsourcing viable in nature, this is the duty of the hotel management to keep a look at the different tasks performed by the outsourced employees and guide them as per the norms of the hotel. The hotels need to focus on the segment of guests as this will help in benefitting utmost of it and this will help in increasing the entire profit and revenue of the company. Lastly, the different guests who visit and stay in the hotels has to be treated like celebrities as this are the main expectation of the customers. The expectations of the customers have to be met in such a manner that this will improve the performance of the company and analyze the feedbacks of the customers as well. The outsourced housekeeping departments have to be made viable by reducing the cons by providing effective training to the employees who are being outsourced. References Aziz, W., 2016. Evaluation of the Performance of Guest Room Attendants of Housekeeping Department (Application to Cairo Three Star Hotels).International Journal of Heritage, Tourism, and Hospitality,7(2). Felicen, S.S., Rasa, L.C., Sumanga, J.E. and Buted, D.R., 2014. Internship performance of tourism and hospitality students: Inputs to improve internship program.International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences,4(6), p.42. Fouad, M.A., Hussein, S. and Attia, A.Y., 2016. Housekeeping Performance and Guest Satisfaction in Resort Hotels.International Journal of Heritage, Tourism, and Hospitality,7(2). Glodoveza, S.V., Sacluti, M.A.M. and Dee, D.A.C., 2015. THE ENVIRONMENTAL PRACTICES OF SEQUOIA HOTEL QUEZON CITY IN HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT.Ani: Letran Calamba Research Report,2(1), pp.1-1. Lie, A.L., 2015. The Impact of Occupational Stress Factors to Job Stress in Housekeeping Department of Hotel ABC.iBuss Management,3(1). Nayak, N., Pai, A., Prabhu, N. and Granil, P.D., 2015. Management Perspective of Employee Turnover in the Housekeeping Department.International Journal of Management and Social Sciences research,4(9), pp.4-7. Pan, F.C., 2015. Practical application of importance-performance analysis in determining critical job satisfaction factors of a tourist hotel.Tourism Management,46, pp.84-91. Parmar, S. and Dalal, P., 2017. A study of musculoskeletal disorder among housekeeping staff in hotel industry. Prayag, G. and Hosany, S., 2015. Human resource development in the hotel industry of Mauritius: myth or reality?.Current Issues in Tourism,18(3), pp.249-266. Townsend, K., Wilkinson, A. and Burgess, J., 2014. Routes to partial success: Collaborative employment relations and employee engagement.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,25(6), pp.915-930.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Statistics Frequency Drawing of Histogram
Question: Discuss about the Statistics Frequency for the Drawing of Histogram. Answer: 1: The data records the body temperatures of males and females. The body temperature of males and females are assumed to be normal. The mean body temperature is calculated on the basis of the given sample data and a confidence interval for the mean value is calculated. First of all, one has to test whether the distribution that is assumed to be normal in the problem, really a normal distribution or not. The normality can be checked by different methods. The most common method is drawing Histogram of the data. The histogram of body temperatures is given below: Figure: Histogram of body temperatures (Source: Created by author) The above figure shows the histogram of normal body temperature. The distribution is approximately normal. The normal body temperature is classified into two groups males and females. In general, the body temperature of male differs from that of females. Therefore one should at first test whether there is a significant difference between the means of the two distributions or not. Therefore, the hypothesis is to test, H0: 1 = 2 against H1: inequality in H0. The statistic for the test is t = ((x1bar-x2bar) - (1 - 2))/s. The value of the test statistic is -2.28. The p-value of the test statistic is 0.01, which is rejected at 5% level of significance. Therefore, the male and female population differs in terms of body temperatures. Therefore, in order to detect whether a patient has a normal body temperature, separate confidence intervals for male and the female population needs to be calculated. The confidence interval for normal body temperature of the males is: I = (x-bar 1.96 * s/) I = (36.4297, 37.02014) The confidence interval for the female population is given by the following formula: I = (x-bar 1.96 * s/) C.I = (36.55164, 37.22006). The normal body temperature for males should lie between (36.4297,37.02014) and the normal body temperature for female should lie between (36.55164, 37.22006). However, as per these results at 95% confidence interval, the confidence interval for normal body temperature came out to be (36.7347, 36.8760). As per this result, the mean body temperature of male and female lies outside the confidence interval, which depicts that 95% confidence interval, is not a fit for the model. The mean value of normal body temperature is 36.8054. The confidence interval for the mean at 99% confidence interval for both male and female together came out to be (36.71200, 36.89876). The mean body temperature of males and females are 36.724 and 36.885 according to our sample data lies in this confidence interval for normal body temperature. On the other hand, this depicts that 99% confidence interval suits the model than 95% confidence interval. 2: The p-value for the t test with significance level 0.05 suggests that the test would be rejected. Therefore, the level of significance for this test could not be 0.5. The level of significance needs to be lowered in order to accept the test. There are two types of errors associated in any testing problem. One is type I error and the other is Type II error. The type I error occurs when null hypothesis is accepted when it is false and Type II error occurs when the null hypothesis is rejected when it is true. The following table gives the type I error and type II errors. Null hypothesis true Null hypothesis false Reject H0 Type I error Correct Accept H0 Correct Type II error In order to get a good test one need to reduce both the errors. But it is not possible to reduce both the error probabilities at the same time. One can reduce one error probability at the cost of increasing the other error probability. The Type I error probability involves rejection of the null hypothesis when it is true. Therefore, the rejection of null hypothesis when it is true is more serious than accepting the hypothesis when it is true. The Type I error has to be reduced as much as possible in order to get a better test.
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