Friday, August 9, 2019

Philosophy, Politics and Economy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Philosophy, Politics and Economy - Term Paper Example This happened immediately after the end of the civil war. The expansion reached its peak during the civil rights era in which the government’s presence was all over the country. Indeed, the activities during the civil rights movement contributed to the expansion of the federal authority. The government bodies established have brought governance closer. Consequently, the federal government has an autonomous presence in the entire country. This piece focuses on the growth of the federal government as seen in the period characterizing the civil era. Federal government expansion Political structures President Abraham Lincoln spearheaded the expansion of the American authority by signing into law acts that supported the expansion of a democratic government. According to Holcombe (2002), the amendments to the constitution expanded the government’s presence; thus, an alteration to the political structure in America. Introduction of taxation by the federal government propelled the growth of the federal authority during the progressive era. The income tax enhanced the government’s capability to control expenditure. This was a way of expanding the federal government size to cushion the citizens against political uncertainties. Lincoln initially advocated for a strong government that had the interest of people at heart. The expansion of the Congress to its current size is attributable to the laws initiated by Lincoln after the civil war. The Supreme Court has also witnessed an expansion in its activities throughout the States. According to the civil rights activist, the government is the defendant of the rights of citizens. As such, the activists advocated for the expansion of authority during the civil rights era (Holcombe, 2002). The activists expected the government to secure their rights in their quest for justice in America. Their activities led to the ratifications that allowed the government to spearheaded most of democratic processes in the co untry. Some quarters of the population praised the expansion of the judicial authorities. The civil rights era altered the entire political structure of the American government. The political setting was changed to conform to the wishes of the majority. The people advocated for the expansion of government through establishment of bodies that championed their rights. However, the expansion of the federal government has compromised on accountability by the authorities. Interestingly, the establishment of the Electoral College in the United States has contributed to the expansion of authority. Social structures Liberalization of laws after the civil war led to the establishment of Unions. The government catered for such groups by paying for their pensions. This guided the interest groups that were to follow the war veterans unions (Boyer, 2006). It was the hallmark of the establishment of groups and federal programs in the society. For instance, the enactment of Sherman antitrust act l ed to the growth of the federal government. More regulatory laws were introduced in the civil era that affects the relationship among individuals. To some extent, government has control on the social structures on the society using bodies such as environment protection agency. â€Å"Federal Trade Commission† and the â€Å"Food, and Drug Administration† were the bodies created following the world war era by

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