Thursday, August 8, 2019

Pageants for toddlers and young girls do not create a healthy body Essay

Pageants for toddlers and young girls do not create a healthy body image - Essay Example 244). This paper seeks to give a critical analysis of the claim that healthy image issues are not brought about when young girls and toddlers participate in pageants. Critical analysis on the impact of pageants’ on young girls and toddlers in terms of health and body issues created My first supporting statement is:  sexualization is experienced by the young girls and toddlers as a result of participating in pageants. This is an example of a fact. I will need to provide the following backing to convince readers that my support is valid:   There are many ways through, which sexualization occurs, when the young girls and toddlers participate in pageants. Most times, the contestants become aware of themselves and this is usually in a negative manner. They tend to ‘sexy’ practices and behaviors, which are witnessed in adult contestants. These can be through putting on fake lashes, having on excess make up, as well as putting on high heels, among other things (Neuma rk-Sztainer & Paxton & Hannon & Haines, 2006. 246). The young participants are harmed by the culture that is extremely sex saturated at the various pageants. In turn, they develop negative psychological thoughts and behaviors concerning their body. According to studies done, in the future, such children are prone to have weight issues in the future. Often, they try every means possible to ensure that they have bodies, which resemble that of others participating in other pageants’. They can even go to extreme measures to ensure that they achieve the ideal weight by taking dangerous slimming pills, going on unhealthy diets, among others (Neumark-Sztainer & Paxton & Hannon & Haines, 2006. 249). My second supporting statement is: Self-image issues are raised as a result of the young girls and toddlers participating in pageants. This is an example of an Interview. I will need to provide the following backing to convince readers that my support is valid:  I once was lucky to obta in the opportunity to meet a six year old girl, known as Ashley, who regularly participates in beauty pageants. According to her parents, enrolling her into the pageants is a mistake that they regret (Jones, 2011. 1). This is because their daughter has become excessively obsessed with her appearance and in particular her body appearance. It has reached a point whereby, she does not attend school because she sometimes wakes up feeling ‘fat. ‘Ashley frequently watches beauty pageant shows and even at school, she is known for being excessively concerned with her body and self-image. Attempts to take Ashley to a children’s counselor have not yielded any efforts, as she is still obsessed with her body image. Indeed, it is true that pageants are causing young girls and toddlers problems related with their bodies. They seem to grow up knowing that being skinny is the in thing and if one is not, they are considered as being outcasts. My third supporting statement is  me ntal and physical health issues. This is an example of a cause/effect prediction. I will need to provide the following backing to convince readers that my support is valid:  It is true that people who are obsessed with their weight and self-image have a type of psychological problem. Since the young girls and toddlers are obsessed with appearing a certain way, they will often be

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