Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Human Genome Revolution And Its Implications Essay -- Genetics Bio

The Human Genome Revolution And Its Implications Thanks to today’s technology, we can talk to people thousands of miles Rezadistant, view stars that are worlds away, and delve into our body on an unimaginable scale. This revolution has been peaceful for the most part, but the human genome threatens to be the smallest item to spark controversy in history. Both sides hold powerful cards, and, when the smoke clears, the decisions made in this country and around the world will alter the future for our descendants. On a more regional scale, no matter what happens, the genomes that reside in all of us will be scrutinized as never before, and they will finally be understood. The Rio Grande Valley is considered a rural area, an area where people do not seek treatment for their ailments as they should. Diabetes, obesity, heart problems, etc., run rampant throughout our community and the poverty of the area has only hampered efforts to turn back the tide on the war on such maladies. Personally, I am at risk for leukemia, gallstones, knee problems, and heart defects on both sides of my family. Any advancement in the field of medicine would certainly put a dent in anything that these historically difficult illnesses can throw at us. The Human Genome Project, run by the government of the United States of America, has begun to crack the shells of these human inefficiencies and failures. The DNA of every person has differences that make he or she unique from every other creature on earth. The Human Genome Project aims to take apart the human genome and look at the workings of what makes us tick. Gene by gene they have made progress and, in add ition, have created quite a stir within the international commu... ...God has created all things, and anything that lives is His work. He has given us the power to change the world, but we must strike the balance between advancement and absurdity so that He would know His own work when He saw it. This topic will not just be decided in the Valley or in Washington or The Hague. Instead, the fruition of work on the human genome will help decide the hearts and minds of the people across the globe, and that will determine the future of the human genome revolution. In these next few years, the human genome revolution will be pushed to its limits and the revolution will be tested on a pass/fail basis. Those that go against the decision of the majority will be looked down upon as either superstitious oafs or mad criminals. In the meantime, every voice lifted, regardless of opinion, will let our leaders know our wishes.

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