Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Scavengers and Nothing’s Changed. Two very different poems, written by :: English Literature
Scavengers and Nothings Changed. cardinal genuinely disparate poems, written by both very distinguishable poets, both of whom put out with regards to their own cultures, backgrounds and places of originSCAVENGERS and NOTHINGS CHANGEDScavengers and Nothings Changed. Two very different poems, written bytwo very different poets, both of whom write with regards to their owncultures, backgrounds and places of origin all of which are verydifferent. What could these two poems have in common. Ostensibly,postal code. Scavengers is simply about the social furcate surrounded by theupper and working classes, whilst Nothings Changed tells of a small human races anger at being discriminated because of his colour. But latereven the most shallow disection it is easy to see the connectionbetween these two poems. Nothings Changeds angry young man isobviously a victim of other heaps racial prejudice, but the two binmen of Scavengers are also victims of prejudice, looked down upon bythe tic ker and upper classes because of their job, their financialsituation, their parents.Theres your first shared theme. therefore you got the second hypocrisy.The hypocrisy theme runs strong in both poems. In Nothings Changedits that this poem takes place after a law had been passed againstracial discrimination. Laws change. Attitudes dont. There may not bea sign on the door denying the young boy entry, for it is an impromptulaw that he is rebelling against. He is rebelling against theattitudes of the people inside the resturant. With Scavengers it isthe entire Ameri batch vision that is called into question and shown up tobe what it is a lie. The American Dream is that anyone, no matter theclass, creed or connections, can do anything, be anything. A personborn into poverty and raised on the streets can rise to be president.All it takes is hard work, and you can be whoever you extremity to be.Which is, of course, a lie. The current president of the United Statesis a straight C stude nt. In this country, he might have scraped intoSixth Form by the skin of his teeth. He might have got to be a great powerdesk jockey for a paper merchant. But in the US, hes the son of aformer president, argo hes president. Of course, blood has nothingto do with it *please read with dripping sarcasm in psyche*. The poem isquite clear in its message The American Dream Is a Lie GreatHemocracy? Great Hipocrisy.Theres another thing that connects the two poems. Its the idea thatmany people in these unfortunate positions often hinder any sort of
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