Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Barangay Information System Essay
Signifi tin cance of the Study-This study was make to observe out that the use of abode breeding body exit diminish the time for the transaction of encoding. Also in using this musical arrangement it can recognize the person involve in this study. To the Barangay It will help for them to change magnitude the time for the transaction of encoding. The system will be the census alike(p) having a system of the barangay for all of its constituents and new spate who will delay in the place. The system will be effective in maintaining, intrusive and storing of records of all resident in the barangay.To the Residence For they will be accommodated good for they will have an identification that can be used to recover their accounts if at that place are some changes to be done in their part. It will also be easy for them in requesting some discipline and work because the barangay had already have it. This will also assure the residents that their information is justly secure d and maintain through the manipulation of the proposed system.To the Secretary of the Barangay It will help to elevate the record and monitor the information of the residence.ForeignFor further understanding of the study, the police detectives made use of different reading materials related to the information system. These materials such as books, magazines, newspapers, thesis and other web articles are essential in broadening the knowledge of the researchers. These will also guide the researchers to achieve their target objective lensives by getting ideas on other related studies and make improvements as possible. consort to Jennifer Rowley (2005), information system are a tool to support information management.Information systems are increasingly being used in organizations with the object of providing competitive advantage. The information systems used by organizations can be sort into different types such as transaction processing system, executive information syste m, expert systems and office information systems. Information Technology has heralded the coming of the information society.The University of Minnesota Research and Training Center has released its annual residential Information Systems Project report. The report provides tell-by-state statistics with long-term trends on residential services, settings, populations and expenditures for people with developmental disabilities in state, nonstate, and Medicaid-funded residential programs. Characteristics of residents, movement and staffing patterns in large state residential facilities are included.The report uses 2012 data to examine trends in residential supports for people with developmental disabilities. The report found that the majority of people with IDD that do not live with a family member live in a setting with three or fewer people with IDD, with more than three-fourths sharing a home with six of fewer people. The report notes that there are significant differences in th e data between states for many result areas, including setting size, waiting lists, and average expenditures for HCBS. OBrien, (2011) defines information system as the organized combination of people, hardware,software, communication networks and data reextractions, that control, transform and disseminateinformation in an organization.In partial fulfilment for the requirements in Software Project presented to the faculty of IT partEbora, Vanessa Grace I.Casas, Lori Anne S.Rapisora, Sheryl L.Tambongco, StevenCHAPTER 1The Problem and Its BackgroundIntroduction cathode-ray oscilloscope of the StudyThe study was conducted at Barangay Katipunan-Bayani which has a approximate popul.ation of 8,000 residents. The barangay is located at Rodriguez Ave. Tanay, Rizal.Vicinity map of Barangay Katipunan-BayaniTheoretical FrameworkConceptual Framework literary argument of the ProblemThis discuss about the problems of existing system that will be resolve by the researcher through computerized Res idence Information Sysytem1. Open- source data2. Back-up shop incase of loss3. Time consuming of file application form4. Sharing of documents5. File storageObjectivesGeneralThe researcher aims to develop a system that will help the client to undertake the load of the barangay staffs in saving the residents files.Specific1. shake a security system to secured all the important records of the residents.2. Have a back-up storage file in case of corrupting data.3. Have a network-based for easy transferring of file needed.4. Have a data base for data storage.Scope and LimitationThe system is designed to have a security for the records to be secured that only the authorize person can only handle the system. It can be salvage on a folder for file back-up. It has data base for storage of saved data. It can print documents such as Barangay Clearance, Indigency etc.The system cannot produce hard copy of total records of barangay constituents. it did not contain residence number.
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