Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Descartes and Hume’s Infinity Essay Example for Free
Descartes and Hume’s Infinity Essay The word infinity refers to several concepts but all pertains to something that is without bound or endless. Most of the time, it is used in the field of mathematics but the concept is also used in several other fields including philosophy. This paper will try to study Rene Descartes and David Humes concepts and views of infinity as well as the problems regarding their concepts.            For Rene Descartes, the word infinity is attributed and is referred to a perfect being, to God. On the other hand, although most of his infinity raises most paradoxes that are really challenging for his empiricism, David Hume asserts that we cannot comprehend infinity. According to Descartes, infinity is the same as God or that God is the same as infinity. He also proves the existence of God by using the concept of infinity as an illustration. Descartes also said that he is able to see infinity because he is able to think and imagine a large object and as well as a larger object but not the largest object. Descartes stated the existence of god is proven by the use of infinity because according to him, if you have the idea of infinity and yet cannot witnessed it proves the existence of God. This is because our so called finite self will not be able to generate the idea of something like infinity and therefore the idea must then came from a somewhere or someone of infinite being, from God. The ability of God is also proven by infinity because according to Descartes, the continuity of thing should be conserved and therefore needs the continuous power that is supporting it. On the other hand, according to David Hume, because it is by faith that we know that God exist and so we will know his nature in the heaven. If there is a God with infinite attributes, then he is therefore infinitely incomprehensible without proportion to us human beings. Therefore Hume objects the concept of infinity because we cannot experience infinity; therefore we have no adequate idea of what infinity really is. Because of his belief and thinking, he even proposes to replace the notion of endless or unbounded, infinity, by a time and space theory. That every idea that we have is copied from a similar impression is the fundamental of Hume’s arguments. So according to Hume, our idea of God together with his attributes such as his infinite intelligence, good being and all his infinite abilities and characteristics are just products of our own mind, increasing that idea without limit those qualities. Therefore our notion and knowledge of god is not brought by any revelations or something that god put on us but rather by of us taking our normal attributes and increasing these attributes to infinity.            The major problem regarding the theory and idea of Hume is that it contradicts some principles in geometry such as the Pythagorean theorem. David Hume’s theory includes the denial of the thesis that extension infinitely divisible. Still, how Hume critiques the idea of infinity is said to be a product of Enlightenment theory of Knowledge. Also the theories of Hume disprove the existence of God in which case most people will definitely disagree and critique and would say inverse that we does not create God but rather God created us. In this case it is certain that many people will be against Hume’s principles and ideology.            The problem with Descartes ideas is that he needs the existence of a perfect being in order to be able to have a clear idea of what is infinity. Also the argument of Descartes is a circular argument because he proves the existence of God using the idea of infinity and at the same time his idea of infinity relies on the knowledge of God. The clarity of his ideas is relied on God and God on his ideas. Since Descartes infinity theory relies on the concept of having an infinite and perfect being in our mind, there surely be misconceptions and understanding on the concept since our mind is able to entertain several things that may include fiction or something that is untrue. Greek gods, goddesses as well as super heroes are some of the examples that we entertain in our minds that are far and/or not part of the real world. Also since different person have different views and as well knowledge and understanding, there could be as many interpretations of the word infinity as there are people. And how about those that did not believe in the existence of God? Does that mean that they are not capable of understanding what infinity is? Definitely not and therefore Descartes’ concept of infinity applies to limited people only. The main similarity and difference between Rene Descartes ideas of infinity to that of Hume is that both of them uses the concept of God making their argument. They both use the concept and knowledge of a so-called infinite being in their arguments. Also they are in different and in conflict because Descartes proves the existence of God by using the concept of infinity and Hume do the opposite, disproving the existence of God as disproving the concept of infinity. In Descartes statement, infinity exist although we cannot see it. The mere fact that the idea of infinity is in our minds prove that there really is an infinite being, a God that created all things and that sustains it by his infinite attributes. On the other hand, Hume believes that we cannot comprehend and understand infinity and it therefore there exist no such thing. It can be said that both Descartes and Hume have an idea of what infinity is. Their difference is the idea whether infinity is achievable or not. For Descartes, infinity or God exist although we cannot see it or even imagine it; that basically is infinity. On the other hand, Hume disapprove the concept of infinity saying that since we cannot see or visualize infinity, infinity does not exist and should be replaced by something that exist, something real like time and space. Although the two ideas are conflicting in can be said that they are truly believable and without further and close study of the matter, we may really be misguided. Still, whether we believe Descartes or Hume depends on us, no one will force us to believe someone. What is important is that we really have the basis of our beliefs. Reference Brown, R. G. (2007). God, Dog and Spark. Retrieved December 04, 2007 from   Holding, J. P. (No Date). Humaen Understanding. Retrieved December 04, 2007 from Leahy, J. P. (2000). Infinity and Eternity of the Universe. Retrieved December 04, 2007 from
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The Rabies Virus and Treatment Essay -- Biology Medical Biomedical
Rabies Virus and Treatment Rabies is a virus that is characterized under the family name Rhabdoviridae and genus name Lyssavirus which travels to either the brain or the spinal cord, where it attacks a victim's nervous system until death occurs as discovered by Pasteur. It is rabies unique bullet-shaped body and tubular extensions, along with its specialized proteins that contribute to its deadliness. Aside from one case of rabies that occurred in 2004 in Wisconsin, rabies has proven fatal; there is no real treatment besides prevention. Vaccinations and precaution serve to be most effective pre-exposure, while post-exposure treatment can be a combination of respiratory and cardiac support, and intensive care. As part of the Rhabdovirus, Rabies is similar to 75 other viruses, but only closely related to 5, which are believed to have originated in Africa. Each year, around 7,000 cases of rabies are recorded according to an article for parents on Kids health website, but because of vaccinations, only one or two die. All, including Rabies virus, have a bullet shaped body accompanied by â€Å"bizarre elongated filaments V or Y shaped†(Kaplan, et al. 2). Once the rabid viruses infect the blood stream, they begin their migration to the brain where the virus begins to multiply effectively and abundantly in cerebral matter, producing defective interfering particles, as described in the book Rabies by Kaplan, Turner, and Warrell. Like many other viruses, rabies has an excellent way of transmitting itself, allowing it to be efficient-saliva. While it is true that simple UV rays found in the sun can kill the virus in a dead body laying around, as well as acidity and soaps, because organic matter like soaps are able to dissolve the virus’ out... ...y day, doctors look for new and more effective methods of treatment, looking for solutions in vaccinations and in the infamous G protein, but again, prevention is key. Works Cited Center for Disease Control. (2003). Rabies: The Virus. Retrieved July 19, 2006, from Center for Disease Control. (2004). Rabies Prevention and Control: General Questions. Retrieved July18, 2006, from Faqs. (2005). Rabies. Retrieved July 19, 2006, from Kids Health. (1995-2006). Infection: Rabies. Retrieved July 24, 2006, from Kaplan, Colin, et al. Rabies. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986 Rabies. San Diego: Academic Press, 2002
Monday, January 13, 2020
Biological Perspective Essay
One client I worked with had very low levels of assertiveness and because of this was often treated very badly by friends, family and work colleagues. This led to her becoming really rather depressed, which meant that she tended to avoid interactions with other people whenever possible, lowering further still her confidence and her ability to deal with social situations. She was becoming increasingly withdrawn. Whilst the counselling helped her to understand how she was contributing towards her own distress by having so low an opinion of herself, the antidepressants helped her to feel well enough to start to re-engage with people and to put into practice some of the ideas and life skills she was learning in therapy. By the time the medication was slowly stopped after her depression had lifted, she had firmly established new patterns of behaviour and relationships. She was easily able to continue this new and more useful way of being, therefore removing the need for further medication . Back to Top The Disadvantages of Antidepressants Many people I know would say that when you are profoundly depressed, there are no disadvantages to taking something that makes you feel better. Certainly I know many clients whose lives have been transformed by taking the right antidepressant, prescribed by their doctor or psychiatrist. Having said that, no medication is without its problems. With antidepressants, the main problems are firstly, finding the right antidepressant and secondly, side-effects. Antidepressants seem to help about half of the people who take them and different antidepressants work better with some people than others. The process of matching the right medication to the person is far from a precise science and one psychiatrist I know will admit that it often comes down to luck and guesswork. Having said that, the choice of antidepressant is usually informed by the exact nature of the symptoms experienced.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Beatles Were The Influential Rock Band Group Formed
The Beatles were the most influential rock band group formed in the twentieth century in Liverpool, England, in 1960. There were four members in this group. John Lennon was born October 9, 1940 in Liverpool, England and he died on December 8, 1980 in New York. Richard Starkey was born on July 7, 1940 in Dingle, Liverpool. James McCartney was born on June 18, 1942 in Liverpool, England and George Harrison was born February 25, 1943 also in Liverpool, England and he died November 30, 2001, Los Angeles, USA. (Beatles Tributes Bands, 2007, para. 1). The Beatles did go through most the stages of group development. The beginning was the forming stage. John Lennon learned to play the banjo at an early age; he later learned the guitar and then started his own band called The Quarry Men which were student band that played around Liverpool. Soon, Paul McCartney sauntered up to John in between concerts. After hearing him play the guitar, John asked Paul to join his band. He told Paul that they will become the most popular group in the world. Paul was convinced and joined the group. A few months later, he suggested that they recruit new group members. A few weeks before his fifteenth birthday, George became the new member of the group. (Bardinelli, 2004, para. 2). John Lennon thought of the band s final name, The Beatles, a mix of beat with beetle. In their early performances, the group incorporated popular songs from their time period. They played rock-n-roll and RB-based popShow MoreRelatedThe Era Of Rock And Roll1533 Words  | 7 PagesThere are many genres and eras of music that helped shape music today. Rock and roll for example, is by far the most influential and diverse genre in the music business. The most significant era of rock and roll is The British Invasion including music by The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who and Fleetwood Mac. 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