Thursday, November 28, 2019
Family in the Elizabethan Era free essay sample
A summary of the article by Susan Dwyer Amussen The Family and the Household which describes family life during the Elizabethan era. The paper explains Dwyers comments that the modern audience of Shakespearean drama may not understand the true nature of the families they see depicted. Amussen corrects the fact that Shakespearean audiences might not understand the structures of family life in Elizabethan times, by providing a detailed analysis of the family, the place of women in the society of the time, the role of children, education, and sexuality. It shows how she addresses a variety of issues to show the nature of the family and the importance of family life in England during the period. The relationship between parents and children was simpler and more ordered. Children were to obey their parents, and parents would raise the children, introduce them to the world, and help them find a mate that would allow them to begin their own household and their own families. We will write a custom essay sample on Family in the Elizabethan Era or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Amussen discusses education at some length, for this was how the next generation was shaped and how the business world was entered and directed. Children would first enter the world of commerce between the ages of seven and fourteen, but how they did so depended on their family background, educational level, and knowledge of some business.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Types of Nouns - Parts of Speech for ESL
Types of Nouns - Parts of Speech for ESL One of the most important types of words in English are nouns. Nouns are a part of speech that indicate people, things, objects, concepts, etc. There are seven types of nouns in English. Abstract Nouns Abstract nouns are nouns that refer to concepts, ideas, and emotions, Abstract nouns are nouns that you cannot touch, are not made of materials, but play an important role in life. Here are some examples of common abstract nouns: successdepressionlovehateangerpowerimportancetolerance Tom has had a lot of success this past year.Many people prefer to let love inspire them rather than hate.Jack has little tolerance for people who waste his time.The desire for power has ruined many good people. Collective Nouns Collective nouns refer to groups of various types. Collective nouns are most commonly used with groups of animals. Collective nouns can be used in both the singular and plural form, although collective nouns tend to be used in the singular. Here are some common collective nouns referring to groups of animals: herdlitterpackswarmhive The herd of cattle moved to a new field to graze.Be careful! Theres a hive of bees someone near here. Collective nouns are also commonly used for names of institutions and groups within institutions such as academic, business, and governmental organizations. departmentfirmpartystaffteam Staff will meet at ten-thirty tomorrow morning.The sales department met its goals last quarter. Common Nouns Common nouns refer to categories of things in general, never to specific examples. In other words, when speaking about education in general someone might refer to university in a general sense. I think Tom should go to university to study science. In this case, university is a common noun. On the other hand, when university is used as part of a name it becomes part of a proper noun (see below). Meredith decided to go to the University of Oregon. Note that common nouns that are used as the part of a name and become proper nouns are always capitalized. Here are some common nouns that are often used as common nouns and parts of names: universitycollegeschoolinstitutedepartmentstate There are a number of states which are in financial difficulty.I think you need to go to college. Concrete Nouns Concrete nouns refer to things that you can touch, taste, feel, and see. There are actual things that we interact with on a daily basis. Concrete nouns can be both countable and uncountable. Here are some typical concrete nouns: Countable Concrete Nouns orangedeskbookcarhouse Uncountable Concrete Nouns ricewaterpastawhiskey There are three oranges on the table.I need some water. Im thirsty!My friend has just bought a new car.Can we have rice for dinner? The opposite of concrete nouns are abstract nouns that do not refer to things we touch, but to things we think, ideas we have, and emotions we feel. Pronouns Pronouns refer to people or things. There are a number of pronoun forms depending on how the pronouns are used. Here are the subject pronouns: Iyouhesheitweyouthey He lives in New York.They like pizza. There are many different forms of pronouns including subject, object, possessive, and demonstrative pronouns. Proper Nouns Proper nouns are the names of people, things, institutions, and nations. Proper nouns are always capitalized. Here are some examples of common proper nouns: CanadaUniversity of CaliforniaTomAlice Tom lives in Kansas.Id love to visit Canada next year. Uncountable Nouns/Mass Nouns/Non-Count Nouns Uncountable nouns are also referred to as mass nouns or non-count nouns. Uncountable nouns can be both concrete and abstract nouns and are always used in the singular form because they cannot be counted. Here are some common uncountable nouns: ricelovetimeweatherfurniture Were having lovely weather this week.We need to get some new furniture for our home. Uncountable nouns can generally do not take a definite or indefinite article depending on usage. Noun Types Quiz Decide whether the following nouns in italics are abstract, collective, proper, common, or concrete nouns. There are two books on that table. That pack of students are on their way to classes.I grew up in Canada. She went to university in Alabama. Youll find that success can lead to pain as well as pleasure.The team chose Barney as their leader. Have you ever tried straight whiskey?I dont think hes in politics for power.Lets make some pasta for dinner. Be careful! There is a swarm of bees over there. Answers books - concrete noun pack - collective nounCanada - proper noununiversity - common nounsuccess - abstract nounteam - collective nounwhiskey - concrete noun (uncountable)power - abstract nounpasta - concrete noun (uncountable)swarm - collective noun
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Confession of faith Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Confession of faith - Essay Example He wanted to leave his estate behind so to be used to build a â€Å"secret society†. He wanted the best for his race, the Anglo-Saxon race. He wanted them to spread and multiply in other countries. He wished for the British to conquer the world so that the Anglo-Saxon race could occupy that space. He also wanted his estates used to educate the future leaders of the Great Britain. During this period, the British Empire had just lost America. America was no longer under the British rule. Moreover, the Russian-Turkish war had just ended. Africa had not come under colonization. According to Rhodes, Africa was lying there just waiting for the British to colonize them. This source connects me to the time the British Empire lost America. I already knew about the British colonizing other countries. According to Rhodes, the British could have been able to stop the Russian-Turkish war if only America was still under their rule. To make sense of this information, I would need to know why Rhodes was obsessed with expanding the Anglo-Saxon race and why he sounded so bitter with so many regrets to an extend of leaving his estates for the establishment of a â€Å"secret society†. The source states that he wanted to make his country better, but still, this does not make sense. Communication: How does this source make its argument? (Give an example, perform a close reading) Point of view: What does this source say when ‘reading between the lines’? In what ways is the source reliable? Where is there room for doubt or speculation? This source makes its argument by blaming something or someone for everything that Britain was not able to achieve. For example, the source says that the reason why the British were unable to stop the Russian-Turkish war was that they had lost America. The source shows the desire for Britain to become the super power at that time and to conquer and rule all nations. The source is credible since Cecil Rhodes is a man known
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Is prehospital paramedic pain assessment effective Essay
Is prehospital paramedic pain assessment effective - Essay Example This paper was able to establish that pain assessment is favoured by some practitioners because it can reduce the patient’s trauma and anxiety, making him more relaxed and easier to assess for other symptoms. Pain assessment is not favoured by some practitioners because it is often inaccurate. It is also subjective, depending on the paramedic’s assessment of the patient. Some patients may not verbalize their pain, and others may exaggerate their pain experience. Nevertheless, pain assessment in the prehospital setting can be made on a case- to-case basis, depending on the physical environment, on the condition of the patient, and on the other symptoms being manifested by the patient. The paramedic responding to an emergency may find the patient in varying states of pain, consciousness, and anxiety. The paramedic is obligated to render emergency care to such patient; such care primarily includes interventions to assess and ease the airway, breathing, and circulation of the patient. Pain assessment during this time is still a controversial matter. While some practitioners believe that pain assessment during the prehospital setting is appropriate and ultimately beneficial to the patient, others do not agree. Opponents to pain assessment in the prehospital setting believe that such assessment will only cause delay in the care of the patient, and the process will ultimately yield inaccurate results. This paper shall address and review this controversy by assessing studies and reports written on the subject matter. Such studies shall be searched through index searches in library materials (books, magazines, and journals). Key words such as paramedic, pain assessment, and prehospital shall be used in the index search. The same key words shall also be entered through internet browsing using the Google search engine. The NCBI, Medscape, BMJ, NHS, DOH, NICE, and such other relevant databases shall also be searched in the hope of uncovering relevant
Sunday, November 17, 2019
NBC Internet TV Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
NBC Internet TV - Assignment Example The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has blocked active online streaming sites with temporary restraining orders, saying permission is not granted to broadcast without paying copyright fees. Some companies agree that the FCC needs to â€Å"clearly define what an online video distributor is†and post clear and concise rules that consider all stakeholders for this new type of broadcasting across the Internet (Kang, 2010). In order for NBC to be a competitive force in the Internet TV arena, they must offer connection to all forms of Internet technology that is being used regularly. NBC is interested in continuing to broadcast news, shows, and other programs on the Internet TV, claiming the ability to reach a much larger audience than regular TV. Opposition to NBC’s close-circuit broadcasts believe that anyone who owns a television capable of connecting to the Internet should have access to everything the Web has to offer (Kang, 2010). Reports that detail the network s that currently block viewing privileges of web-based programs to some Internet TV subscribers has some interested parties upset. The idea that big conglomerates can oust smaller organizations before they even have a chance to be successful is unfair monopolization of the industry, according to business attorneys for the opposition (Kang, 2010). The ability to reach a larger audience by broadcasting across Internet TV allows NBC to increase revenue through increased ad sales and other vendor payments that would otherwise be invalid, were it not for global inclusion. The threat of having to share content provided by NBC to other Internet TV users could hamper the revenue collected by NBC. Companies and trade firms involved in Internet TV would like to see FCC rules and regulation maintain â€Å"the integrity of the pay stream†that has been established (Kang, 2010). The Nielson ratings and demographic coverage supply the data used by television stations to sell future adverti sements. Tapping into the Internet TV market allows data statistics to increase, thus revenue to potentially increase for NBC (Robertson, 2012). The success or failure of putting NBC on Internet TV may very likely be attributed to the conditions the FCC puts on this and other television stations wanting to broadcast across the globe. The ability for NBC to compete in the Internet TV arena will include their willingness to do what it takes to maintain the seamless Internet connectivity desired by those loyal customers who will continue to support NBC. Rogers Internet TV Rogers On Demand Online, one of the three largest broadcasting networks in Canada, changed their name to Rogers Anyplace TV (RogersKaili, 2012) to incorporate the idea that viewing of programming can happen anywhere or anytime. Rogers has opened the access of Internet TV in Canada to personal computers, smartphones, tablets, and the Xbox360 (Suppa, 2010) giving viewers more options of scheduling and availability of pr ograms. The Internet TV options in Canada are expanding due to Rogers efforts to open up alternative ways for customers to continuously stream programs into busy schedules. The offering of â€Å"play-shifting, time-shifting, micro-transactional, and high definition content delivery†(Suppa, 2010) have made Rogers the first company to expand this extensively into Internet TV. The idea behind the name is that the more options a customer has to
Friday, November 15, 2019
Causes of CO2 Emissions
Causes of CO2 Emissions Introduction: Since the beginning of human civilization in the Early Stone Age or Paleolithic Era, humans started transforming inputs collected from the nature into economic outputs, i.e. goods and services using their primitive technology. Once economic outputs being realized the important thing to satisfy human needs, they emphasized the transformation process, and later accelerated it adopting modern technology. The continuous effort towards achieving enormous volume of economic outputs resulted in Industrial Revolution in 1760. The Revolution started not only a new era of rapid economic growth but also attenuated the environmental quality, and more importantly it started transforming the global economy from organic economy based on labor power to inorganic economy based on fossil fuels (Kasman Duman, 2015; Ahmed, et al, 2016 a). Burning fossil fuels release greenhouse gases (GHG) which scientific community undisputedly declared as the major cause of the global warming (Ahmed, et al, 2016 a). A recent study by NASA reveals that atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2)- the major GHG has significantly increased since the Industrial Revolution (NASA, 2017). Enhancing economic growth was the main purpose of all previous innovations regardless of their nature such as sophisticated machineries, new economic policies or financial development. Consequently, the global community has seen a substantial growth in its economic development over the last few decades (Al-Mulali, et al, 2015). Excessive economic growth requires transforming an enormous volume of raw materials and increases the use of energy generated mostly from fossil fuels (Ahmed, et al, 2016 a). Excessive use of both raw materials and energy causes environmental pollution on one hand and reduces natural resource base on other hand (idem). Subsequently, long term economic growth along with global warming and climate change becomes one of the major concerns that countries around the world are currently anticipating (Al-Mulali, et al, 2015; Ahmed, et al, 2016 a). The global concern over these issues has shifted the attention of researchers as well as policy makers from conventional economic development to sustainable development (Rehman, et al, 2012). Better understanding about economy and environment is one of the preconditions to achieving sustainable development. Therefore, studying the relationship between economic growth and environment quality has become the focus of researches both in economics and environmental science over the latest decade (Sharma, 2011). Many researches on the issue have been carried out and the resulting wide range of literature is now available (Al-Mulali, et al, 2015; Kasman Duman, 2015; Ahmed, et al, 2016 a). However, the findings are mostly inconclusive because of different indicators used for environmental quality, along with different econometric techniques and different control variables used in the studies (Rehman, et al, 2012; Ahmed, et al, 2016 a; Ahmed, et al, 2016 b). Most of the studies suffer from omitted variable bias, and being completed using information collected from either a single country or a small group of countries or a region (Halicioglu, 2009; Sharma, 2011; Farhani, et al, 20 13; Al-Mulali, et al, 2015; Farhani Ozturk, 2015). Consequently, it is difficult to generalize the results of a country or region for the rest of the world (Rehman, et al, 2012). An inclusive global based research on the relationship including important variables is necessary for two reasons; it would reduce omitted variable bias and its findings would be appropriate at global level. Any research of this kind will assist policy makers working at global (e.g. IPCC) and regional level (e.g. EU). In our study, we become passionate to estimate the dynamic causal model for identifying the factors causing CO2 emissions in the long-run. The paper is organized as follows: after a survey of existing literature, the research methods are introduced followed by data analysis and a discussion, and a conclusion.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Warning in The Beast in the Jungle :: Beast in the Jungle Essays
The Warning in The Beast in the Jungle "In the case of Henry James there should not be much dispute about the exactness and completeness of the representation; no man ever strove more studiously or on the whole more successfully to reproduce the shape and color and movement of his æsthetic experience." These are the remarks of Stuart P. Sherman from his article entitled "The Aesthetic Idealism of Henry James," from The Nation, p. 397, April 5, 1917. Now, some seventy-two years later critical readers are still coming to terms with James' aesthetic vision. As we have discussed in class, James aestheticizes everything. Sexual intercourse, carnal knowledge, painful self-discovery, human mortality, etc., are often figuratively and metaphorically veiled so as not to disturb or repulse the reader. Taking a closer look at this, one might say that James did this so that he himself would not be repulsed. Perhaps James wasn't thinking so much of the reader as he was thinking of himself. In "The Beast in the Jungle" James has aesthetically hidden the reality of Marcher's destiny by treating it as a symbolic crouching beast waiting to spring. The reader will ask why James has done this? Wouldn't it be more effective to speak plainly of Marcher's and Bartram's relationship? The author could tell us exactly why John Marcher does not marry May Bartram. The narrator tells us that Marcher's situation "was not a condition he could invite a woman to share" and "that a man of feeling didn't cause himself to be accompanied by a lady on a tiger hunt" (p. 417). This is nonsense. Marcher won't marry May because he doesn't want to inconvenience her with his condition or endanger her life on a tiger hunt? First of all, he inconveniences her right up to the day of her death with his condition, and as for the metaphorical tiger hunt, what exactly does that refer to? What is it here that James will not speak of in plain language? Simply what is the meaning of this; what is the author's intent? One might speculate that this story is somewhat autobiographical in that James himself never married and often carried on close personal relationships with a very select few. The various biographers of his life
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Outsiders Compare and Contrast
The Outsiders book and movie were completely different, but they still had some similarities. Like how they both talk about the lives of the characters, for example the movie doesn’t talk about Johnny’s abusive parents or any of the socs. In the book they talk about bobs and cheery valances life. There are a lot of appearance-related differences. For instance, Dally's supposed to have this lynx-like, almost elfin look with ungreased hair so blonde it's nearly white. Soda's hair is supposed to be dark gold.Pony's hair is supposed to be like Soda's hair but slightly redder. Steve's hair is supposed to be slicked back in very complicated black swirls. Two-Bit's supposed to be tall with rusty hair and exaggerated sideburns. The movie cut out all of the Sandy drama I thought the movie made Two-Bit more serious. He cracked some jokes, but the book made him out to be fiercely playful and whatnot, almost always being wise. The movie placed a bit of emphasis  not much, b ut still  on Dally's necklace, which was nonexistent in the book. In the movie, he wore a St.Christopher medallion. The movie made Soda seem considerably less happy than the book made him out to be  that is, the book made it clear he was naturally a happy person who got â€Å"drunk off life,†but in the movie, he was awfully happy a lot of the time so the audience didn't know this character trait. The movie skims over Pony's illness after the rumble, during which time Randy visits their home. The regular movie edition skips the entire first chapter pretty solidly, but the extended opening does tell you about the first chapter.The movie makes no mention of Soda's horse, Mickey Mouse. It also ignores Soda's past dabbling in rodeo bronco-riding. In the movie, the Socs are from the south side of town and the greasers are from the north. In the book, the Socs are from the west and the greasers from the east. In the movie, when Pony comes home from the lot at two in the morning, Darry shoves him hard and he falls. In the book Darry just slaps him across the face.The movie, understandably, drops some of the banter between Two-Bit and Marcia at the movies. As far as I remember the movie didn't include Dally messing around. Little scenes like Dally terrorizing those kids weren't in the book. The movie showed Dally alone at the store when he held it up, whereas the book didn't describe that. The movie showed Pony's dreams. The movie never mentions that girl who looks good in yellow, the one who called Pony a hood when he whipped out his blade during class to cut a worm.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Says Who Music Censorship in the New Millenium essays
Says Who Music Censorship in the New Millenium essays Citizenship in America holds many rights. Among these rights are the right to vote, the right to bear arms, and the most widely treasured but largely manipulated, right to free speech. As a citizen of America the right to free speech comes along with many responsibilities, but for the small percentage that exercise their right of free speech to a large public forum, it comes with many stipulations. The more prominent figures under a barrage of criticism are those involved in the arts. In our history classic books have been burned, news stories have been edited, and music has been turned off. Whats interesting about this group is that the latter is not covered by the first amendment. In this essay I will be exploring the accusations made based on the influence of music, the backlash of the artists, and hypothesize how the scapegoat accusations and censorship of music will affect the twenty first century. First I would like to address the idea of music censorship. When the majority of the population thinks of music censorship the first amendment comes to mind. Americans are mislead in this assumption. The first amendment states, Congress shall make no law representing an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and petition the Government for a redress of grievances. From this one may assume that the censorship of music is prohibited based on the law of our constitution. However, when music is censored, our government does not do it, but instead by special interest groups. In the instances that court hearings are conducted to determine whether or not an artist or artists have the right to produce and mass market their work, the court hearings are rarely tried as a civil rights hearing. According to existing laws, art is constitutionally prote cted speech. But mu...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
3 Sentences with Flawed Parallel Construction
3 Sentences with Flawed Parallel Construction 3 Sentences with Flawed Parallel Construction 3 Sentences with Flawed Parallel Construction By Mark Nichol In each of the following sentences, an attempt to make a list within a sentence has gone awry. Discussion after each example explains the problem, and one or two revisions suggest solutions. 1. We have specific plans about what we are going to do, how and when. This sentence implies a list consisting of â€Å"what we are going to do, how we are going to do them, and when we are going to do them,†but it elides one word too many: â€Å"We have specific plans about what we are going to do, and how and when.†2. He holds various roles, from celebrated guest, martial arts envoy, unofficial chargà © d’affaires, and even close confidant. If what appears to be a list of associated nouns or noun phrases is preceded by from, it is not a list, but a range that includes one or more intermediate parameters, so from should be complemented by to, and the sentence must be further revised so that parameters are connected with conjunctions, thereby combining to be clearly associated with either to or from: â€Å"He holds various roles, from celebrated guest to martial arts envoy and unofficial chargà © d’affaires, and even close confidant. Alternatively, revise the sentence slightly to avoid the range construction altogether: â€Å"He holds various roles, including celebrated guest, martial arts envoy, unofficial chargà © d’affaires, and even close confidant.†3. The company has embarked on the initiative with the objectives of process improvement, increased automation, compliance with internal and public company requirements, and to support future growth. The grammatical structure of the final list item is inconsistent with those preceding it- it alone includes an infinitive phrase (â€Å"to support†)- so revise it to match the others by shifting support from a verb to a noun: â€Å"The company has embarked on the initiative with the objectives of process improvement, increased automation, compliance with internal and public company requirements, and support of future growth.†Alternatively, convert the third item to a final item by inserting a conjunction before it, then make what was the final item a distinct phrase by inserting an of before it to make it parallel with the list (which is preceded by of) and changing the form of the verb: â€Å"The company has embarked on the initiative with the objectives of process improvement, increased automation, and compliance with internal and public company requirements and of supporting future growth.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Incorrect Pronunciations That You Should AvoidHomonyms, Homophones, Homographs and HeteronymsPunctuation Is Powerful
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Critical issue in global health ( Mental Health in the People's Essay
Critical issue in global health ( Mental Health in the People's Republic of China ) - Essay Example Phillips noted the recent developments in mental health policy as a step in the right direction. Under pressure from the international community and a growing awareness of the benefits of healthy population, the government is reportedly investing heavily on public health measures such as in mental health. However, the speaker pointed out that there are still much to be done and improved on. There is the case of the vulnerabilities in the National Mental Health Law and the need for more experts and talents to fill the gap in the area of research and mental health treatment. According to Phillips, it is important for the world to be aware of the state of mental health in China because there are several critical differences. He cited the case of suicide as an example. He found that in China, suicide is impulsive rather than premeditated and this is the reason why many suicide cases were diagnosed to be free of mental illness. This along with several other issues, concluded, Phillips is the reason why high-income countries could also learn something from China. Phillips, M. (22 October 2013). Mental Health in the China People’s Republic of China: An Epidemiological Journey. [Video file]. Retrieved from
Friday, November 1, 2019
Same Sex Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Same Sex Marriage - Essay Example I believe that promoting the rights of homosexuals and legalizing marriage for them is an insult for the sacred and traditional institution that marriage is. Our society gives us no right to play with the traditional values that has been set by our ancestors. Homosexual marriages will give more rise to non-serious marriages. As mentioned by Andrew Sullivan, gay men enjoy more sexual freedom and escape the strains of monogamy. Legalizing gay marriages would hence mean inculcating more promiscuousness and corruption into your own society. Gay men are more likely to have many partners than straight men and they are less likely to be loyal to only one partner for a long time. Hence, the traditional family ties would be further weakened which would in turn have a detrimental impact on the future generations. Many people also believe that by legalizing homosexual marriage, the concept of marriage would gradually crumble down. Over the years, people would start marrying their pets or would develop a love for animals and would then press the authorities to legalize that, thereby derogating the entire system that our forefathers have followed. People might also want to marry stuff toys, their mothers or brothers or sisters, so how would they be stopped from claiming their rights? To be frank, Homosexuality is still considered an abnormality or a psychological disorder amongst many conservative societies and they would be completely unacceptable towards the stance of legalizing same sex marriage. Also, it has been shown by numerous studies that gays are more likely to have a shorter life expectancy. Promiscuousness, drinking, smoking and unhealthy lifestyles should be avoided. I disagree with Andrew Sullivan’s claim that same-sex marriage would strengthen the culture of marriage. Heterosexual marriages are considered sacred because they are the reason behind the continuation of generations of a particular race. Promoting same sex marriages would mean promoting a
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