Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Legislative Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Legislative Analysis - Essay Example 2454, The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, which establishes a federal cap-and-trade program to reduce GHG emissions (Key Provisions for Climate Legislation). GHG Emission the United States of America produces and emits a significant portion of GHG and helps developing Global warming throughout the world. It is estimated that of the total energy use Homes account for about 35% of the potential efficiency gains while the industrial sector accounts for 40% and the commercial sector 25%. Of the total emission of GHG in USA, California emits a robust figure of GHG. California produces roughly 1.4 percent of the world's and 6.2 percent of the total U.S., greenhouse gases (California Climate Change Portal). The state has been working on and finding solutions of impacts towards people due to climate since 1988. The executive order of 2005 issued by Arnold Schwarzenegger on climate change kicked into high gear to further advance clean renewable energy and other solutions to lower our state's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Again, most importantly, the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 established the first-in-the-world comprehensive program of regulatory and market mechanisms to achieve real, quantifiable, cost-effective reductions of GHG. Provision has also been framed to prevent the unscrupulous trend of the polluters. To this end, the Act reveals that Polluters would balance out some of their emissions by purchasing carbon "offsets," which are official certificates that greenhouse gas emissions have been avoided or taken out of the air The provision of setting up a New Clean Energy Deployment Administration is certainly a wise decision to monitor and improve the overall situation. Recommendations and Concluding Remarks The biggest opportunity to improve US energy situation is a major investment program to make homes and businesses more efficient. An investment of $520 billion in improvements like sealing products and replacing inefficient appliances could produce $1.2 trillion in savings on energy bills by 2020(Galbraith, 2009). If such a program can be carried out over the next decade, the country could save around 23 % of total energy use. However, to improve the existing situation further notice on the Act and undertaking following actions are necessary. The Senator/ Government should rightly consider about the Act so that U.S. climate policy become successful in both reducing GHG emissions and addressing the cost concerns of consumers. Efforts should also be made so that framing necessary legislation is possible that reduces GHG emissions 80 percent below current emissions levels by 2050, while providing strong, effective consumer-protection measures to help reduce electricity price increases as we transition to a low-carbon future. Provisions should be made to allocate emissions allowancesto the electric power sector that will help toreduce price increases to all electricity customers-large and small, rural, urban, and suburban-without compromising environmental gains. Again, necessary steps should be undertaken to provide some allowances to that Merchant coal generators to help mitigate price increases in wholesale electricity markets. There is nothing denying that setting reasonable and
Monday, October 28, 2019
Opinion Essay on Inventions Essay Example for Free
Opinion Essay on Inventions Essay In my opinion, the most important invention of all time in the history of human civilization and enterprise is the internet. Why the internet? Simply because I believe this invention has made the world a better place. In almost everything we do, we need the Internet. Whether it is to look for a job, research for a project or even find love. The Internet is a dominant factor that plays an important role in our lives. We just simply cannot escape the influence that the Internet has on us. Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft enterprises, once said â€Å"The internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow†. This quote may seem short, but to me, it significantly holds a deeper meaning that defines the power and potential of the Internet. The interesting part was that this famous entrepreneur had said this quote in 2003 which by then the internet was not a worldwide phenomenon like it is today. It is undeniable that this invention has done many wonders to our lives. The Internet has defined and simplified all means of communication, research and entertainment in our lives in this technological era. Internet was invented in the beginning of the 19th century but deigned and published in the year 1973-1974 to suit consumer needs and wants. This invention was solely meant for military purposes, to be used as a communication network for US militants. However, this invention failed to convince the military and was modified and published for the use of the public. This invention may not have proved its original purpose but it has indeed benefit society through its many functions and benefits. From the looks of what internet has done for us, it is evident that Internet has changed and improved life as it is. Basically our daily communication has changed for the better. It has made the world a smaller place to live in. Communication such as social websites or programs has brought great convenience as people globally can communicate and interact with one another with just a click of a button. It creates a cyber-world that promotes interaction in the midst of society, breaking the barrier s in telecommunications. Read more: The World is a Smaller Place these Days Essay Examples of social websites or programs are Skype, Facebook, Twitter and MSN. Friends and family can always keep and touch. Websites like Facebook also enable people to know each other social activity without physical contact, this has definitely change people in this generation to know more people and have more friends. The best part of it all is that discrimination cannot be found in the Internet space as people cannot be seen physically. Businesses also rely on the Internet as a medium of promotion, marketing and advertising to gain publicity and fame to their companies. People can form partnerships or businesses without having the necessity of meeting each other face to face. Just like Bill Schrander once said, â€Å"Almost overnight, the Internets gone from a technical wonder to a business must.†I definitely agree with this statement as it is now apparent that physical distance becomes irrelevant with just with a click of a mouse button. Partners can hold conferences with the use of social programs that connects people worldwide. Advertising and marketing are also made easy through the use of the Internet, playing a big role in businesses today. This proves the immeasurable convenience the Internet has given us. Things that was impossible in the past, has been made possible with the invention of Internet. The improvement in the world’s communication is significant, contributing to the reason why it is the best invention in history. It has indeed made the world’s society hold a deeper connection between one other as cultures and lifestyles are being communicated vice versa creating a mutual understanding around the world. Internet has greatly played a role in the research department as the Internet is where countless of data and information is shared all over the world. A famous professor of mathematical literacy once said â€Å"The Internet is the world’s largest library. It’s just that a ll the books are on the floor.†This quote explains it clearly and precisely what the quote stated, the internet stores all the information. This information can easily be found in one floor. This quote is actually comparing the present to the past, when everybody had to gain knowledge and obtain information by reading and gathering books from in the library. It is inconvenient and definitely not like the internet, where any information can be found easily. The Internet has truly changed our world making it more convenient in general, unlike the past. We do not need to waste time searching for countless of books just to obtain information needed. In addition, the Internet brings the world one step ahead in education as students can attain knowledge with the click of a button. Internet has also become a universal storage system, because a human mind cannot withstand the information of the world throughout time. With this, information can be stored and shared to everybody in the world. The improvement of research is important because as time passes, humans will always strive to gain a better understanding of the universe and review all the past data which is stored in the Internet. When more knowledge is gained, we can apply, create and innovate the world to become a better place to live in. This is why the internet is of great importance, as the accumulated information will prove helpful for generations to come. The final reason why Internet is the best invention of all history is that internet does not only improve the world necessities in the means of convenience, communication and research. Internet also satisfies human pleasure. With the many programs, websites and applications, the Internet contributes to the expansion of entertainment. The definition of entertainment is an activity designed to give pleasure and relaxation to an audience. This is what internet is providing to us. Entertainment is a form of pleasure but is also important for human because they cannot handle continuous labor whether mentally or physically. With the invention of Internet, human pleasure is met. The Internet has a connection with the world and this is where people share their music and talents through the internet. Websites such as YouTube is a great example. Internet also allows free access to music, video and books. So the society does not need to be entertained by going out and using money. Instead, people can just go on the computer and get entertained through many websites. Entertainment as a whole help reliefs the stress and worries of many people. This is why I believe internet is the best invention in all history of human civilization and enterprise. In Conclusion, Internet is every combination of any other invention like phone or television. With internet, almost everything can be done through the power of the world wide connection. This shows how significant of value this invention is as it simplified all our means in communication, research and entertainment in our lives. The different programs have advance and improve our communication. The Internet’s ability to store unlimited information have brought the world one step ahead for convenient research and education. This is why I strongly believe Internet is the most important invention of all time in the history of human civilization and enterprise. Works Cited 5, December. History of the Internet. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 02 May 2011. Internet History Invention of the Internet. The Great Idea Finder Celebrating the Spirit of Innovation. Web. 02 May 2011. Internet Is The Greatest Invention In The World Till Now! Voice Of Dingchao. Web. 02 May 2011. Internet Quotes. Find the Famous Quotes You Need, Quotations. Web. 02 May 2011. Internet Quotes, Sayings about the World Wide Web. The Quote Garden Quotes, Sayings, Quotations, Verses. Web. 02 May 2011. John Allen Paulos. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 02 May 2011. Life of Marsa. Web. 02 May 2011.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Live Today…Strive for Tomorrow Essay -- Essays Papers
Live Today†¦Strive for Tomorrow My senior year is here, and passing quite quickly. Each day â€Å"I walk with a purpose, but no destination†(Ehrlich 232). I’ve had this same purpose etched in my mind since I can remember, it occasionally changes, ever so slightly, but remains consistentâ€â€to surpass people’s expectations and achieve something out of the norm. College is around the corner, but where will that be, what will it be? Close to home? A Thousand miles away? Why am I so concerned with this aspect of lifeâ€â€is it because that’s what everyone else seems consumed with? Everyone is pushing me for tomorrow, but what happened to today? I’m losing sight of what is so close. I’ve forgotten about treasuring the moment, absorbing the experiences right here in front of me. We all want to grow up, move on, and encounter something better, but â€Å"when [we] run so fast to get somewhere, [we] miss half the fun of getting there. When [we] worry and hurry through [our] day, it’s like an unopened gift, thrown away†(unknown). I think it’s time to take a step back and look at all today has to offer, see the people around who love me, relish every moment with friends who won’t be here next year, and take a good look at myself. Why I am the way I am and am I headed in the right direction? Joan Didion said that we are what we learned as children (161). I am fortunate enough to have grown up in a nurturing home with two stable parents. That has been the single most important influence on who I am today. The encouragement to do well and accomplish something in everything I do has been a constant force in my development. Winning People often get caught up and forget that the reason they’re playing a game is to enjoy the experience.... ... life that happened in the past are the forevers because they live on in one’s memory. Those memories are so powerfulâ€â€that’s what makes me want to make today worth something instead of always simply looking ahead. â€Å"Life is about the journey, not the destination†. My senior year of high school†¦I want to enjoy people’s company, appreciate my family’s presence, and keep a permanent Polaroid of my â€Å"home town†etched in my memory. I have a purpose for the year, I know what I want to accomplish for the future, but I have to remember to make the most out of today because there may not always be a tomorrow. Works Cited Didion, Joan. â€Å"On Morality.†Slouching Towards Bethlehem. New York; Noonday, 1995 (1961). Ehrlich, Gretel. â€Å"Looking for a Lost Dog.†Encounters: Reading and the World. 229-233. Stockton, Jessica. â€Å"Eternity’s Corner.†Mercer Street. 52-54.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Is Poetry Dead Essay
Yes, poetry is dead to some extent. Poetry in the classical sense is dead anyway, but there is still poetry in today’s society. We may not look at it in the same way we did years ago because it has changed. We as a society do not take the time to read as we once did, to understand and enjoy literary text. I agree with Wexler’s statements â€Å"we have become lazy and lack the knowledge, commitment, and patience to understand and enjoy poetry. †I myself do not understand poetry and do not want to take the time to read enough of it to understand it. According to Wexler â€Å"It is difficult to imagine a world without movies, plays, novels and music, but a world without poems doesn’t have to be imagined. †It is difficult to imagine such a thing but if we look closely we might find poetry in all of those places. Today’s society is a fast-paced one and the entertainers have adapted to this way of life. They make novels into short stories on film, leaving out critical parts in the novel, to appease our appetites for entertainment on a tight schedule. â€Å"My interest waned,†writes Wexler. â€Å"On the surface, I suppose it was because I had other interests that demanded my time and attention: I got married, had children, pursued my career, bought a house. With apologies to Frost, I began to find more relevance in articles about interest rates than essays on the sprung rhythm of Hopkins. †With the computer age comes less time to sit and read for pure entertainment. There are video games, internet and such that replace the enjoyment of a good book. People do not sit and discuss a good book as they once did; we discuss the latest movie or play instead, because we feel that these things take up less of our time than reading. I myself only read when I need to and even then I usually skim through to get the highlights. But as to the art of poetry being dead all together as Wexler’s states I disagree. We can find poetry everywhere if we look. Look at some of the modern music of today’s society it is there form of poetry. According to Kay Day, â€Å"I have a theory about that, one that rests on the fact that poetry has splintered into a number of different factions. There is poetry for the page, a type of poetry that appeals to those who enjoy scholarship and intellectual challenges. Then there’s slam poetry, popular among youth, that relies on thumping rhythm and aggressive rhyme. Formal poets espouse rhythm and meter based on traditional forms such as the sonnet. Personal poetry, also known as journal poetry, serves up stockroom emotions in a variety of forms, and this poetry usually reflects the writer’s emotional state in a familiar way. †I agree with this statement the world has changed and evolved to view poetry in many different lights. Some food for thought, in doing research I also found a couple of articles that I found interesting and another reason that poetry could not be dead. Victor Infante, â€Å"If Wexler had made one iota of effort, he’d have noticed a few things: like thousands upon thousands of people attending recent poetry festivals in locales as diverse as Orange County, California, and Austin, Texas†¦ Or the 10,000 people who attend the National Poetry Slam Finals annually†¦ Or the fact that poetry sales have been rising for years now, even through the bad economy. Poetry has actually transformed over the years, and it’s quite possible that Wexler has missed the boat. So, Bruce, here’s the crash course: Poetry is no longer insular  it’s a living, growing, vibrant art form. Poetry is no longer the province of the white middle class  it’s been embraced by youths and minorities. Poetry is not uncool  why else would teenage black kids in inner cities so proudly proclaim themselves poets? †Justin Barrett, â€Å"We have done away with the oral tradition and our culture morphed into a televised tradition. Poetry doesn’t work well in the televised world, and it all but disappeared. But, with the advent and spread of the internet, poetry is once again given the space to flourish. As of right this second, Googling the word â€Å"poetry†yields 19,700,000 separate hits. †Works Cited Day, Kay. â€Å"Why Poetry†First publication, â€Å"Uncommon Ground,†at Jacksonville. com, the Florida Times-Union Net site, July 15, 2003 http://kayday. com/why_poetry. htm Infante, Victor. â€Å"Once Again, Poetry Is Dead? It must be true, because Newsweek said it†2004-2005 Atlanticrock. com http://www. atlanticrock. com/OpenMic001. html Barrett, Justin. â€Å"Poetry Isn’t Cool†http://www. myfavoritebullet. com/ESSAY_barrett_POETRY_isnt_COOL. html.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Fast Food Facts Essay
Fast food is any food that is quick, convenient, and usually inexpensive. You can buy fast food just about anywhere that sells food and snacks. Vending machines and drive-thru restaurants are probably the most common places to find fast food. It’s so popular because for under $5.00 you can usually get a meal that’s satisfying. But fast food is inexpensive because it is usually made with cheaper ingredients such as high fat meat and foods that contain lots of unhealthy fats (saturated and trans fats) and cholesterol, instead of nutritious foods such as lean meats, fresh fruits, and vegetables. Is fast food bad? There is no such thing as a â€Å"bad†food. All foods can fit into a healthy meal plan! It’s true that fast food is usually high in fat, calories, cholesterol, and sodium, but eating fast food every once in a while is not going to cause you problems. If you eat too much fast food over a long period of time, though, it can lead to health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity. Is some fast food healthier than others? If you are having fast food more than once a week, try to make healthier choices. Here are some tips: †¢Choose foods that are broiled over fried such as a grilled chicken sandwich instead of fried chicken or chicken nuggets. †¢Choose soups that are not cream based. †¢Have low-fat salad dressings instead of the full-fat kind. †¢Have a salad or soup instead of fries. †¢Use mustard or ketchup instead of mayonnaise. †¢Order smaller entrà ©e portions in general. For example: instead of a large sub, try a small sub with a side salad or piece of fruit. †¢Order smalls instead of â€Å"super-sizing.†A large fry has 540 calories and 26 grams of fat, but a small fry has about 60% less fat and calories (210 calories and 10 grams of fat). †¢When ordering a sub or sandwich, select leaner meats like turkey or grilled chicken instead of fried items, like a burgers or steak and cheese sandwiches. †¢Choose water, low-fat milk, or diet sodas instead of regular sodas, fruit drinks, and milkshakes. †¢When ordering pizza, add veggies instead of meat. †¢If fruit and veggies are available, try to add them into your meal. For example, have lettuce and tomato on sandwiches or burgers. Where can I find nutrition facts about fast food? You can check out your favorite fast food place or restaurant on the internet. You can find the company web site by doing a google search. Once you have found the web site, look for the â€Å"nutrition section†. There is usually a link on the home page to the nutrition section where you will find nutrition facts, including fat, cholesterol, sodium, protein, calories, and more. Most companies have a web site which includes useful nutrition information. This will help you make good choices when eating out! Remember: There are many healthy food choices that are easily available, tasty, and don’t cost very much that can be eaten on the go. Try to balance fast food with other nutritious foods throughout the day and make healthier choices whenever possible. Many fast food restaurants have their nutrition information available on-site or on the internet; take a look at it to help you choose healthier options.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
German And Dutch Influence On American Housing Essays - Dormer
German And Dutch Influence On American Housing Essays - Dormer German And Dutch Influence On American Housing German settlers came to North America in the late 17th century, they settled mainly in Pennsylvania. Germans built large, lasting houses of wood and quarry stone. Dutch settlers came, more than a century earlier, to the New World. Their first settlements were in New Amsterdam, now known as New York City and the Hudson Valley to the north. Dutch immigrants used stone and brick to build their homes. Their homes were large according to colonial standards. Dutch homes were noted for their decorative brickwork. The Germans enticed by such good reports, more displaced Germans came, crowding the trails that led westward. The rolling hills and fertile soils of the River Valley in Pennsylvania reminded them of their homeland, so they settled by the thousands, and their descendants, misnamed the Pennsylvania Dutch remain there to this day. The Dutch landed and decided to call New Amsterdam their home. They learned to use the sea to their advantage and became fisherman, they supplied seafood to Europe and soon became one of the leading exporters. Germans used Gable roofs with hoods in building their dwellings. Germans used hoods, or abbreviated roofs, to protect the people walking, from rain, and helped with the removal of rain from the roof. Dutch settlers built their homes using intricate, stepped gables. Some of the main architectural features in German and Dutch influenced houses are dormer windows, stepped gables or hoods, metal gutters, small windows with sliding shutters, and the Dutch door. The Dutch door is a door that is divided in half horizontally, like the door outside of the pool for the concession stand. There are some distinctive features of the German and Dutch; Germans had fireplaces in the center of the first floor. The fireplace was the center of most activities. On the opposite side of the fireplace was a large family room for entertaining, they used the light and heat from the fireplaces to do many daily chores and used for the entertaining of the guests. A favorite feature of the Dutch was wide front porches on their homes. The Dutch also had dormer windows that are still widely used today. Dormer windows are windows that are projecting through a steeply sloping roof. While doing this report we found that not many houses can be influenced by only one group of people. Shingles from the English settlements and dormer windows from the Dutch can be used on the same house. Although many houses have different characteristics they still have a distinct style.
Monday, October 21, 2019
5 ways to help your teens career path
5 ways to help your teens career path These days, it’s more challenging than ever for teens to choose the right career path. On top of having a lack of real-world life experience and the self-awareness to help guide them towards making choices that are right for them, the world of work is changing so rapidly these days- the result of accelerating technological innovation, a fluctuating economy, and shifting staffing demands of companies across industries. What’s the end result? Many young adults who are struggling to find their purpose after high school. The challenges teens face when searching for their ideal careers starts in college, before they even enter the world of work. According to a recent Borderzine article, â€Å"About 80 percent of students in the United States end up changing their major at least once, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. On average, college students change their major at least three times over the course of their college career.†This general leve l of indecisiveness can have serious implications on young adults and their ability to make clear and rational life decisions, on top of adding stress and pressure to an already challenging time in life.If you’re a parent or guardian of a teen who’s trying to figure out what career path to pursue, consider taking advantage of the following 5 strategies for helping them out.1. Help them make choices based on who they are.This one’s important- although you may have big dreams and plans for your teen, your child is not merely an extension of you, and projecting your hopes and wishes for their future on them is not a guaranteed path to career fulfillment. If you want your teen to pursue a career path that has a good chance of making them happy, help them make choices based on who they are and what makes them a unique individual.2. Empower them to explore their strengths and passions.Choosing the right career doesn’t have to be a shot in the dark- in fact, it shouldn’t be! If your teen is having trouble making a decision, a great first step is to help them make a list of their strengths, interests, and passions. Once they have a list, it’s much easier to come up with a manageable set of possible career options that might be right for them.3. Help them find a suitable mentor.If your teen has an interest in a particular field, a great way to learn more- and discover if it truly is the right path for them- is to help them connect with a prospective mentor in the field who can help them learn the day-to-day realities of life on the job, as well as short-term and long-term career options and outlooks. Intern and volunteer opportunities are excellent ways to get valuable exposure and experience. Don’t forget, industry veterans- no matter how successful- were all once teens with little or no experience, and many will be more than happy to â€Å"pay it forward†and help the next generation of employees get their start .4. Support their choices.Sure, this seems obvious, but what happens if your teen chooses a career path that you don’t agree with? This happens all the time, and the parents who support and encourage their teens to follow their dreams- whether it’s a choice you wholeheartedly support or think is a bad idea- are much more likely to have teens who are happy and successful, no matter what path they decide to pursue. Be patient, be supportive, and be encouraging to your teen as they grapple with this tough life decision, and you’re much more likely to see a positive result.5. Set a good example.The truth is, parents who are happy and fulfilled with their professional choices in life and who stick to and display positive work habits and behaviors are much more likely to have children who make smart choices regarding their career paths- and they’re also much more likely to exhibit similar positive work habits, which will help them achieve success in their chose n fields.The truth is, teens who have a healthy and productive level of guidance and support from their parents or guardians have a much better chance at making better career choices than their go-it-alone counterparts. Use the strategies presented here to help your teen successfully navigate the career path maze.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Hire a Research Paper Writer
How to Hire a Research Paper Writer How to Hire a Research Paper Writer It may be something that you dread, but during the course of your education, you will be required to write research papers. This is a big part of much of the grade in certain majors, so if you want to get the best grades possible, you will need to turn in excellent research papers. However, this may be a challenge sometimes because of all the work you have to do, along with your busy life and schedule. There may be times when you are not able to get all of your work done by yourself. This is when you should hire a research paper writer to write your paper for you. However, you need to know exactly how to do this. Where to Find Research Paper Writers You may wonder how you can get help with your research paper, but all you need to do is look online. There are plenty of experienced, professional freelance research paper writers available on one of the many academic paper writing sites online. Just do a relevant search for keywords that pertain to what you want, such as ‘research paper writers’ or ‘online academic paper writers.’ Just be sure to ask questions before you use any service, so that you will have an idea of their process. Hiring a Research Paper Writer As stated above, the most important thing to remember when hiring a professional research paper writer online is choosing a writing site that will give you the best paper for your money. Check out the site’s FAQ and Policies sections. There you should find all of the relevant information that you need. Do not use a writing company online that does not let you know all of the information you need to know up front. Also, it is best to ask for a sample of work from the company, so that you can see the quality and style of the work produced. It is also a good idea to make sure they have a free revision policy, as well as a money-back guarantee, just in case you are dissatisfied with the paper you receive. If your research paper is lengthy, it is a good idea to have the writers do it in segments. This way you can pay as you go, until the paper is completely finished. If, during this time, you are dissatisfied with a segment, you can have another company do the remainder of the paper. After you have gathered information from the company and are satisfied with the answers to your questions and the sample you received, make your choice. Then, when you decide on a company, submit your order, and wait for delivery. It’s that simple.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Is CEO Compensation Justified by Performance Research Paper
Is CEO Compensation Justified by Performance - Research Paper Example Since they are getting a well paying compensation, they do not have any other businesses or money generating activities. Having other income generating activities will affect their concentration on the firm. This could ruin the firm’s performance as they are concentrating on other businesses. However, when all their attention is attracted to the firm that is offering perfect compensation, they are likely to reflect the best performance. In such a situation, the firm is likely to flourish in recording the best performance. CEOs that have a well paying compensation scheme depict the aspect of creativity and critical thinking. Creativity is vital in ensuring a firm is on the best track to give stunning performance. Creativity includes slotting better avenues of conducting businesses with clients and other businesses. In such a situation, the businesses are best prepared to record positive performance in the market. Similarly, creativity in a firm ensures all the activities are do ne at the right time and at the right place. For instance, creativity ensures the institution effects all the plans at the right time. This includes market inception plans for some products and services. Without such creativity, the firm is likely to record dwindling performance (Joshi, 2). ... However, lowly rated CEOs do not enhance the critical thinking aspect as they do not have the sole interest. Apparently, firms that remunerate their CEOs with high compensation are well prepared to tackle any setbacks in the market due to critical thinking aspect. The performance of a firm depends on employee and CEO morale. Employees and CEOs that have high morale are likely to record positive performance in the market. However, employees and CEOs that do not have morale in the business are likely to wilt the business. Apparently, CEOs that have a high compensation rate have morale to record better performance with each passing financial calendar. Since they have a better compensation, they have nothing to lose when the firm is on the verge of making an even better improvement. In many instances, the CEOs will be committed to making a better performance since they are given better compensation (Schwartz 1). In such instances, the CEOs will go to greater heights of ensuring the moral e of their employees is boosted. When the morale of workers is enhanced, it is almost certain that the firm will make an improvement with time. However, when the CEOs do not have the best preparation in enhancing their own morale, the workers’ morale will also be low. As such, they both will not have any commitment in making a better accrual in the firm. CEOs with high compensation rate have a future in the firm. The futuristic aspect is mostly enhanced by the better compensation in comparison to other CEOs. Such CEOs will be futuristic and will give all it takes to make an improvement in the firm. For instance, when the CEOs have better compensation, they are likely to make long term commitments to the firm. Given that they want to protect
Friday, October 18, 2019
An Analysis of US Commercial Banking Sector of USAs Banking Industry Essay
An Analysis of US Commercial Banking Sector of USAs Banking Industry - Essay Example It is evident from the study that strong rumour is haunting the global banking industry that another banking crisis may spearhead in the wake of recent crisis in EU, and that may impact US banking industry also. In response to the scenario in Europe, the financial markets in US are demonstrating mounting signs of risk aversion and volatility. The outcome of the 2008 financial turmoil has prolonged to weigh on the recovery of economy; the credit rate downgrade and the recent debt ceiling fiasco have surmounted anxieties of financial volatility. Nonetheless, the US commercial banks as compared to their counterparts in Europe have more expanded portfolios and retain a much lesser share of government bonds. Moreover, US government backing and deposit insurance offer a vibrant backbone in the case of future bank failures as depositors prolong to have confidence in the capability of the US government to meet its commitments if there is a run -on -banks. This can be corroborated from the co ntemporary extreme low treasury yields. Commercial banking can be described as fiscal mediators with towering leverage, i.e. a comparatively higher ratio of short-term debt in the guise of deposits with a moderately little portion of equity. Large number of individual customers and business might have contributed the deposits to the bank. Thus, so pooled funds of commercial banks are accustomed to advance loans to individuals and businesses. (Iannotta 2010:2) In USA, commercial banks are institutions, which function as a financial mediator between borrowers and savers – thus, grouping the savings of many depositors and lending the same to eligible borrowers. Commercial banks thrive with a little margin as there will not much difference between the interest rate paid to the depositors and interest rate charged to the borrowers. To minimise the risk, commercial banks have established loan
Economic or Gender Concerns During the Interwar Period Essay
Economic or Gender Concerns During the Interwar Period - Essay Example Some societies made an objective of addressing their economy during the interwar period whereby they emphasized on leisure to help improve their economy status. They would change employment patterns and working hours so that they can facilitate the growth of leisure time. According to Joseph Starlin, â€Å"in our country, in the U.S.S.R the workers have long forgotten unemployment. Some three years ago we had about one and a half million unemployed. It is already two years now since unemployment has been completely abolished. Look at the capitalist countries; what horrors are taking place there as a result of unemployment!†According to Mustapha Kemal â€Å"Youth undoubtedly considers the republic a gift presented by your genius and decisiveness to Turkishness more valuable than life itself In its defense, no sacrifice is too great It will be jealously guarded against nothing to existence from the darkness into the light, at the call to follow the path of deliverance we are an d shall eternally be, with laws written with our blood, the guardians of freedom and the future†In eugenicssociety, in the year 1921, there was an attempt to criminalize lesbianism. For the matrimonial causes, Act of 1923 made adultery the sole ground of divorce for either of the spouse.Additionally, further grounds were added in the year 1937 comprising of a wife’s right to divorce her husband for a case of rape.In this society of Eugenics, a person named Marie Stopes came up with a birth control clinic.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Learning to swim at the age of 15 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Learning to swim at the age of 15 - Essay Example It was on a rampage to literally swallow me and end the basis of my life. Terrified, I buried my sharp, long nails into the back of my friend’s neck attempting to hold on, but when we thumped into the wet surface, the vicious coerce tore me away and inundated me into the deep, bleak, blue water. At that instant, a stream spurted rapidly up my nose and I began to dread. In the aspiration of reaching the surface, I hastily kicked my legs like a tantrum-throwing two-year infant. Regrettably, every time my head dashed up, the water immediately hauled me back down. I then had nothing else to do but wait for all I could. Seconds later, I caught a glimpse of my friend pacing towards my course. He withdrew me from the aqueous tank and expressed regret for what had happened by then. Then, I confessed that I was fifteen years old and did not know how to swim. I had made up my mind to learn how to swim. Period. Clock struck two o’clock – it was Thursday afternoon, my swim classes at the YMCA commenced. Pacing towards the building, I swiftly halted when I saw my classmates there. It shocked me in entirety. Neither of the swim class attendees looked more than eight years old nor was their physique disproportional with their age group. I nonchalantly entered the water, whilst attempting to blend in, but within seconds, the seven elf-sized heads turned to look at me. I did not know what to do at that point in time. For all the goodness that could have happened then, the instructor arrived and started the class. We embarked by learning how to cup our hands and rotate our arms. She even described the basis of our arms pretending to be made like the bus’ wheels that go â€Å"round and round.†Afterwards, she demonstrated to us as to how to place our bodies before diving as she held her hands above her head, palms touching, and her arms touched her ears all this while. She also gave us kicking advice in order to move quicker. She told us to do small quick kicks without
International Environmental Analysis Assignment
International Environmental Analysis - Assignment Example The implication of internalization of the Tata Group on Europe has also been explained in this paper. The Tata Group The Tata Group is a multinational corporation from India with its headquarters being in Mumbai. In India, the Tata Group is among the biggest companies. This group has a large annual revenue and extensive market capitalization. The investment of the company includes the ICT sector, materials, energy, engineering, services, chemicals, and consumer products. According to Pandit (2005, p. 61), the multinational company has extended its arms across the world with its operations covering over 80 countries. The company is an active exporter of goods and services to many countries across the six continents of the world. This corporation has more than 144 subsidiaries and companies, which include Tata Steel, Tata Technologies, Tata Motors, Tata Tea, Titan Industries, Tata Sons and Tata Teleservices. Sen (2009, p 31) says that the Corporation is reputable in the world because i t has financed and established many institutions and funded research initiatives within India and across the world. The corporation gets more than two thirds of its revenue from countries outside India and therefore this demonstrates its international expansion. Tata Group SWOT Analysis The vision of the Tata Group is to improve the quality of life. The company’s strategies facilitate the achievement of its vision. Taylor (2011, p. 86) says that the strategies of the company are designed to enable the corporation overcome its weaknesses and make maximum utilization of the opportunities available within the local and international markets. Capabilities and resources are the main strengths of the Tata Group. The resources of the corporation are the capable employees and the raw materials, which give it its business capabilities. New markets, acquisitions, and exports are the business opportunities of the corporation. The weaknesses, which the corporation aims to overcome, inclu de the macro environment, innovation of its value chain and distribution. To allow the company serve the local and international market effectively with quality services and products, overcoming its weaknesses is inevitable. Furthermore, the Tata Group needs to provide goods and services at reasonable prices so that it will not lose its loyal customers. Sen (2009, p. 42) explains that the mergers of the corporation with global companies and its internationalization have led to local threats such as competition. However, the international strategy of the corporation is part of its strategic plan, which does not compromise the need to achieve its essential goals within the local market. Taylor (2011, p.91) asserts that as a way of expanding its business internationally, the Tata Group uses the corporate strategy of mergers and acquisitions. This is an opportunity in the international market, which the company utilizes to overcome its weaknesses. For example, the Tata Group acquires co mpanies in the steel industry so that it would get raw materials at lower prices to enable it serve the automobile industry with low steel prices. This will enable the group to provide its customers with value added and low price products as a way of overcoming the competition in the market. Through the mergers and acqui
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Learning to swim at the age of 15 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Learning to swim at the age of 15 - Essay Example It was on a rampage to literally swallow me and end the basis of my life. Terrified, I buried my sharp, long nails into the back of my friend’s neck attempting to hold on, but when we thumped into the wet surface, the vicious coerce tore me away and inundated me into the deep, bleak, blue water. At that instant, a stream spurted rapidly up my nose and I began to dread. In the aspiration of reaching the surface, I hastily kicked my legs like a tantrum-throwing two-year infant. Regrettably, every time my head dashed up, the water immediately hauled me back down. I then had nothing else to do but wait for all I could. Seconds later, I caught a glimpse of my friend pacing towards my course. He withdrew me from the aqueous tank and expressed regret for what had happened by then. Then, I confessed that I was fifteen years old and did not know how to swim. I had made up my mind to learn how to swim. Period. Clock struck two o’clock – it was Thursday afternoon, my swim classes at the YMCA commenced. Pacing towards the building, I swiftly halted when I saw my classmates there. It shocked me in entirety. Neither of the swim class attendees looked more than eight years old nor was their physique disproportional with their age group. I nonchalantly entered the water, whilst attempting to blend in, but within seconds, the seven elf-sized heads turned to look at me. I did not know what to do at that point in time. For all the goodness that could have happened then, the instructor arrived and started the class. We embarked by learning how to cup our hands and rotate our arms. She even described the basis of our arms pretending to be made like the bus’ wheels that go â€Å"round and round.†Afterwards, she demonstrated to us as to how to place our bodies before diving as she held her hands above her head, palms touching, and her arms touched her ears all this while. She also gave us kicking advice in order to move quicker. She told us to do small quick kicks without
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
National Cancer Institute Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
National Cancer Institute - Research Paper Example The theory was grounded on the 1978 physical book The External Control of Organization. The theory of Both Pfeffer and Salancik espoused that external factors controlled or affected the organization’s achievement of its goals and objectives. The entities’ need for external resources was the external control. For example, the restaurants need the food ingredients in order to cook the customer’s food. Consequently, entities implement strategies to maximize the dependence on external resources to efficiently enhance achievement the entities goals and objectives. To accomplish this, both authors insists entities must enter into joint ventures, diversifications, integration, co-optation, and mergers (Johnson, 2009). Question 7: Development of Institutional Theory. Powell, Meyer, Scott, DiMaggion, and Rowan developed the Institutional theory. The theory was developed to explain the cognitive as well as cultural aspect of organizations. The authors insist that the entities’ responses are grounded of factors having miniscule or no relationship to the entities’ organizational efficiency. The authors insist that the entities must fit into an established framework, environment, or system in order to survive. The entities include the normative, cognitive, as well as regulative structures and routines (pillars). For example, the entities must obey the government institutions’ laws rules and sanctions. The entities must not sell cocaine or pollute the environment. Scott observed that the government institutions shaped how entities operate. The government institutions will penalize entities that violate established laws and other statutes. The theory states that as the entity’ s field starts, there is diversity of approach as well as form. As the entities’ environment becomes well established, homogeneity among the entities within a segment starts to develop (Johnson, 2009). The theory indicates that the organization,
Monday, October 14, 2019
Desperation to help Catherine Essay Example for Free
Desperation to help Catherine Essay Manliness is a belief that you are a man, and for any one else to be a man too, they should be somewhat like you. Hostility is open hatred and enmity. These two are linked when a man believes that he is a true man, and he sees another man as not being a true man, and so he openly hates him as he is not a right person. This happens in the play as Eddie feels he is a man; however he doesnt think Rodolpho is a true man as he does not have the right priorities, and gets involved in feminine tasks. In this way, manliness and hostility are connected. This hostility can lead to aggression as aggression is hostile behaviour or actions. This hostility can lead to aggress as hostility is hatred, and if someone hates any other person, but this person does not react back with hatred, the person begins to get frustrated and angry; and his aggression builds up. This is shown in the play when Eddie continually tries to deprive and show Rodolpho down, yet Rodolpho never reacts back with hostility. We see there is only one time in the play, where Rodolpho tries to help Eddie to stop embarrassing himself; and tries to make Eddie stop insulting his going-to-be wife. He flings an attack onto Eddie through his desperation to help Catherine. This shows us that even Rodolpho has some aggression within him, and also shows us that when you are faced with hostility, you can also have a build of aggression within you. These two are connected in the ways shown. Manliness and aggression are linked by several strings. Manliness, as Eddie believes is power, and the only way for him to express his power is by using aggression. Due to his lack of emotions, he finds it hard to express what he wants to say, and so it is a natural instinct for him to use aggression to get his message across. Manliness is the belief that you are the dominant member, in any circumstance. However when we have more than one person fighting for this right, aggression becomes involved as it is the only way to show which is stronger and thus which one deserves that role. This is shown throughout Act Two, as Eddies power declines due to Marcos manliness. In each Eddie, Marco and Rodolpho, Miller gifts them with unique qualities which the audience can admire. In Eddie it is clear that Miller has given him the gift of self belief. Eddie did what he believed was right throughout the play, even though this led to his death. Miller uses Alfieris speech at the end to indicate this; but himself purely, for he allowed himself to be wholly known Eddie also cared very much about his family, especially his niece. He loved her so much, that due to his manliness, he could not resist his sexual desire for her; however he tried his hardest to do so, and he was successful, until Rodolpho arrived. The jealously within Eddie had reached such a high level along with his aggression shown by the stage directions, He looks at [Catherine] like a lost boy as he realised that all his life, he has loved someone very much, taken complete care of her. He even worked extra time to buy her stenography, because he wanted her to move up a class; but now a man who aint right has just stolen her from him. This quality, the quality of devotion to your family, and caring of everyone who is in it, even if they are not your own children, is one than should also be admired in Eddie. This quality is also significant in Marcos character. Marco loves his family very much and has sacrificed his home to risk his life to migrate to America in order to earn some money so that he can send back to them; who can live a happier life than before. This is shown when Marco says, what can I do? The older one is sick in the chest. My wife she feeds them from her own mouth they will never grow up they eat the sunshine. He also is protective of Rodolpho as he knows he is weaker than him, and as he is his brother, it is his duty to help him. When this scene took place, it was a key moment as Eddie understood that if he should pick on someone his own size. Another quality which would have been much admired would be Marcos politeness, as well as his straightforwardness and simplicity. This is shown, as mentioned before, when he says to Eddie, when you say we go, we go. This shows us that he has respect for them as they are letting his and his brother stay in their house, but as soon as they feel they need to have their house back he and Rodolpho will leave. It is also a symbol of politeness, and indicated his straightforwardness. Rodolpho has the quality of being unique. He was very different, appearance, character and belief wise compared to most men in the Sicilian era. A quality which should be admired is his persistent politeness even when other people mainly Eddie are rude to him. He always tries to uplift a dull conversation and he is the kind of person who always wants happiness. He does not change his uniqueness to be just like everyone else as like Eddie, he also things that what he believes in is right. As this is a play, I will discuss that several, very effective dramatic techniques used by Miller. He has created this play which in many aspects would have shocked a number of the audience members at the time it will performed. Certain stage directions would have indicated sexually attraction or desire at that time, however when read now; it may not strike any significance. For example when Catherine lights a cigar for him Eddie or when we hear of how she sits on the bath as he shaves and walks around in her slip, we are being told about their relationship. These actions tell us that even without being lovers; they have the kind of intimacy only lovers should have. This would have been an explicit piece of evidence that there was some sort of sexual relationship between the uncle and the niece, however depending on interpretation by the actors, this moment many have more or less sexual undertones. However, this is not of much importance, but the symbolism of other parts of the play is. If we look carefully at the ending of the play, we say a lot of minute dramatic effects which have a lot of importance. Earlier in the play, we see that Eddie pays a lot of attention to the story of Vinnie Bolzano. Miller uses this technique so that the audience are certain of how much Eddie hates betrayal, and also to show us his belief in loyalty to family and community. However Eddie does exactly the opposite of what he was preaching, and this enables the audience to see how much his manliness, hostility and aggression changed him and his beliefs. When the Officers arrive, and take all four immigrants away, including two other submarines who stayed with the Laiparis, on the apartment above Eddies , Miller shows us in his stage directions that Louise barely turns then walks off and exits down right with Mike, only Beatrice is left on the stoop. This symbolises that Eddie is now alone. Lipari and his wife, Louis and Mike, the stage representatives of the wider community, one by one leave Eddie alone, symbolizing his isolation. We then see another very important dramatic technique used by Miller. Miller makes Eddie remove the knife, and this is so that now Marco can justify whatever actions follow. This makes some people feel that Miller was slightly more partial towards Marco. When Eddie lunges the knife, Marco grabs Eddies arm and turns the blade inward. However this action has more depth that what it seems to have at first. It tells us that Eddie literally dies by his own hand as his hand holds the knife, and thus he is killed by his own weapon, however it can metaphorically stand for the gradual deterioration of himself throughout the play itself. We then read that Eddie falls to his knees before Marco. This technique shows the audience that the better man won, and also shows us Marcos manliness, hostility and aggression. It symbolises the downfall of Eddies authority and power, and the rise of Marcos. In certain cases, what Miller has written and instructed can be interpreted differently depending of different factors. This is mentioned above, where Catherine light the cigar for Eddie. Another thing the Miller puts in the play is the definite variation in the way each character speaks. I will briefly go through the syntax of each character. Eddie speaks in the syntax of Red Hook, generally like most men in Brooklyn a low class neighbourhood. It is clear that he is not very well educated as he uses a lot of slang words and his the way he says words is shown by Miller, for example he says, bowin, goin, slidin, stayin and so on; instead of the full words which proves the point. Beatrice and Catherine speak almost the same syntax, but the feminine type, which in some cases is very much similar. For example Catherine says to Eddie, we wasnt goin and Beatrice uses wanna several times. This indicates the similarity to Eddies syntax. Marco speaks relatively little throughout Act One and through most of Act Two. Miller tries to show the audience that Marco finds it hard to understand and speak English as fluently as Rodolpho. He may be insinuating the difference in intelligence between the two brothers one who is very similar to Eddie. Marco speaks very simply, but says what he wants to say straightforwardly this represents his general character as throughout the play we do not see he speak a lot but we understand his character just as well as the others. His English language is very basic but understandable which backs up the point that Marco is thoughtful, and that he is a man of action, rather than words. Rodolpho on the other hand speaks unnatural exactness. He uses a variety of words and all his words are English but the phrases are not always idiomatic. This is shown to the audience when he first recalls vivid details of his life in Sicily. He describes them with accurate words which give us the impression that he is well-educated. In some cases he also gives poetic comparisons, sown when he compares Catherine to a little bird that has not been allowed to fly. Alfieri is the only character in the play that we see speaks in formal American-English. This is probably as Miller has included him in the play as he said that he wanted to make this play a modern equivalent of classical Greek tragedy. If we look at ancient plays, an essential part or it was that of the chorus. These were a group of figures who would watch the action, comment on it, and address the audience directly. This is basically what Alfieri does. He introduces the action as a retelling of events already in the recent past. By giving details of place, date or time, he enables the action to move swiftly from one episode to another, without the characters having to give this information. This makes the play run much ore smoothly, and more effectively and if for some reason the audience did not understand what had just happened, Alfieri gives a summary at the end of each act. This is how Miller uses Alfieris American-English to help in the play, and it also shows us what role he had, apart from being a Lawyer.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Internal and external analysis of Kelloggs
Internal and external analysis of Kelloggs In this assignment Im going to make an external analysis and an internal analysis of the Kelloggs company. Im going to choose four tools to make the all analysis. For the external analysis I will do PESTEL and Porters five force models and for the internal analysis I will do the Value chain and a benchmarking on Cereal SBU Presentation of the organization Kellogg Company is the United States largest cereal-Maker. In 1898, Will Keith and John Harvey give birth to the famous breakfast cereal Kelloggs Corn Flakes. Thanks to the success of the products Will Keith create in 1906 the Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Company. Kellogg is the leading producer of breakfast cereals in the world. It takes places in 18 countries and sells it products in more than 180 countries. Between 1938 and the present day Kellogg opened manufacturing plants in the UK, Canada, Australia, Latin America and Asia. Kellogg produce a wide range of cereal product including the well-know brand of Kelloggs corn flakes, rice krispies, special K , fruit n fibre, as well as the nuti-grain cereal bars. The philosophy was improved diet leads to improved health Kellogg company mission statement: Kellogg is a Global Company Committed to Building Long-Term Growth in Volume and Profit and to Enhancing its Worldwide Leadership Position by Providing Nutritious Food Products of Superior Value Analysis of Kelloggs external environment Analysis of Macro-environment influences through the PESTEL model The headquarter of Kellogg company is currently base in Battle Creek in the Michigan. I will base my PESTEL analysis in the country of the USA Political : Reforms for the problem of obesity in USA (wide problem) US focus on cereal products in the level of 17% of the food market(2000) Economical : The deterioration of general economic activity and the contraction of the food market have not been without consequences for the food industry .Faced with financial difficulties and difficulties of access People doesnt have money to buy expressive food because of the decrease of salary. High unemployment rate : 9,00%( january 2011) GDP in 2009:14 266 milliards of $ Curent Deft: 6% of GDP Increase of the inflation rate:1,5% Decrease of the money , low rate of the dollar Hard competition between the breakfast and snack brands Decrease of all the sales in cereal market (began in 2005 with less 0, 4%) Social : Population of USA: 312.061.000 people increase of obesity rate so the cereal market develop the sector of light food Lack of time to take a breakfast: American people would like some easy to transport at work or at school to eat. The increase in the Third Age population group (due to better living conditions and better health care) will decrease the sales of Kellogg children product and down growth for adult products. Importance of the health, safety People want to be inform on what people it Technological : Innovation on the cereal market: different package, small bar (snack), resealable package (or close package) Recycling package Innovation in communication and advertising level Scientific progress on the health- diet food Increase the cost of RD Kelloggs did a matrix Sustainability ingredients Environmental : Development of the biologic and natural food Development of ecologic packaging, and recyclable packaging to avoid the waste Legal : environnemental charter Health claims is becoming more prevalent with the increase of the power of American heath associations. Globalization creates homogeneity of consumer behaviour. Globalization is a key driver for standardization. This sector of tourism has to take into account the requirements of global customers. (Standardize the food, the drink, the activitiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). Because of this standardization competition increases between firms within the tourism sector. This price war will lead to decrease price. The five porters force Analysis Industry competitor: In the market industry four large companies are dominant (Kellogg, Nestlà ©, MDD and Jordans). Its an oligopolistic situation (a small number of sellers and a large number of applicants). The competition between the organizations is high and intense because of the price principally. Threat of a Substitution: there are many substitutes because of private label Threat of entry: The cereal industry is oligopolistic, so is very difficult for other firm to enter in this sector. If firm want to penetrate this market he has to have competitive prices, and has to make marketing communication and promotion to attract consumers Bargaining power of buyers: the power of buyer is low in the cereal industry; consumers dont have a deep impact. Bargaining power of suppliers: the power of suppliers is low because the importance of the market shares of private labels. They do exactly the products in cheaper prices. Suppliers can buy product independently. Source: Adapted from Porter M (1998, cited by Johnson G al, 2008) Analysis of Kelloggs internal environment (internal strategy) The Kelloggs value chain Support Activities Firm infrastructure: In order to maintain a good satisfaction level from its clients, Kellogg uses several services and the entire organisation is flexible. Quality Control Finance Accounting Information system(internal communication) : high level Kelloggs has an intranet to expose the information of the firm Legal service : the law concerning the production of the product Logistical support (restoration) Planning : Provide a planning to clients and Anticipate customers needs Human Resources Management: The company allows a dynamic of human resources management policy. For doing that well, Kellogg establish a model wish name is Kellogg business leaders model (KBLM).It is the base of everyone in Kellogg industry, it improves the competencies of each works and allow to progress in the company. This model is one of the most important competitive advantage, it allow adding value to the firm. Recruitment policy: Kellogg is looking for talent workers to develop new products and give freedom to do innovation. It does recruitment on international dimension. Training: Kellogg establishes the standing coaching to help workers to improve future operations and profitability. Kellogg is developing plan for individual career to respond to the workers needs (new skills) The innovation is one of the most important sectors that Kellogg develops; it gives time to worker just to think about innovation. Performance measure Kellogg measuring performance and make feedback to add value Add value Kellogg motivates employees in giving merit reward when they perform. Technology Development: RD for products The innovation is a part of Kelloggs culture, it is the most important cereal heathcare company The development of products aimed at meeting consumers health and nutrition needs. The development of products packaging to ameliorate the communication for consumer and his comfort (when he use the product) Innovation on the image of health cereal: cereal for men target. Innovation the type of product(museli, cereal) Innovation to keep the iron in the cereal culture Innovation to give notoriety and visibility of the product The company has announced that it is testing the possibility of using lasers to etch the companys name into corn flakes to let customers know they are eating a genuine Kellogs product( Innovation in communication all around the world Procurement: To achieve economies of scale, purchasing division negotiate with suppliers to obtain group rates to reduce reduce cost and save time on delivery. Inbound Logistics: Kellogg calls the best suppliers and partners in term of cost efficiency, maintain the quality of the products. The suppliers are responsible (deal with) all the tasks upstream.( packaging, manufacturing, transportation management services, logistics management services and supplier management/procureme nt) the inbound logistic is automatic , evry part of the production is automated. Operations: Kellogg has un structure for all operation system very flexible. Kellogg set up On office in each country of the world. So Kellogg can manage the transformation between the raw material and the final product Outbound logistics: The distribution of the products to consumers (end user) is doing via a multi-layers channel system. The different channel of distribution allows comforting the consumers during the purchase. (distribution on retail, hypermarket and supermarket in general) Marketing and sales: All the consumers are familiar with the Kelloggs brand and Kellogg cereal. Kellogg company make sponsorships locally to height brand awareness. Thank to that Kellogg cereal are famous in all around the world. Kelloggs cereal use sometime promotion to reduce the price and increase the purchase. Kellogg has managed to establish itself in almost all  supermarkets and hypermarkets in the world Services: Kellogg offers several  services that can enhance these product to the consumer. Kellogg offering outstanding customer services( promotion to attract people and to loyaty the consumer with a relational communication program across all brands for adults and children, built around a mini-consumer Primary Activities Benchmarking To do this benchmark we are going to take the Kelloggs human resources sector and we will compare with Nestlà © human resource (Nestlà © is the principal competitor). Kelloggs Nestlà © HR culture Goal: add value thanks to innovation HR program: Kellogg business leaders model Kellogg join the high ethical standards -Freedom in the post HR program:Principles of Conduct Nestlà ©s business relationships between employees Communication is the principal factor of the HR policy. Equity between employees has to be respected. Give responsibility to employees Non freedom in the post Selection recruitment Kellogg is looking for talent workers Human Diversity attract and loyalty future employees(long term contract) Recruitment on the personality and professional skills develop a long term relationship. Training and Development Trainee program Personal development and team development Tainting program -Personal development Pay Benefit employee rewarding benefit: adaptation of working hours Employees social security. wage level( inferior to superior) Equity Financial compensation allows motivating employees. Participation/employee relation/communication -Power of employees unions -participation in important decisions. Every employee has got a personal responsibility in the company. -Importance of employee association.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
MIC conviction :: Essays Papers
MIC conviction Introduction Three aviation students with similar cases involving Minor in Consumption charges will be discussed. The three students are Mr. Jack Daniels, Mr. Johnnie Walker, and Ms. Brandy Wine. We will look at each student separately and answer questions pertaining to each of their situations. Some of the questions include whether or not the students need to comply with the reporting requirement of 14 CFR  § 61.15. What, if any, reports do they have to make on their next medical? We will also discuss Ms. Wine’s situation, whether or not the police stop violated the Fourth Amendment. Mr. Jack Daniels Mr. Daniels was cited for Minor in Consumption of Alcohol, pled guilty, and was sentenced to pay a $100 fine. Mr. Daniels wants to know what he needs to do to comply with the FAA so that he can remain a pilot. According to 14 CFR  §61.15(e), â€Å"Each person holding a certificate issued under this part shall provide a written report of each motor vehicle action to the FAA . . . no later than 60 days after the motor vehicle action.†To determine whether Mr. Daniels must comply with this regulation, a â€Å"motor vehicle action†must be defined. As per 14 CFR  §61.15(c), a motor vehicle action means: (1) A conviction after November 29, 1990, for the violation of any Federal or State statute relating to the operation of a motor vehicle while intoxicated by alcohol or a drug, while impaired by alcohol or a drug, or while under the influence of alcohol or a drug; (2) The cancellation, suspension, or revocation of a license to operate a motor vehicle after November 29, 1990, for a cause related to the operation of a motor vehicle while intoxicated by alcohol or a drug, while impaired by alcohol or a drug, or while under the influence of alcohol or a drug; (3) The denial after November 29, 1990, of an application for a license to operate a motor vehicle for a cause related to the operation of a motor vehicle while intoxicated b alcohol or a drug, while impaired by alcohol or a drug, or while under the influence of alcohol or a drug. Mr. Daniels was not involved with a motor vehicle; therefore, he does not fall under any of these definitions of a motor vehicle action. This means that Mr. Daniels will not have to report to the FAA.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Is the Survival of a society dependent on Fate or Human Choice?
There is no doubt that some societies are more fragile than others. The subjective observation of a societies ability to succeed or fail can sometimes be misleading when not all possible factors leading toward a societies outcome, are considered. When an observer does not scrutinize a societies success or lack there of, chances are, the observer will endlessly grapple over whether the outcome of a society was a result of fate, or human choice. Needless to say, through resources such as, Jared Diamonds book Collapse, and his movie Guns, Germs, and Steel as well as, Jeffery Sachs' book The End of Poverty, it is inevitable that both authors are confident in their revolutionary theories on a society's ability to succeed or fail. There is no question that the environment is the foundation for a societies future; however, it is the human choices of how and what should be built on that foundation, which determine whether it will be stable and succeed or not. Jeffrey Sachs and Jared Diamond have contrasting ideas on the significance of the environment and how it affects societies. While Jeffery Sachs seems to underestimate its significance, Diamond gives it too much credit. Jeffery Sachs gives six reasons in his book, The End of Poverty as to why societies â€Å"takeoff†and develop, or, lag on and remain in their poorly developed state. Some of the reasons mentioned by Sachs include: social mobility, political factors and fertility rates. Sachs did include physical geography as one of the factors as well; although, wouldn't one say that geography is at the root of all six of those revelations? At least, Diamond might agree. When faced with harsh environmental conditions solely based on where you live in globe, poses a question. Does ones survival purely depend on where they are born in the world? Sachs does address geography as an important factor in a societies success; however, he states that you can still have societal changes even if the geography does not allow for it. This is evident in chapter three of Sachs book as he discusses eight points that determine whether a society will thrive or not, and the role that humans are playing in failing societies. Some of these points include technology, trade, natural resource decline and population growth. When people die from extreme poverty, it is because they literally had nothing. They don't need a lot to survive, but they do need a lot to start a process of economic development; and that's where Sachs and I would differ. There's a reason societies who are under extreme poverty, have not been able to rise and be successful; environmental barriers. The environment can easily wipe out humans basic needs, which is the first step to survival in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. It is evident that environmental determinism does play an important role in a societies ability to thrive or not based on where you are on the globe? However, does is it location and the environment that comes with it purely determine whether a society will last? Easter Island is a society that virtually collapsed in isolation due to environmental damage. A perfect example of whether the success of a society depends on lack of human choices or environmental barriers. Jared captures his insight of the phenomenon in his book, Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed with concrete evidence. Jared mostly recognizes the geographical and environmental barriers that support the analogy that Easter was doomed from the beginning. From his reading, it seems that even if the people of Easter Island had made the most suitable and sensible human choices as far as working with the environment to obtain their basic needs, they soon would have been doomed to failure. Jared gives an example of how something so vital for survival such as water, would immediately seep into the island when their only water resource, rainfall, would come. Although I strongly believe that the environment plays a large role in a societies ability to thrive or not, Jared overlooked and underestimated the severity of human choices, (culture) and its impact on Easter Islands failure. Deforestation was unfortunately one of the main contributing factors in Easter Islands failure. Jared states that Easter Island is covered with an abundance of substantial statues due to an aggressive competition between chiefs of the island that were built to honor them. This way of culture proved to work against its society because many trees were deforested in order to transport the massive statues. The history of Easter Island helps to reconfirm my opinion that a society is destined to failure or success through mostly geographical and environmental state and a pinch of a societies ability to make wise decisions. Jared Diamond believes that there are three things that determine the outcome of a society: Guns, Germs and Steel. The main conclusion I gathered from watching this film was that societies developed in different parts of the world because of differences in environments. Jared struggles to answer a provocative question to a Papua New Guinean, â€Å"why is it that you white people developed so much cargo and brought it to New Guinea, but we black people had little cargo of our own? Jared sets geography as the dominant factor, emphasizing, that, it is not the biological aspect of people that determine human history but rather the environmental context, which we have no control over. Diamond discusses his opinion on whether he believes in the old presumption that the reason European civilizations were able develop and come up with advanced economies so fast, was because of their innate superiority. Jared believes we all moderately have the same intelligence in every society, and that it is not based on genes or race. He was unable to accept the possibility that New Guineans are inferior intellectually to Europeans. I agree with Jared. I believe that the reason European society became more technologically and politically advanced was the fertile environment that these people were born into to. This environment would allow them to have food production, tamed animals, and all other advantages that the New Guinea people did not have. Once basic needs are met in a society, it is easier for a society to climb up the ladder of success. It is therefore evident that the survival of a person is pure luck, based on whether you were born in an area where the environment works for you, and some human choices that are made to work with tte environment effectively. In conclusion, I wonder if developing counties in the world are doomed to failure and whether it is hopeless trying to make a sustainable society in those regions, and whether they should just be abandoned. The only advantage of having a co-operative environment is that it allows you to have all your basic needs, but will not necessarily help a society to advance further. Once the foundation of a good environment is laid out, only then can human choice help a society climb up the ladder towards success.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Discuss ‘The Chinese Room’ Argument Essay
In 1980, John Searle began a widespread dispute with his paper, ‘Minds, Brains, and Programmes’ (Searle, 1980). The paper referred to a thought experiment which argued against the possibility that computers can ever have artificial intelligence (AI); in essence a condemnation that machines will ever be able to think. Searle’s argument was based on two key claims. That; â€Å"brains cause minds and syntax doesn’t suffice for semantics†(Searle, 1980, p.417). Syntax in this instance refers to the computer language used to create a programme; a combination of illegible code (to the untrained eye) which provides the basis and commands for the action of a programme running on a computer. Semantics refers to the study of meaning or the understanding behind the use of language. Searle’s claim was that it is the existence of a brain which gives us our minds and the intelligence which we have, and that no combination of programming language is sufficient enough to contribute meaning to the machine and therein for the machine to understand. His claim was that the apparent understanding of a computer is merely more than a set of programmed codes, allowing the machine to extort answers based on available information. He did not deny that computers could be programmed to perform to act as if they understand and have meaning. In fact he quoted; â€Å"the computer is not merely a tool in the study of the mind, rather the appropriately programmed computer really is a mind in the sense that computers given the right programs can be literally said to understand and have other cognitive states†(Searle, 1980, p. 417). Searle’s argument was that we may be able to create machines with ‘weak AI’ – that is, we can programme a machine to behave as if it were thinking, to simulate thought and produce a perceptible understanding, but the claim of ‘strong AI’ (that machines are able to run with syntax and have cognitive states as humans and understand and produce answers based on this cognitive understanding, that it really has (or is) a mind (Chalmers, 1992)) is just not possible. A machine is unable to generate fundamental human mindsets such as intentionality, subjectivity, and comprehension (Ibid, 1992). Searle’s main argument for this notion came from his ‘Chinese room experiment’, for which there has been much deliberation and denunciation from fellow researchers, philosophers and psychologists. This paper aims to analyse the arguments, assess counter augments and propose that John Searle was accurate in his philosophy; that machines will n ever think as humans and that the issue relates more to the simple fact that a computer is neither human nor biological in nature, nor can it ever be. In 1950, Alan Turing proposed a method of examining the intelligibility of a machine to become known as ‘The Turing Test’ (Turing, 1950). It describes an examination of the veracity to which a machine can be deemed intelligent, should it so pass . Searle (1980) argued that the test is fallible, in that a machine without intelligence is able to pass such a test. ‘The Chinese Room’ is Searle’s example of such machine. ‘The Chinese room’ experiment is what is termed by physicists a ‘thought experiment’ (Reynolds and Kates, 1995); such that it is a hypothetical experiment which is not physically performed, often without any intention of the experiment ever being executed. It was proposed by Searle as a way of illustrating his understanding that a machine will never logically be able to possess a mind. Searle (1980) suggests that we envisage ourselves as a monolingual (speaking only one language) English speaker, locked inside a room with a large group of Chinese writing in addition to a second group of Chinese script. We are also presented with a set of rules in English which allow us to connect the initial set of writings, with the second set of script. The set of rules allows you to identify the first and second set of symbols (syntax) purely by their presenting form. Furthermore, we are presented with a third set of Chinese symbols and additional English instructions whi ch makes it feasible for you to associate particular items from the third batch with the preceding two. This commands you consequently to ‘give back’ particular Chinese symbols with particular shapes in response. Searle encourages us to accept that the initial set of writing is a ‘script’ (a natural language processing computational data set); the second set a ‘story’ and the third group ‘questions’. The symbols which are returned are the ‘answers’ and the English instructions are the ‘computer programme’. However, should you be the one inside ‘the Chinese room’ you would not be aware of this. However, Searle suggests that your responses to the questions become so good, that you are impossible to differentiate from a native Chinese speaker; yet you are merely behaving as a computer. Searle argues that whilst in the room and delivering correct answers, he still does not know anything. He cannot speak Chinese yet is able to produce the correct answers without an understanding of the Chinese language. Searle’s thought experiment demonstrated that of ‘weak AI’; that we can indeed programme a machine to behave as if it were thinking and such to simulate thought and hence produce a perceptible understanding, when in fact the machine understands nothing; it is simply following a linear instructional set, for which the answers are already programmed. The machine is not producing intuitive thought; it is providing a programmed answer. Searle was presented with many critical replies to ‘the Chinese room’ experiment, for which he offered a rejoinder; a retort to the replies by looking at the room in a different way to account for such counterarguments presented by researchers in the field of AI. Harnard (1993) supports ‘The Systems Reply’ in refute of the work of Searle. This argues that we are encouraged to focus on the wrong agent; the individual in the room. This implies that the man in the room does not understand Chinese as a single entity, but the system in which he operates (the room), does. However, an evident opposition to such claim is that the system (the room) again has no real way of connecting meaning to the Chinese symbols any more than the individual man did in the first instance. Even if the individual were to internalize (memorise) the entire instructional components, and be removed from the system (room), how would the system compute the answers, if all the computational ability is within the man. Furthermore, the ‘room’ cannot understand Chinese. ‘The Robot Reply’ is due to refutation by Harnard (1989) who argued that meaning is unable to be attached to the ciphers of Chinese writing due to the lack of ‘sensory-motoric’ connection. That is, the symbols are in no way attached to a physical meaning, that which can be ‘seen’ and comprehended. As children, we learn to associate meaning of words by attaching them to physical ‘things’. Harnard argues, that ‘the Chinese room’ lacks this ability to associate meaning to the words, and thus is unable to produce understanding. Yet, Searle’s defence is that if we were to further imagine a computer inside a robot, producing a representation of walking and perceiving, then according to Harnard, the robot would have understanding of other mental states. However, when Searle places the room (with the man inside) inside the robot and allows the symbols to come from a television attached to the robot, he insists that he still does not have understanding; that his computational production is still merely a display of ‘symbol representation’ (Searle, 1980, p.420). Searle also argues that part of ‘The Robot Reply’ is in itself, disputing the fact that human cognition is merely symbol manipulation and as such refutes the opinion of ‘strong AI’, as it is in need of ‘causal relations to the outside world’ (Ibid, p.420). Again, the system simply follows a computational set of rules installed by the programmer and produces linear answers, based upon such rules. There is no spontaneous thought or understanding of the Chinese symbols, it merely matches with that already programmed in the system. ‘The Robot Reply’ is therefore suggestive that programmed structure is enough to be acc ountable for mental processes; for cognition. ‘[this suggests] that some computational structure is sufficient for mentality, and both are therefore futile’ (Chalmers, 1992, p.3). Further to ‘the Robot Reply’, academics from Berkley (Searle, 1980) proposed ‘The Brain Simulator Reply’, in which the notion of exactly what the man represents is questioned. It is hereby proposed that the computer (man in the room) signifies neurons firing at the synapse of a Chinese narrator. It is argued here that we would have to accept that the machine understood the stories. If we did not, we would have to assume that native Chinese speakers also did not understand the stories since at a neuronal level there would be no difference. The opposition clearly defines understanding by the correct firing of neurons, which may well produce the correct responses from the ‘machine’ and a perceived understanding, that is assumed, but the argument remains; does the machine (man) actually understand that which he is producing (answering), or is it again, merely a computational puzzle, solved through logical programming? Searle argues yes. He asks us to imagine a man in the room using water pipes and valves to represent the biological process of neuronal firing at the synapse. The input (English instructions) now informs the man, which valves to turn on and off and thus produce an answer (a set of flowing pipes at the end of the system). Again, Searle argues that neither the man, nor the pipes actually understand Chinese. Yes, they have an answer and yes, the answer is undoubtedly correct, but the elements which produced the answer (the man and the pipes) still do not understand what the answer is; they do not have semantic representation for the output. Here, the representation of the neurons is simply that; a representation. A representation which is unable to account for the higher functioning processes of the brain and the semanticist understanding therein. Further argument suggests a combination of the aforementioned elements known as ‘The Combination Reply’ should allow for ‘intentionality†™ to the system, as proposed by academics at Berkley and Standford (Simon and Eisenstadt, 2002). The idea is such that combining the intelligence of all the replies aforementioned into one system, the system should be able to produce semantic inference from the linear answer produced by the syntax. Again, Searle (1980) is unable to justify such claims, as the sum of all parts does not account for understanding. Not one of the replies was able to validate genuine understanding from the system and as such, the combination of the three counterarguments, will still remain as ambiguous as first presented. Searle quotes; â€Å"if the robot looks and behaves sufficiently like us then we would suppose, until proven otherwise, that it must have mental states like ours that cause and are expressed by its behavior†¦ [i]f we knew independently how to account for its behavior without such assumptions†¦we would not attribute intentionality to it, especially if we knew it had a formal program†(1980, p. 421). Searle’s argument is simple. If we did not know that a comput er produces answers from specifically programmed syntax, then it is plausible to accept that it may have mental states such as ours. The issue however is straightforwardly so, that we do know that the system is a computational set and as such is not a thinking machine any more so than any other computational structure. ‘The Chinese Room’ thought experiment is undoubtedly notorious and controversial in essence. The thought experiment has been refuted and discredited repeatedly, yet perceivably defended by Searle. His own defensive stance has appeared to cause infuriation amongst ‘strong AI’ theorists, resulting in questionable counter attacks, resulting in more of what appears a â€Å"religious diatribe against AI, masquerading as a serious scientific argument†(Hofstadter 1980, p. 433) than a significant opposition. Searle (1980) argues that accurate programming in no instance can ever produce ‘thought’ in the essence of what we understand thought to be; not only the amalgamation of significant numbers of neurons firing, but the underlying predominance which make us what we are, that predominance being consciousness. From a functionalist perspective, with the mind being entwined within the brain and our bodies entangled further, creating a machine which ‘thinks’ as a human is nigh impossible. To do so, would be to create an exact match of what we are, how we are constructed and the properties of substance of which we stand. If successful, we have not created a thinking ‘machine’ but a thinking ‘human’; a human which alas, is not a machine. Searle (1982) argues that it is an undeniable fact that the earth is comprised of particular biological systems, particularly brains which are able to create intellectual phenomena which are encompassed with meaning. Suggesting that a machine is capable of intelligence would therein suggest that a machine would need the computational power equivalent to that of the human mind. Searle (Ibid, 1982, p. 467) states that he has offered an argument which displays that no recognised machine is able ‘by itself’ to ever be capable of generating such semantic powers. It is therefore assumed, that no matter how far science is able to recreate machines with behavioural characteristics of a ‘thinking’ human, it will never be more than a programmed mass of syntax, computed and presented as thought, yet never actually existing as actual thought. References: Chalmers, D. 1992, ‘Subsymbolic Computation and the Chinese Room’, in J. Dinsmore (ed.), The Symbolic and Connectionist Paradigms: Closing the Gap, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Harnad, S. 1989. Minds, machines and Searle. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 1, pp.5-25. Harnad, S. 1993. Grounding symbols in the analog [sic] world with neural nets. Think 2(1): 12-78 (Special issue on â€Å"Connectionism versus Symbolism,†D.M.W. Powers & P.A. Flach, eds.). Simon, H.A., & Eisenstadt, S.A., 2002. A Chinese Room that Understands Views into the Chinese room. In: J. Preston * M. Bishop (eds). New essays on Searle and artificial intelligence Oxford: Clarendon, pp. 95-108. Hofstadter, D. 1980. Reductionism and religion. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3(3),pp.433–34. Reynolds, G. H., & Kates, D.B. 1995. The second amendment and states’ rights: a thought experiment. William and Mary Law Review, 36, pp.1737-73. Searle, J. 1980. â€Å"Minds, Brains, and Programs.†Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3, pp.417-424. Searle, J. 1982. ‘The Myth of the Computer: An Exchange’, in New York Review of Books 4, pp.459-67.
House Cleaning
Keeping a house clean is a problem quite a few single working parents have, between taking care of children and working a full time job, house work seems to get the short end of the stick. Activities can be hectic upon the return from work and school for the parent and children. During preparation of dinner and completion of homework, vacuuming the carpet doesn’t seem that important. Too often homes fall into disorder, due to tiredness or busyness with other things. When all is said and done â€Å"Cleanliness is next to Godliness†and should never be ignored.House work can be made simple by cleaning as you go. Getting into the habit of putting things where they belong, instead of leaving them where they were used is a one way to stave off a mess. Allowing little messes to grow into large ones creates an environment no one wants to deal with. Take advantage of down time. While watching television, get some clothes folded and put away, dust tables and clean glass. While h elping with homework, start washing the dishes and sweeping the kitchen floor, mop if you have time. Thirty-minute clean-up should be established for every person able.Use appropriate motivators to energize cleaning sessions. Play upbeat music or listen to a digital book for an energy boost. Cleaning as a team with family members can help to stay on task and ease the boredom of cleaning. This concept is to do a quick clean, in addition to chores done throughout the day, leaving the house looking and smelling better. Simple concepts can be applied to keeping the house clean. Washing dishes when you are done with them only takes about ten minutes. Everyone should pitch in to put away leftovers, wash dishes, clean counters and stove.When something hits the floor, get it up immediately. Put clothes away after wearing, if they are clean, put them away. Create a place for keys, shoes, backpacks, and umbrellas; be sure to always put things where they belong. Before going to bed give the ho me a second look. Anything that can be tidied quickly, get it done. More tips on house cleaning would include reducing and recycling. Reducing the amount of waste accumulated in a household can be accomplished by purchasing cloth towels, cooking appropriate amounts of food, and tossing mailings immediately.Donating books magazines, clothing and shoes, and toys to Goodwill or other second hand stores will reduce clutter. Getting organized, an organized home is a quick and easy home to clean. Develop a cleaning schedule. Assign each member a room and task to be done daily. Tools and supplies should be in the room or in a closet or cabinet near-by. The task should have a time frame to be completed. Every two to three months, you should do a deeper clean. This would include cleaning out the refrigerator, the oven, closets and cabinets. Developing the habit of keeping a clean house won’t be easy at first.Don’t expect to be perfect at clean-as-you-go right away. It’s a new habit you may have problems with. Try one thing at a time for a while, then two things. Starting with the kitchen sink staying clean is good beginning. Once the entire kitchen has been added to your routine, adding something like the bathroom sink would be an appropriate addition. While getting into the habit of cleaning-as-you-go the rest of the home still needs attention. Utilize your, everything has a place, rule. Things like shoes, backpacks, mail, umbrellas, and books and magazines should always be in the place selected for them.Children being involved in the cleaning process in always good. Teaching children at an early age the importance of cleanliness is a lifelong lesson. Maintaining a tidy room as well as getting good grades is something to be proud of. Children should never perform tasks that require chemicals. When chemicals are used in the wrong concentration, they can be very harmful. Chores like making the bed, sweeping or vacuuming the floor and putting clothes away will put a dent in daily tasks and give the kids a since of responsibility.
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