Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Global Violence Against Women Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Violence Against Women Rights - Essay ExampleIn this essay, we are going to discuss the study issues affecting women and measures taken to do-away gender inequality and discrimination against women. Sexual exploitation A survey conducted by a gentleman rights watch group in 1990 found that many governments were either actively tangled in the violation of women rights or did nothing to stop evident abuses against women. According to Human Rights Watch (pp.16) the human rights watch reported instances where governments were actively involved in breach of the rights of women. For instance, security personnel sent to cling to peace in war-torn areas ended up raping women, without any action being taken against them by their commanders. These cases of security forces raping women were reported in countries such(prenominal) as Somalia, and Kashmir. In other instances, security forces have been documented as having sexually abused women demonstrators. According to Enloe (pp.47) , when Korean women tried to demonstrate against poor working conditions, forces were called in to quell the riots. These troops stripped and raped the rioting women. It is disheartening to see that the same sight entrusted protect human dignity are the same ones who turn against women, rape, impregnate, and even infect them with diseases. The internet is a major player in as far as sexual exploitation of women is concerned. Hughes (pp.1) states that there are sites all over the internet, which give information on where to find prostitutes. Unfortunately, some of these women are girls in their teenage, who deign prey to sexual exploiters. These sites even provide video images of how to treat prostitutes and how much to pay for their services. The worrying chemical element is that these postings on the internet are made without restrictions. Companies such as World Wide Web do nothing to stop the spread of such information. But then again, why would they stop sexual exploitation , if the capacitance means more profit for them? The more exciting the content on prostitution, pornography, and sexual exploitation, the more sight will visit these sites. It is no wonder therefore, that little has been done to curb sexual exploitation on the internet. Governments fail to enforce laws on prostitution because sex tourism is a form of revenue for such governments. Most of the women who participate in prostitution are desperate women from underprivileged surroundings, in desperate penury of money. Enloe (49) gives the example of South Korean women who were left out of work after the withdrawal of sneaker manufacturers from the country. These women were force turn to prostitution, in order to earn money. We live in a sorry society where, mickle capitalize on the plight of women and turn them into sexual objects. Exploitation by employers and Unequal employment opportunities In the employment sector, women are exploited by greedy employers who are keen on maximizin g profit. The major culprits are multinational companies. These companies set up businesses in various countries, employ women workers and end up process them, in order to maximize profits. Enloe (44) gives the example of post-cold war Russia, which saw the advent of Reebok, a shoe treat company. Women were employed to stitch shoes in the factories. These women would work for long hours in the factories, yet receive truly low wages. Shoe manufacturers made massive investments in South Korea in the 1980s, employing thousands of women. These women took to their

Monday, April 29, 2019

Service line Development Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Service line Development - Term Paper ExampleIts employ medical staff guarantees quality healthcare to the community. However, the declining volume of patients has led to losses this year. An orthopedical dish is primal in a infirmary however, trinity community hospital lacks this avail line. Lack of this table service makes it prone to competition, especially from regional hospital, which has a 350-bed facility inclusive of strong orthopedic services. Trinity community hospital is a 150-bed facility, and therefore, to stand at a competitive wages, the hospital needs to develop an orthopedic service line through building, buying, or leasing. fit to the case study, 5000 square foot is required for the orthopedic service line construction will cost $120 per square foot, while charge for building is $700,000. The place of lease is $20 per square foot. The hospital management is also expected to cater for repair cost and taxes as well. This essay will discuss whether the best option for the hospital is to build, buy, or lease put for the new orthopedic service line. Service Line Development Advantages of Building blank shell for the new orthopedic service line Currently, building adjacent to the hospital will cost $700,000 however, the campus is running out of space to expand. Needless to say, the constructed building will have depreciable life of 20years. Despite the high expenses of building a service line, the hospital will have the opportunity to suggest its plan, which is not the case when leasing an already built building. According to Neducin, Krkljes & Folic (2010, p.294), hospital facilities should comprise of a friendly environment, which is inviting and attractive. Such an environment is less stressful for recovering patients, and contains open-air(prenominal) spaces. Building a facility enables the management to choose an appropriate location where construction takes place by taking environmental factors into consideration. Today, hospital s lack a positive healing environment, as they are located on limited space, especially in urban places, and therefore, blocking the access to the green environment or ornament views, which foster quick recovery. The proposed orthopedic service line will deal with the treatment of musculoskeletal system, which consists of joints, tendons, and muscles, and as a result, such patients require a friendly environment. Building is advantageous compared to leasing space this is because the hospital may not manage to find an amicable rental space. However, it may consider renting the building if the price if affordable. The rise in costs and the increasing competition influences healthcare facilities to find ways of increasing their foodstuff share. Trinity community hospital has chosen to add an orthopedics service line, which is aimed at improving healthcare, as well as the financial performance. In addition, when building a facility, it dejection be designed in the desired manner, he nce avoiding conflict of interest. Finally, once the hospital builds the orthopedic facility, it officially belongs to them, and can lease every extra space available. Advantages of buying space for the new orthopedic service line When buying space, the advantage is that fixed costs are included in the contact, and therefore, the management is aware of the amount to be spent. In addition, the management can rent out additional spaces, which increase their financial returns. Buying space can be attractive, as the building is readily

Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Importance of Diversity in the University Research Paper

The Importance of Diversity in the University - Research Paper Example speckle institutional sort is highly regarded as a positive thing by many, others argue that it ordure lead to institutional drift and mission overload if parity of esteem does not prevail in the midst of institutional types. Despite the many benefits associated with institutional conversion, many institutions of information in the current day pedagogy system argon highly characterized with student bodies which are highly deficient of the desired diversity (Vught, 2009). more factors have been put forth to explain this severe lack of diversity in the institutions of high learning among them being lack of proper selection mechanisms into the institutions of higher learning and discrimination during the selection process (Devins, 2003). offset of many private institutions offering higher education is another major causative agent for higher deficiencies of diversity in higher institutions of learning. Such institutions are merely profit driven and at clock tend to compromise the educational values associated with diversity. They often concentrate on the breed of students who are adapted of raising the huge amounts of tuition fees they charge with less regard to diversity balance (Warner and Palfreyman 2001). In attempts to prove diversity in institutions of higher learning, states and governments have well defined legal provisions focusing on matters related to students diversity (Mellor, 2008). The numerous benefits associated with a diverse student corpse are universally admit and practices such as provision of racial bonus points are constitutional in some nations. This offers the nonage foreign applicants a higher probability of securing places in institutions of higher learning outside their own countries. In other provisions, race is an important factor during admissions for undergraduate programs (Vught, 2009). This helps to achieve a balanced ethnic diversity hence attaini ng the so much desired diversity in the student body. Notable also is the incorporation of affirmative action policies in many public education systems, a strategic move commonly geared towards elimination of discrimination and also aimed at coming up with a student body which is ethically balanced in order to a achieve a diverse student body. In most states, measures to mitigate discrimination based on gender, colour, race, religion, which are deeply embedded in their constitutions (Bankston, 2006). Everyone has fit rights to access education and this further enhances diversity since selection process is free and fair and not in favor of any particular group of people. To further uphold diversity in higher institutions of learning, particular(a) consideration is usually given to special groups of people in the society (Pollak and Louis, 2005). Women and the disabled for instance are at times given special consideration during the selection process to ensure their numbers in the institutions of higher learning match that of their male counterparts. An important legal provision also aimed at upholding diversity in the institutions of higher learning is the great emphasis given to respect of basic human rights. For purposes of peaceable co-existence of the diverse student community, basic human rights such religious and cultural rights are highly upheld. This allows booming integration of people of different cultural and religious background in a

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Barclays Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Barclays - Coursework ExampleIt has 140, 000 employees bitd in over fifty countries. It accepts deposits, transfers, protects, lends and invests money for its customers that are situated in different countries. The monetary validation has a long history. In 1690, two goldsmith bankers Thomas Gould and John Freame would move from one place to another bearing the sign of the black spread eagle and would accept gold deposits from anyone visiting Lombard lane in the city of London. The black eagle sign was convenient to most people because majority of the community could not read. In 1736, the son in law of John Freame, James Barclay became a partner to the blood line. days later and in 1864, the first banking house was erected in Lombard Street and the gold saving and lending business has since evolved into a classic form of financial services organization which is today known as Barclays lingo Plc in UK and that has a global banking branch network. Financial Services Barclays offers a wide execute of financial services. For instance, Barclays capital is responsible for managing bet tramps, foreign supersede, and equity and commodity risks. Barclays capital specializes in three core areas namely private equity which provides clients with the opportunity to buy privately transacted equities from private companies located in different parts of the world credit which is comprised of investment grade and high yield bonds and loans interest for equity products, money markets, fixed income, emerging markets, prime services and commodities. Products offered include savings accounts, insurance, debit card, online banking, loans etc (Pang, 2009). In general, Barclays deals with retail and commercial banking, investment banking, credit cards, investment and wealth management services. The financial company offers commercial and residential mortgages to individuals and businesses and has flexible terms of repayment. Investors can obtain short term funding by th e demeanor of overdrafts which helps them avoid high exchange rate and interest costs. Overdraft provides investors with a more flexible and convenient theme of working capital with a repayment period that is renewable upon expiry (Andreeva & Branda, 2009). By linking the interest rate of the overdrawn amounts to the Barclays base rate, the client is cushioned from high but fluctuating interest rates. The bank also offers secondary letters of credit of financial guarantees to individuals who would want to support their trade, corporate or individualised related activities with other financial institutions. These guarantees that can also be tailor made include bonds, sustainment guarantees, performance guarantees, retention money guarantees, advance payment guarantees, indemnities, acceptances among others (Dixon, 2009). The bank also offers a wide range of foreign exchange products including spot exchange, forward exchange contract and option dated forward exchange contract. Be sides these, the company gets to provide a wide range of other financial products and services through and through mergers and acquisitions. Recently, Barclays combines its merger and acquisition and corporate finance divisions into a single unit. The move was intended to channel create a bond between coverage bankers and Mergers and acquisitions bankers who are part of corporate finance squad to attract more business to the bank by driving revenue growth and offering strategical financial and investment advisory services. It also provides global ATM services by partnering with five transnational banks (Deering, 2004). The bank acquired Absa in

Friday, April 26, 2019

Lighting withing religious buildings Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8500 words

Lighting withing religious buildings - Thesis ExampleBy 15 BC, the Roman people make use of immanent inflame in buildings given the unavailability of artistryworkificial light, and natural light became the human beings of the architect.The need for natural lighting led to the introduction of windows that used glass panes. The invention of glass dates buns to 2500 BC in Mesopotamia. Originally, the use of glass in religious buildings served a decorative role with color being an essential attribute of glass. It is this attributes that religious people explored to create stained and art glass windows in places of worship. According to religious people, the art or stains on glass was light enough to allow light streams to pass through while projecting plays of colour and light throughout the interior spaces. Over time, art glass in religious architecture became part of religious culture. Although religious architecture is extremely interlacing for lack of divided up basic charac teristics amongst all religions, most religions embrace art glass in their architecture (Anon., 2011). For instance, Muslims and Christians embracing of art glass dates back to the middle ages when both introduced large scale colour art glass window. Back then, art was elevated as a symbol of the divine while adding colour, light, and peach. For the worshippers, these windows shared the faith teachings with worshippers through secular and Christian scenes present in art glass design. For the Christians, the windows were used by the clergy to teach the gospel.One of the major roles of glass, evident in France during the 12th century, was for the provision of natural lighting. This light was equated with beauty and goodness while stained glass window was preferred for its superb connection to daylight. The value of natural lighting through the glass was defined by Philosopher Abbot Suger as Divine light found on his reasoning that through natural light, God could be experienced by

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Finance Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Finance - moorage Study ExampleGEs first criterion of lend application is that the company applying for loan should have minimum three years operational working. The CCL has more than three years existence showtime from 1987 until the year ending December 31, 2002. Thus, CCL clearly passes the first criterion.Second criterion laid down by GE is of paramount importance as it ascertains whether the applicant would have enough cash generation in his or her business to repay the loan. It is necessary to do a complete analysis related to this aspect.Rendl wants to enjoy ab kayoed the cash generated from the operations so as to be assured of the loan refund by CCL. This can be given by fire earnings after tax plus derogation charged ($72,795+$79,132 = $151,927). Depreciation is not a cash outgo and remains with the company and hence counted in the cash generated.CCLs previous loans have been disbursed for the repayment period of 48 months. Assuming same repayment period of 48 months for the loan of 270,000, CCL will have monthly installment of 270,000/48 = $5,625/month. Thus, in a year CCL would need to pay 562512 = $67,500 toward its new loan however, for its two old loans CCL has been already paying 7000+800 = $7800 per month. Thus, the outgo per annum for these two old loans would be $93,600. Added a new loan repayment, total repayment comes out to be $161,100 per year. Cash likely to be generated in the year ended 2003 (as calculated above) at $151,927 is marginally short of this repayment requirements.While Rendl reviewing CCL application for $270,000 on April 15 2003 for likely new loan spending from May 1 2003, the CCL would have reduced debt in the first four months by 78004= $31,200 and net long term liability at the time of new loan disbursement would be 225,000(from sense of balance sheet year ended 2002) 31200 + 227000(new debt) = $420,800.

Adoption of Renewable Energy Technologies in the United Kingdom Essay

Adoption of Renewable Energy Technologies in the unify state - Essay ExampleA huge proportion of the worlds dynamism resources come from natural gases, fossil fuels, and nuclear fuels. These types of nix sources emit harmful chemicals and residues in the atmosphere, on the soil and in various bodies of water, which are harmful to the environment. Recent studies estimate that the demand for expertness will increase affectedly within the future(a) few decades. Many scientists around the world agonize over the postulated insufficiency of natural gases which are straightaway considered to be finite and unsustainable. Also, global environmental problems like global warming call for cleaner push button sources in order to preclude degenerative developments in the worlds environmental conditions. The running down of United Kingdoms vast muscularity resources, along with the forecasted escalation of the worlds zip fastener expenditure imperils its energy security. Jamieson 2 Sol e reliance on fossil and nuclear fuels void its commitment to reducing energy consumption and cutting carbon emissions. The national government now turns to exploiting renewable energy sources that will increase energy supply. The adoption of renewable energy will also help in the decarbonization of the atmosphere using blow and Capture Technology. The Department of Energy and Climate Changes Office for Renewable Energy suppuration exerts effort in order to understand how this transformation can be achieved and to discuss the possible barriers that may debar adoption of renewable energy. How to achieve development of diverse renewable resources The implementation of renewable energy technologies in the United Kingdom can meet the target to deliver 15% of the UKs energy consumption from renewable resources by 2020 (Department of Energy and Climate Change, Renewable Energy). There are viii (8) renewable resources technologies that will be used to generate at least 15% of the total energy consumption in the United Kingdom by 2020. These are the following (1) Onshore wind (2) inshore wind (3) Marine Energy (4) Biomass Electricity (5) Biomass Heat (6) Air-source and Ground-source heat pumps (7) Renewable Transport (8) Solar and geothermic Technologies. The national government should focus on the following measures in order to achieve these developments 1. Enabling admission to the grid. Deployment of energy generated by renewable energy resources cannot be completed without access to the grid. This can make or break the plan. The government must ensure that grids are supplied on all renewable energy sites in order to ease deployment actions. Jamieson 3 2. Making sure of a sustainable supply of bioenergy. Bioenergy is seen to possibly modify almost half of the total energy production needed to meet the 15% target. However, matters pertaining to its sustainability may trim down the use of bioenergy. 3. Technological Advancement. A constant upgrade on the tec hnical support is needed to aid efficiency on the deployment of energy throughout the country. While tools and equipment used in some forms of renewable energy technologies are relatively advanced, others are yet struggling with having the comparatively outmoded technology.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Final Exam Study Sheet Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Final Exam Study Sheet - Assignment causePersuasion is thus an essential aspect of marketing. In marketing, it can be done using the AIDA construction. The formula is acronym that is vital in the advertising and highlights lists of activities that occur when the customer is engaged with an advertisement agency. Letter A office attention which requires that the attention of the customer should be realized. Interest is the next stage D means thirst while the last A means action.Those who receive given tuition or message instantly are said to be the primary audience. On the some other hand, unoriginal audience involves a assembly that receives a copy of the information directly. They also called hidden audience.Research exists in primary or secondary dimension (Vogel 34). Primary research is new and has the aim of address specific questions. Secondary research utilizes information from the initially researched areas.These are channels by which message is conveyed from the sende r to receiver (Vogel 76). They include emails, letters, and memos. E-mails are fond and can be sent over long distances. They, however, demand computer literacy that most people insufficiency (Vogel 77). Letters are efficient for a smaller organization and are relatively cheaper. On the other hand, they require literacy that is relative.Direct messages communicate open information to the audience (Vogel 66). They are used when immediate feedback is needed. corroboratory messages covers and concealed information. They are often used to pass information that demands discreteness.This includes the adjusting of tones in sentences so that the directly points at the you beingness referred to (Vogel 178). They are mostly used in illustrative or instructional sentences. For example, you are being advised to see the manager.They are also called topical sentences (Vogel 55). They are made up of short and punctilious sentences. They appear at the beginning of the

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Adam Smith & UK Income Taxation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Adam Smith & UK Income Taxation - Essay Example42). fit in to Smith, the original maxim is that the subjects of every state ought to contribute toward the support of government, as nearly as possible, in coincidence to their respective abilities, that is in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state (Smith 1784, p. 639). According to Smith, observation or neglect of this maxim consists in what is called the equality or inequality of measureation (Smith 1786, p. 639).For Smith, the insurgent maxim is that the tax which each individual is bound to pay ought to be certain, and not arbitrary (1784, p. 639). For Smith, this mean that the time of payment, the manner of payment, the quantity to be paid, ought all to be clear and plain to the contributor, and to every some other persons (1784, p. 639). For Smith, the second maxim is necessary because otherwise, every person subject to the tax is put more or less in the power of the tax-ga thered, who can either aggravate the tax upon any obnoxious contributor, or extort, by the terror of such aggravation, some present or perquisite to himself (1784, p. 639-640). Smith emphasized that misgiving of taxation encourages insolence and favours the corruption of an order of men who are naturally unpopular, even where they are neither insolent nor corrupt (1784, p. 640).The third tax maxim of Adam Smith is that every tax ought to be levied at the time, or in the manner, in which is it most likely or most likely to be convenient for the contributor to pay it (1784, p. 640). Finally, Smiths quartern maxim on taxes is that every tax ought to be contrived as both to take out and to keep out of the pockets of the people as little as possible over and above what it brings into the public treasury of the state (1784, p. 640).On the fourth maxim, Smith also noted four things. One, the tax levy may require a huge number of officers whose salaries may eat the greater portion

Monday, April 22, 2019

Marketing process and planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing process and planning - Essay ExampleHowever, due to a variety of some other games, Anki drive will be affected by the elasticity of demand. The prices are likely to go overpower since there are many competitors in the market.The product will solo be limited to the orchard apple tree users in the UK. This might affect the market share of the product if there are only some people who use the Apple gadgets. In addition, considering the Apple products are expensive, they might limit the usage Anki feat.Anki exertion would have had a bigger market share if it would have been launched in other smart phones apart from Apple phones. On the other hand, there will be a high competition from other games that can use all type of smart phones, which will be likely to beat Anki Drive in the market share.Anki Drive has a particular segment in the market. Being a machine racing game, most youths will prefer the game because most of them love cars. However, the game can only be su pported by Apple iOS devices. Therefore, only the iPhone and iPad users will have access to the game. Most youths in the current generation prefer to use these devices because of their unequaled features and the improved technology. This is the reason the smart set decided to chose these devices for Anki Drive. The UK and the US has a lot of youths who are gamers. Thus, the market was segmented mostly for these youths where it will provide a unique and entertaining way to play games. Youths will always show interest in new drill of games, and that is why Anki Drive is in the market (KOTLER, 2013).As said earlier, Anki Drive is mostly targeted to the youths and the users of Apple products. Thus, the company is going to use concentrated marketing strategy in marketing this video game. In a concentrated marketing strategy, a company targets only one major group of customers to deliver its products. Having explored the market trends for other games, youths were

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Key Success Factors for luxury good industry Assignment

Key Success Factors for luxury good exertion - Assignment ExampleMany people, therefore, buy brand names for class and the luxurious experience associated with the brand. In the coach-and-four case, the strategy to diffuse in all trades was to ensure that their products were of a world class aim thence, attracting all sorts of individuals. Even the middle class people want to feel a sense of luxury, hence the need to have a product whose brand is recognized as it gives them a sense of be (Okonkwo & Palgrave Connect, 2007). A well-recognized and respected brand positively affects the industry by increasing sales hence, economic harvest-tide, non only in the countries that have been outsourced for manufacturing, but also in other parts of the world as most people prefer a recognized brand. The strategic suggestion of a well-recognized and well-respectable brand is the growth of the industry.Secondly, there is the aspect of expertness in a particular field in the Coach case, it is the expertise in the luxury industry. Appointing a person in the luxury industry who has the expertise on the market and design is very important as they help in coming up with new and innovational products that are libertine moving. This is a key advantage factor, because todays consumers are appealed by fast moving products in the market, regardless of whether the quality of the material used is expensive or not. In the Coachs case, after they realized their products were not moving they employed Reed Krakoff as the new productive director. His idea was that the products in the luxury industry should be based on market research quite a than the designers instincts. This factor affects the industry by creating a competitive advantage and when it comes to strategic implication it ensures that the luxury industry stays on top as it gives it customers goods that are satisfactory.The triplet factor is the aspect of national or global distribution capabilities. It is an impera tive or key success factor, because without the right mode

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Critical Biodiversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Critical Biodiversity - Essay ExampleEach of these many another(prenominal) species on earth plays a signifi supportt role in maintaining of a stable and healthy ecosystem. However, world activities have directly or indirectly take to a major loss of biodiversity and in mature raising questions as to the take in of conserving species so as to maintain a stable and healthy environment. kind activities that directly affect biodiversity include deforestation, pollution and overexploitation of natural resources. Indirectly for instance, human activities have led to climate change which negatively affects other species.Since each and every species plays a significant role in maintaining a stable ecosystem, the existence of each species is vital to life. Human being cannot survive without biodiversity as we commit on it directly or indirectly (De Vere, 2008). Directly, most of the plant species are consumed as food and care for by humans. In addition, all plants play a major role i n changing cytosine dioxide to oxygen which is vital for human life. Some animal species are also food to humans, and their existence manner a continuous food supply. The importances of biodiversity to mankind are just a few to mention. I summate that the loss of a few species may have no profound effect on ecosystem processes, exclusively there is a need to conserve all species for a better and stable environment. Conservation of biodiversity can include actions like restoration of ecosystems, controlled exploitation of natural resources and the requirement to conserve the species among others.In conclusion, humans need biodiversity for survival since diverse species play various roles in maintaining a stable and healthy ecosystem. As a result, they should conserve the species. I agree that just as our comprehension of social equality has expanded throughout history, our familial and social groups have grown in size. Therefore, our inclusion of the environment ought to become a divorce of our ethical

Friday, April 19, 2019

Human resource management in Foxconn Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human resource circumspection in Foxconn - Essay ExampleIt began in 2009 where a pulverization by the name of Sun Dayong, committed felo-de-se just because he lost an iPhone 4 double in his posession (Barbosa 2008). It was followed by 14 suicides 2010 until 2012, the latest in June of 2012 where suicides were directly related to wage. Obviously, there is something very handle in the human resource management practice of Foxconn which needs to be addressed. Human resource trim back The kind of technology that Foxconn supplies to Apple may be cutting edge and its client, Apple Inc may be a revolutionary company but the human resource practice of Foxconn is medieval that even predated stainless management theorists whose theorists were already debunked by modern practice of management. Foxconn workplaces were often described as labor camps due(p) to the horrible treatment of its employees that include abuse and illegal overtimes to the point that employees commit suicide. Wors t, Foxconn also make their employees planetary house waivers that gurantee that Foxconn leave not be sued by its employees up to their descendants if something come abouted to them whether they died, get injured and committed suicide (Malone 2010). In its Mexico plant, it was even alleged that the bus that was supposed to take the workers to and from the plant were deliberately delayed by Foxconn so that the managemend could force its employees to do an overtime work without pay while waiting for the bus. This issue had been increase until riot broke loose in February 19, 2010 where employees set fire in the companys gymnasium. These actions lone(prenominal) manifests how callous and abusive Foxconn in treating its employees. Their human resource practice virtually breaks every rule in good human resource management. Their human resource practice did not even conform to the prefatorial tenet of Taylors scientific management which is the most basic management concept available today. Taylor management theories may endure been dismissed as outdated but at least(prenominal), Taylor had the motivation concept that if employees will be paid well, they will also be motivated to work well (Butler 1991). Foxconn is notorious in this aspect that its employees are even driven to suicide out of frustration of the company s take aim of pay. It would find ways where it can force its employees to work overtime without pay such as delaying their commuter bus. It may be a cheap strategy but Foxconn would resort to it for as long as it can make more money out of its employees never mind if they will commit suicide later. Foxconn has also no regard for its employees welfare. Instead of addressing the root cause of its suicide issues in the company which is mismanagement and oppressive pay, it instead made its employees sign a contract that would deter them in suing the company if anything happen to them in the company. This is Foxconns response to its human resource issue which is to protect itself from legal complications instead of jam its management practice (Dalrymple 2009). What Foxconn should have done? Applicable human resource theories. Had Foxconn been a conscientious company, it should have addressed the employees grievances instead of seeking legal protection. If the issue is pay, Foxconn should have increased the wages of its workers at least for it to become competitive industry and not at its current level where it drives employees to suicide. Second, it should have conducted leadership and management trainings to its

Air Pollution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Air Pollution - Essay ExampleThis research paper explores that different places in the reality have different post quality, depending on the magnitude of air pollution. The air that people inhale is incomplete clean nor is it healthy. In fact, the air that people breathe contains harmful gases like ground train ozone gas, cytosine monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, air particles and lead. Of the five gases, ground level ozone and air borne articles have been set as the extensiveest risk to human health in the world study cities. There is a great difference in air qualities in the world and this is manifested in different statistical informations in the major cities of the world. The major cities of the globe are impacted by air pollution, which affects air quality. The Air Quality in the world is assessed through Air Quality Index (AQI). AQI is used for reporting air quality on a daily basis. AQI provides information about how clean or polluted the air is in the places that a person resides and what health hazards a person should be concerned of. Environmental Protection Agency commonly calculates the AQI of five major air pollutants, which are controlled by the Clean Air Act. These pollutants include ground level ozone gas, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and air particles. Of the five gases, ground level ozone and air borne articles have been identified as the greatest risk to human health in the world major cities. Most of the sources of air pollution arise from technological and industrial advancement made by humans.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Office Equipment Market Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 21000 words

righteousness Equipment Market - Dissertation ExampleThe research examines the state of the office equipment commercialise for determination of whether or not it can withstand sweetborn entrants. Focusing on three technologies and types of equipment, copiers, printers and facsimile machines, the findings indicate that this is an revolution dictated and pattern-based market. The implication here is that the first off-mover advantage principle holds, wherein new entrants are not likely to succeed. Indeed, the technologies and picks available to the first movers and early entrants render this a closed market in the sense that it is unlikely to absorb new entrants. An application of the resource-based view of the firm confirms this hypothesis.The dissertation, however, finds that while the opportunities for new entrants in the referenced market are limited, they do exist. Quite simply stated, should the first-movers cease their continued drive towards innovation, thus, leaving a gap in the market, new firms can enter. They, however, can only do so if they have timed their innovations to coincide with the mentioned gap. As the field of study concludes, the opportunities for new entrants are far and few between and, indeed, their chances for success are minimal at best, considering resource variances between them and the early entrants. The fact remains, however, that such opportunities exist with the unwrap being innovation and product timing. Chapter 1 - Introduction and Overview1.1IntroductionTo those from without the industry, the office equipment market appears to be a highly moneymaking(a) one. Indeed, as some(prenominal) market researchers have remarked, the profits which the printer, copier and facsimile machines market appears to promise seems to gesture new market players to enter this particular industrial and market sector... To those from without the industry, the office equipment market appears to be a highly lucrative one. Indeed, as seve ral market researchers have remarked, the profits which the printer, copier and facsimile machines market appears to promise seems to beckon new market players to enter this particular industrial and market sector (Herbig & Kramer, 1994 Elliot, 2005 Ruffo, Tuck and Hague, 2007). Irrespective of appearances, however, and not withstanding the size of the market, there is no room for new players as this is a first-mover market in which the betting odds are stacked against new entrants. As noted by several market analysts and marketing scholars, innovation is the key to survival within this market and, due to that, the market status of its key players (Xerox, IBM, Ricoh, Canon, Kyocera-Mita and HP) is virtually impregnable (Clarke, 2000).Proceeding for the above-stated, it is apparent that professional and academic opinion tends towards the contention that the office equipment market is not scatter to new players that there is no room for new players within this market. This is not, a s some may assume, because the key players have a tight, quasi-monopolistic grip over the market. Instead, and as noted in the above, this is because this is a market of innovation and, hence, by definition, favours early movers. In order to clarify this further, it is necessary to explore the nature of innovation. Innovation, it is argued, is more than invention. sick differently, inventions do not necessarily result in innovation.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

CLOUD COMPUTING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

CLOUD COMPUTING - Essay Example). Moreover, taint calculate consists of applications that are represented as a service on the web and the provision of hardware / software product services provided by companies operating data centers. Likewise, the services provided over the Internet are referred as (Software as a Service) SaaS. There are few sellers who use the term (Infrastructure as a service) IaaS and (Platform as a service) PaaS in order to demonstrate their products and services. However, these terms are avoided and not accepted globally, due to variation (ARMBRUST, make et al. 2010). The Commerce Departments National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have illustrated some helpful definitions that instruction on three concepts (Ryan, Loeffler 2010) obliterate infrastructure as a service IaaS consists of provisioning elementary computation resources. Cloud software as a service SaaS access software application that operates on a cloud infrastructure. Cloud platfor m as a service (PaaS) provides the accessibility to users for implementing and developing applications with programming language and tools support by the providers. The core components of a cloud are consists of the data center hardware and software. When these resources are do available to the public, they are referred as public clouds and the service provided by the cloud is called as utility reckoning. Moreover, tete-a-tete clouds are only available to private organizations and are not accessible by public. Accordingly, cloud computing is the combination of SaaS and utility computing (ARMBRUST, FOX et al. 2010). Current Trends Information Technology organization has already invested millions since the 1990s, to put forward in reshaping cloud computing. For instance, a popular slogan from Sun that was Net tame is a computer was recognize in 1980s. Furthermore, salesforce.com, a SaaS enabled website is providing services since 1999. Today, cloud computing represents a more inn ovative and productive approach, in order to provide online services along with online operating systems. Microsoft Azure provides an online operating system along with the mark of development tools and services. Moreover, Google Docs provides online word processors along with spreadsheets and presentation applications similar to Microsoft Office. Furthermore, Google Apps gives the freedom to the developers to execute their codes and applications on Google infrastructure. Sun Microsystems provides computing power by charging $1 per hour for one CPU. In addition, Amazon provides web services named as EC2 and S3. Moreover, Yahoo has also announced recently that it will utilize Apache Hadoop framework that will enable users to work on thousand of nodes and one million bytes of data. Accordingly, the contribution of cloud computing is covering every verbalism of computation required for small, medium and large businesses (Han 2010). Benefits Cloud computing provide many cost effectiv e short term and long-term benefits. The organizations can avail services from multiple cloud-computing providers, to improve computerized business processes and blue availability of services within the organization. Cloud computing also provides standardization of APIs, by operating on compatible applications to enable hybrid cloud computing. Moreov

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

How Assumptions Influence Our Behavior Essay Example for Free

How conjectures Influence Our Behavior EssayAssumption analysis describes the activity adults engage in to arrive to awareness beliefs, values, cultural practices, and social structures regulating behavior and to assess their impact on daily activities. Assumptions may be paradigmatic, prescriptive, or causal (Brookfield 1995). Assumptions structure our way of seeing reality, govern our behavior, and describe how relationships should be ordered. Assumption analysis as a first step in the critical reflection process makes definite our taken-for-granted notions of reality.Contextual awareness is achieved when adult learners come to realize that their assumptions are socially and personally created in a specific historical and cultural context. Imaginative speculation provides an opportunity for adults to challenge prevailing ways of wise to(p) and acting by imagining alternative ways of thinking about phenomena (Cranton 1996). The outcome of assumption analysis, contextual aw areness, and chimerical speculation is reflective skepticism-the questioning of any universal truth claims or unexamined patterns of interaction.Former president Ronald Reagan scarcely assumed that everyone he encountered would like him this belief was part of the fabric of his personality. The results were intriguing, in that even his enemies were attracted to him socially. His arch-nemesis in Congress, antiauthoritarian leader Thomas Tip ONeil, commented that while he hated Reagans policies, on the personal level, I key it impossible to dislike the guy. At the other extreme, premature cognitive commitments too often work against us. A childhood friend, whom I considered brilliant when we were kids, in his mid-forties confessed to me that he had lived beneath his potential for much of his life.In sixth grade, he explained, his teacher belittled his work in such a way that it left hand him convinced he was incapable of academic learning. That conviction, which he carried throug hout his teenage years and into adulthood, caused him to avoid dispute courses in junior high and high school, to stay away from college, and to settle for a job that didnt hip-hop his capabilities well. Only now was he beginning to revisit that assumption, and to realize just how greatly it had restricted his choices (Smith 2004). befitting fully aware of our default assumptions can take work, reflection and determination, and the help of a counselor or trusted friend can be invaluable in the process. Yet the task is typically not Herculean either. If our negative expectations spring from a traumatic past experience, to be sure, the task of uncovering quash memories may be painful, and may require special help. This is the extreme case, though.ReferencesBrookfield, S. (1995) Becoming a Critically ruminative Teacher. San Francisco Jossey- Bass,Cranton, P, (1996) Professional Development as Transformative Learning New Perspectives for Teachers of Adults. San Francisco Jossey Bass .Smith, Blaine M (2004) Reshaping Assumptions That Shape Our Life Damascus, MD

Monday, April 15, 2019

English essay on Of Mice and Men Essay Example for Free

English judge on Of Mice and Men EssaySteinbeck uses an example of symbolism in the form of candys chink. Re-read pages 70-76, what qualities/ encourages does this dog exist? Which human characteristics could be represented by these qualities/ values?Candy is the previous(a)est man on the ranch. As he is the oldest, he has more things to worry about than the others. He has only 1 hand and a womens cry, and finished Steinbecks writing, we know why this is, because he has lost his masculinity and pride. He also has a pet super old pet dog, which he loves and everyone loathes, as they think it is useless and suffering, Candy thinks otherwise and doesnt want it shot.Candys dog, which doesnt watch a name and is incredibly old in the story, represents the fact that things that atomic number 18 unimportant are unexplored to other people. This represents Candy as an old undervalued character that is slowly loosing value wish his dog. It establishes that if youre an old an imal, then(prenominal) youre in trouble. This is why Candy is so reluctant to have his dog shot because he knows what its like to be old and unwanted, still because he and his dog share the same qualities, he feels like they are close friends that rely on each other.In the book, he says Im so used to him, he express softly. I had him as a pup. This shows the closeness between the two. Candy cant bear to imagine loosing something he has been so close to for most of his life on the ranch. And has he and the dog dont have anyone but themselves, Candy feels that he will be completely alone after the dog dies. Because Candy doesnt want the dog to die before him, he wants to savour what he has got left.Candy and the dog are both animate on borrowed time, which means as soon as the boss finds out Candy is too old to work, hell throw him, and Candy wont have anywhere to go. When Candys dog does get shot he feels instant regret. This is because he felt he should have shot the dog, and no t Carlson. Candy feels that by not doing this, he has betrayed his dog and let him down. If anyone is supposed to take responsibility over anyone, it should be their best or closest friend. He wasnt there to comfort the dog too, he feels guilt and is let down by his actions.Some one else that is in the same position as Candy and his dog are Lennie and George. George existence the strongest to the two is very protective over Lennie. He makes a point of always telling what to do, but for his own good. People at the ranch criticize George on his choice of friendship, but this is because no one else seems to have a close high society except them and Candy and his dog.They are jealous they dont have the let to have someone to rely on. George and Lennie really do count on each other, as they are planning to get some money together and buy and farm so they can cause their own food and have animals. At the end of the book, when George kills Curleys wife, he runs away just like George to ld him to and hides. When George in the long run finds him, he knows Lennie is going to be killed by an angry mob, so he takes the matter into his own hands. He speaks to Lennie about how theyre going to live, and about rabbits, as Lennie loves them so. This way he can kill Lennie without a unbalanced consciousness and with Lennie truly happy.The only other couple in the story are Curley and his wife, who has no name in the book. This shows that women werent the same status like men, and also like Candys dog, she doesnt really have any value to anyones life in the book, so she dies along with Lennie and the dog. Though she and Curley didnt have a good relationship, he manifestly cared for her, and went crazy when she was killed. Because it was Lennie who killed her, Curley felt like it was his responsibility to kill Lennie. Curley new what his wifes nature was like, flirtatious and open. This would make the reviewer think that Curley was maybe jealous that it wasnt him that kille d her, but Lennie, who is seen as the village idiot.In this novel, I think Steinbeck was difficult to tell us that if you have companionship throughout the capest times of your life, dont count on it, because one daylight the other person will let you down. He also wanted to show that whoever you take companionship with you will have to take responsibility of their death. He wanted to show the readers that in a tough time, you cant have someone to reply on all the time you have to be self-supporting and strong.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

In what ways have changes in technology led to changes Essay Example for Free

In what ways have changes in technology led to changes EssayThe technological advances of today had greatly influenced the conceptualization up to implementation of software architectures. Miniaturization of hardware dependence, further enhancement of capabilities and features, agileer processing time for the just about accurate result(s), and the most considered by many as the most important of all, improvement of user-friendliness were only just an ample of the trends misadventure today for the software industry.Since these were the trends, software architects had to cope up with the commonwealths demand for better software interaction experience. The openhanded computers that occupy a whole room but do the same capabilities of our personal computers nowadays were had desire been obsolete. Computers had long been recognized by many as a nice help for human living. troops then realized that computers need to be portable in order that man could bring it wherever he goe s and utilize it whenever he likes or whenever he needed.Hardware for computers is now made to be as compact as possible, (great example would be the hardware of mobile phones). This trend is then accompanied by the need for better algorithms and implementation codes. The task for creating such algorithms and codes had turned to be more complex as time goes. Software makers had then thought that it is better that this problem be distributed to a group of people so that it would be easier to solve. People they will select to handle the task should have the knowledge for the particular(prenominal) task he should do.And then after this creation of algorithm phase, the remaining problem would then be how the person to use would utilize the code without requiring him to know all the science behind it. Technology is fast changing. Computer and software improvements are a part of this changing technology. That is why the field of software architecture emerged.References Software Architect ure. Retrieved July 10, 2007 from http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Software_architecture.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

The Italian Renaissance Essay Example for Free

The Italian spiritual rebirth EssayIntroductionThe writings of the renascence featured heroism, justice and power, influencing modern political, kind and philosophical ideals. In contrast to the middle ages where censorship limited to motions and genres for literature, the Renaissance served as platform for public commentary and backchat. However, it should as well be storied that though many of the writers of the period had greater independence than other prowessists of the beat from the Church, many of the writers enjoyed patronage by declare political powers or became part of the political machinery of these institutions. In Bondanella and Musas (1987) The Italian Renaissance Reader, the whole kit of some of the most nonable writers of the Renaissance movement provide a glimpse to the evolution of the rationale behind the artistic movement which while adhering to stainless traditions, revived intellectual thinking and exchange.Backgroundthough the Renaissance wa s a reaction to the medieval conservative views and saw the resurgence of arts, literature and philosophy, there was even significant conservatism in sciences. Thus, though many of the writers of the period can be considered to be forward-thinking, the prescription drug of logic and deduction as intellectual disciplines is apparent. mavin advocate of the methodology is Petrarch who highlighted classical sources and scholarship as the standard of reasoning and study (p. 57). This tradition or bolt is apparent in the works of Niccolo Machiavellis The Prince, Giovanni Boccaccios Decameron and Baldesar Castigliones Book of the Courier among other as well (pp. 259, 60, 197).Building from the literature and art revolution of the late 1200s, Italian became the literary language of the period in contrast to previous sense of taste for other European languages. It created not only a nationalistic individuality to literature but also served as reinforcement for state, social and politica l works that Italian writer would be most noted for. Consequently, the development would also support the growth of publishing in the country, particularly Venice, which in turn bequeath further enhance the regard for Italian Renaissance writers. However, despite these changes, religion remained a primary theme in most Italian works. Majority of the works were either reflective of the medieval themes or applications of such(prenominal) themes using humanism.Themes and IdeasItalian writers sought to assimilate classical traditions in their work in the belief that these intellectualized and rationalized their work. One of the most common themes and ideas in the writers featured humanism and self-awareness. The former can be illustrated by Giovanni Pico Della Mirandolas Oration on the Dignity of Man (pp. 180-183). In this work, man is portrayed as an individual whose identity and value is his own and though he is subject to religion, society and the state, remains an individual. As su ch, he is considered twain(prenominal) an actor an object of other actions through the process of living. Self-awareness in turn can be illustrated in the work of Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti (pp. 187-196, 377-381).Though they are most renowned for their contribution to visual art, both these artists notes indicate their belief that art as a product of man is beyond his inspiration or labor. They implied that the work or artists and in a sense all other labors of man, where to be appreciated for themselves beyond their identity as a work of an individual and in turn to understand the artist beyond the work being viewed.Boccaccios Decameron also proved to be inspirational to other writers of the period not only in Italy but in the rest of Europe including the works of William Shakespeare and Geoffrey Chaucer (p. 60). Furthermore, the Decameron is considered to not to represent the characteristics of the Renaissance Italy literature but actually set the pace for oth er writers since Boccaccio was one of the most notable students of Petrarch. In the course of his story of the ten story tellers running from the plague combined religious themes with secular discussion of ethics and incorruptity (pp. 59-61).In all of these writings, there is greater empowerment for men to mold their destinies and the expertness to make choices. Ultimately, the Italian Renaissance writers believed that salvation and redemption depend on an individuals energy and commitment to realize them. In such a perspective, though religion remains to be a predominant power, man is the qualifier of human experience. Moreover, there is greater recognition of mans attain in the life of others as well as his own. In turn, this reinforced the call for greater responsibleness and accountability for ones actions.Impact and InfluenceOne of the most important contributions of Italian Renaissance writers is the establishment of Italian as a language of literature. This would serve a s a foundation for the Italian literary industry as well as the role of the Italian writers as political and social intellectual leaders in Europe.Another notable contribution of Italian Renaissance writers is their influence on other writers of the period such as Shakespeare and Chaucer as well as the development of humanistic ideals and judgment of art. A power structure for living matter was also developed based on a hierarchy of intellect implying that mans greatest ability was the capacity of reasoning. In terms of literary style and composition, characterization and plot development in Italian Renaissance literature influenced the development of experiential chronicle melding religious and secular views on morality, ethics and philosophy.In studying these trends in artistic composition, techniques, subjects and styles developed by Italian Renaissance writers, one will be able to develop insights to the social, political and economic developments brought on by the Renaissance in Italy which cradled both the Renaissance and the period by which it sought to contrast itself. same(p) the visual arts, Renaissance writers often employed illusionism to explore real issues.In doing so, they were able to present social, moral or philosophical commentary without direct conflict with other belief systems and at the same time highlight the value of systematic and scholastic study. In doing so, it brought into popular arenas intellectual discussion reminiscent of classical scholastic traditions. However, though there was significant reference to classical traditions, Italian Renaissance writers recognized the deviation between philosophy and science which persists to contemporary studies as well.ReferenceBondanella, Julia Conaway and Musa, Mark (1987). The Italian Renaissance Reader. sunrise(prenominal) York Penguin Books

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Tj Eckleburg Essay Example for Free

Tj Eckleburg EssayThe eyeball of TJ Eckleburg symbolizes the destruction of the American Dream. designate Billboard fading, Main characters going into NYC to commit depravity and the Eyes looking upon the death of Myrtle. Like weird value, the billboard is dangleed.But his look, dimmed a little by many paintless days, under sun and rain, pass over on over the solemn dumping ground. This is a valley of ashes a fantastic do work where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens where ashes take the forms of houses and chimneys and rising smoke and, finally, with a transcendent effort, of ash grey men, who move dimly and already crumbling through the powdery air. The falsity that the author describes the eyes and how its faded represents the neglect and destruction of the American dream and how it looks upon only the material wealth and not the morals of people. The eyes argon also set in the valley of ashes where the poor died and it represents th e hollowness of the American dream and that its a sizeable lie and that that gold will turn into ashes.Corruption of the American society/dream.Tom go on his actions with Myrtle, watches Gatsby drives to meet Wolfshiem to bootleg, and watches Daisy go find new thrills with Gatsby. The eyes watches how the main characters go in and appear of NYC to commit corruption. George said God knows what youve been doing, everything youve been doing. You may fool me but you cant fool God. George is referring to the eyes and how you can fool everyone but the eyes know what you have done and what corruption you have contributed to the American dream. What these main character do shapes how we see the American dream and it tells us it can lead to destruction. The eyes watch as Myrtles American dreams died on with her.Eyes see how Myrtle and Toms affair beganWatched it grow, watched how desperate she wants to live the American dream. She had it but to only die because of it. She got hit by Toms car and died in apparent motion of the eyes. The eyes saw the whole affair between Tom and Myrtle from beginning to end. Mrtyle yearns to live the American dream so she has an affair with Tom. Eventually the American dream caught up to her and she neglected her values and rushed out to a fast moving toms car and got it.This signifies the end of the American dream and shows you that the hollowness of this dream and that one day gold will turn into ashes as Myrtle dies in front of the eyes in the valley of ashes. They eyes of TJ Eckleburg reflects the destruction of the American dream. Like spiritual values, the billboard is neglected, corruption of the American society/dream and the eyes watch as Myrtles American dreams died along with her. The eyes of TJ Eckleburg shows us that the American dream is a big lie and that all good things spot to an end, that gold can become ash. The corruption and pain that the American dream brings onto you and to others is not wroth that lifestyle.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Daimlerchrysler Merger the Quest to Create “One Company” Essay Example for Free

Daimlerchrysler Merger the Quest to Create One Company EssayIn order to register and be critical on Daimlers choice of partner, apart from the motives presented in the sheath, one also postulate to consider the enterprise environment trends during the time. 90s was a wave of mergers and acquisitions characterized by Cross-border ventures (Lipton M. , 2006). According to Lipton it was an date of reference where size mattered and mergers were considered the one-way to internationalization and market expansion. Furthermore, nine of the ten largest deals in history all in additionk send in the three-year period 1998-2000. Having established that, one preempt understand that Daimler was under market and investor pressure to go large. In such(prenominal) an environment, a European company would think of an integrative expansion to the vast US market as the best strategy (Japanese market too cultural different). So, from the choices of either founding a new subsidiary (high bum p) or learnking for a JV, or an acquisition or a merger Daimler went for the merger. It was an effort to meet the environmental trend by increasing market share and to make a big impact to the larger competitors.Comparing the three great American car companies, GM was too large (in 1997 GM had $178b revenues compared to Daimlers $71b) and difficult to control, Ford had investor issues (Ford family), but Chrysler, a equal size company, would seem the best partner. Chrysler was also ideal partner for Daimler because it had a good knowledge of the local market, which lowers the venture risk (Bartlett Beamish, 2011), and it would offer RD synergies and broaden the offered product range (Glavin W. F. , 2004). Considering all those factors I believe that Chrysler was the best choice of a partner.However, during those early stages of cross-cultural mergers and acquisitions there was little experience on making the venture work. In the appendix, I raise the main friction points and ana lyze how they should have been treated according to the literature. From this analysis we can see that the companies where different in all regards. In fact, seeing the range of daily activities and structure it is evident that the cardinal companies operated in completely opposite. Thus, it was truly a marriage of opposites. But still this is not a unwavering argument for integration efforts failure.According to Bartlett Beamish persistence and willingness to evolve and adapt are the place to success in all collaborations. By looking through the friction points and what the literature suggests I tested to point who the person in charge of each dish out should in fact be. The company in Bold in appendix is the company that should lead the efforts in that process after the merger payable to its expertise which then would benefit the whole. It is evident that either Chrysler or twain companies should manage the new company.In reality Chrysler tried to pass this through to Daiml er but simply the management failed to penetrate the strong standpat(prenominal) culture of Daimler in the beginning and then it lacked the persistency. Then, Daimler took advantage of that weakness and it saw this merger not as a marriage of equals but as a takeover. So the greatest problem of the integration process was the combination of Chryslers inability to assert its processes and then Daimlers failure to evolve, adapt and respect its ally. interrogation 2 In order to give advice I consider Bartletts Beamishs framework on guidelines for a successful JV.First, there was a lack of proper pre-merger analysis which, had it been kill properly, would have raised early on the friction points. Secondly, there were no common objectives set and there was no plan on the course of action after the merger. The CIC and the PMI integration teams had no framework and dealt with issues as they arose, and thus were bound to fail. So, before embarking on a collaboration venture the CEOs sho uld have thought of those steps. As we found, the inability to adapt and the cultural differences had been the main source of problems.Trust is the main fuel of collaboration and it can only be developed over time, being a result of shared experiences (Bartlett Beamish, 2011). In our case the two extremes merged one day and they were simply expected to run like clockwork. An coalescence has similar benefits with a merger (Bartlett Beamish, 2011) but addresses the core problems better for the following reasons. A main benefit of an alliance is that when it is formed it has an exit clause, which allows the two companies to integrate more relaxed, and it offers a vehicle to learning and experimentation for the requirement bonds and trust to be formed.This lays the best conditions for a hybrid culture to form. Also, the companies operations that offer the greatest dominance to synergies can be integrated, whereas the extreme opposite ones can be left to operate independently. This means that sectors such as RD can be jointed and Branding can operate independent. However, an alliance, alone, would not work for those companies as they wanted to go large. In my opinion, the best solution would be to form an alliance as a way to build on trust and learning and then as a second step, if both sides where mature, merge in common respect with clear objectives and structure.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Training Key Areas Essay Example for Free

teaching Key Areas EssayEmployees talents, happiness and productivity normally measures on a societys overall prosperity. Corporate responsibility has become most important value in large organizations. This requires extravagantly levels of employee contribution. Community projects and promoting diversity helps companies develop symbiotic relationships with the surrounding environments. Working towards positive corporate culture give surly build the employee value over time. This paper provide analyze key provisions that focus on statutory requirements, diversity and employee growth, all focusing on larger companies. Legal RequirementsAccording to the article Employee readying Development written by Noe, the different situations that can issuing in legal actions in a organization include, failure to meet training requirements, employee sustaining injuries due or during training or a spot outside of the training session. The breach of Confidentiality against employees or an employer is also punishable by law and it entitles the employee to punitive alter as their go out of injury to his or her character. Its also vital that the organization that is using the secure material within its training that they obtain permission and that it is legal and punishable by law.The business moldiness maintain and abide by both federal and state regulations in addition to the local laws because these laws whitethorn permit the amount of time of days required by laws to maintain the status of a Limited Liability Company. Organizations that ar established under a Limited Liability Company must keep track of an updated hour list that are spending on training and the people that participated in the trainings. Depending if thecompany is a resole proprietorship, corporation or a limited liability the legal advisor can only change the company after the trainings. The relationship between legal advisors and lawyers is extremely beneficial because he or she is r ise up educated in the goals and objectives and can provide influential perspectives on any opportunities that can benefit the company in the future. The relationship between the employer and legal advisor is also important because they ensure that the employer is knowledgeable of the laws in other states as they are different depending on location of the business. DiversityThe development of diversity training is further than just race, gender, culture and work ethic. Great diversity training within the company provides the employers the worthy tools that are needed to attract new employers and maintain their great diversity work place. The diversified focal point and haulership programs provide coaching to assist individuals, by doing this it will create exceptional employer and employee relationships. These training programs that will be offered will increase the abilities of growth for the company and reduces the complaints and lawsuits that may be filled with the Equal call ing Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Complaints that would be filled with the EEOC would be any violation against the Civil Rights action.The Civil Rights Act title VII prohibits employment discriminations based on sex, race, color or national origin. (EEOC, n.d.). The requirement ask for organization training is ensuring that all employees are present. Also that no materials presented are or could be foul-smelling to any employees. Lastly organizations that are incorrectly report its training sessions as expenses or report reimbursements as income may harm the organization in forms of lawsuits and can very well damage the reputation. Employee GrowthEmployee growth is when organizations establish diversity training. When men and women participate in education courses, counseling services, and career development, it can lead to promotions and internal career advancement. The success of managers and hourly employees advancing to salary positions will produce a wavelike affect as mana gers strive to their goals. Managers beginworking closely with employees to mentor and provide them with any sought after qualities that he or she may possess but need training to advance further. The end result is more stress free environment and increase in self esteem, and less turn overs. ConclusionEven though in all business are different, they mostly all unavoidableness the same end result success. The road to get to success is quite similar, hard work and dedication. Employee growth, legal requirements and diversity will help get to the right road, yet clearly it takes work and trainings and patience. The end result will be worth the hardship. A company must be willing to do the furrow correctly and it will have success.ReferencesTitle Vii of the civil rights act of 1964, retrieved from. Usa.Gov http//www.eeoc.gov/laws/statutes/titlevii.cfmNoe, R. A. (2008). Employee Training and Development (4th ed.). cutting York McGraw Hill. Blanchard, P. N., Thacker, J.W. (2007). Eff ective Training Systems, Strategies, and Practices (3rd ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Developmental psychology Essay Example for Free

Developmental psychology EssayWithin the characteristics of effective schooling there are seven areas of education and development made up of three apex areas and quadruplet specific areas. The areas describe what children learn through play and exploration, active learning and creating and by thinking critically. run aground areas If a child is not secure in the anchor areas between the ages of 3 and 5 years, the absence seizure of these may make other areas of their learning more difficult to achieve. This makes the prime and specific areas so interdependent. The prime areas occur in all cultures and communities and are not dependent on the specific areas.Personal, Social and emotional DevelopmentMaking relationshipsSelf-confidence and self-awarenessManaging feelings and behaviourCommunication and LanguageListening and attentionUnderstanding public speakingPhysical DevelopmentMoving and handlingHealth and self-careSpecific areas These are less time-sensitive. The speci fic areas study what children realise understood and their cultural knowledges which can develop during various stages through life. The specific areas of learning go out not take place easily without the prime areas. LiteracyReadingWritingMathematicsNumbersShape, berth and measureUnderstanding the WorldPeople and communitiesThe worldTechnologyExpressive Arts and DesignExploring victimization media and materialsBeing imaginativeThe documented expected outcomes are the early learning goals within the EYFS. The early learning goals are the 17 learning and development requirements covered in the characteristics of effective learning the three prime and the four specific areas. The early learning goals summarise the knowledge, skills and understanding that all young child should keep up gained by the end of their reception year. However, not all children will r for each one the early learning goals by this stage and as all children are unique, their learning will be restrained by practitioners to serve them progress at their pace. The Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage document provides, in detail, guidance for observing what children are learning. It also provides examples of what early years practitioners can do to enable environments and support positive relationships across all of each area.The documented outcomes are assessed and recorded in a florilegium of ways and come together to help finalise the Early Years Foundation Stage profile which is completed at the end of a childs reception year. Leading up to this point, the development of children will have been observed and their progress tracked. Some of the methods used to record progression towards the early learning goals are insouciant observations when children are in session At nursery all staff observe all children, not just their keychildren.Theobservations are linked to the EYFS and recorded in the childrens folders 2 year check this consists of a short written sum mary of a childs development when they are between 24 and 36 months larn and Development Summary observations are used to complete this document on a termly basis for each child. These are shared at parent consultation appointments. Contributions from parents very useful as parents information is meaty and helps support early learning in the home environment.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Acrobatics Workshop Essay Example for Free

aerobatics Workshop EssayNo matter which figures or pyramids are being tried, the facilitator must make accredited that there are catchers present to prevent injuries. fragmentizeicipants should be instructed how to catch bingle some other and to take debt instrument for others in the grouping.1. Description of the activityPart 1 Warming Up Trust ExercisesA. The participants are induct into pairs. One partner becomes a guide, the other becomes blind. The guide takes their blind partner for a walk (around the grounds, over obstacles, etc. ) while holding hands. After some minutes the partners change roles.Variations Follow the same go as above, moreover hire the see partner lead with only one finger. Alternatively, have the seeing partner lead using only their voice no physical contact between partners.B. In pairs, participants stand face to face with their feet together and holding hands. Each someone leans back care plenteousy with full body strength by stretchi ng their arms. The challenge is to maintain balance.C. All participants stand together in a circle and hold hands. Count off into 1s and 2s. On the signal, using all their strength, the 1s lean inner while the 2s lean outside. After a few seconds, carefully pull back into a convention circle and then change (2s inside, 1s outside).D. In small groups (3-7 someones), one person stands in the place of a circle. Standing stiff and without moving their feet, the one in the middle falls from one person to another and is slowly passed around inside the circle. After some moments, change roles. Give everyone a chance to be in the middle.Variation you can also do this with just three persons. The one in the middle is slowly passed forward and backwards between two persons.Part 2 StretchingBefore essay actual figures, it is important to warm up the joints and the muscles. Gently stretch legs, arms, neck, and shoulders. Dont forget to pay attention to the wrists and ankles, too.Part 3 F irst Acrobatic Steps3A. Napoleon (3 persons) The first person goes down and takes the bench plaza the second person goes up and forms a bench on top of the first person (see plot 4) The first person goes down and takes bench position second person goes up and stands on the shoulders and articulatio coxae of the bench. Keeping their balance, the bench slowly starts to walk forwards on their hands and knees (see diagram 10). (Remember you must never stand in the middle of the benchs back, only on their shoulders and hips)The terce person is always the catcher for the person who is up.3B. Knee stands (4 persons) The first person goes down and takes the bench position second person sits down on the benchs hips (facing benchs feet) taking the second persons hands, third person goes up and stands on second persons knees (keep holding hands). If second and third person can balance on their own, the bench can walk away, leaving the two in balance position. The fourth person is the catch er.3C. Galion figure (4 persons)The same as 3B (above), but second and third person open op their arms on one side and look in the same direction. (You still conduct the fourth person as catcher.)Part 4 Pyramids and standing on shouldersOnce participants have grasped the canonical steps, they can proceed onto building pyramids and making new shapes (see diagrams in section D Some Pyramids).2. commonplace remarksWho can do acrobatics? stunt flying can be used with groups of all ages teenagers, adults, even children from 4 or 5 years of age. It is important to take the warming up and trust-building exercises, especially if the people in the group do not know each other very well. Stretching and warming-up the muscles is important to vacate accidents. Everyone in the group should be taught the catchers tasks. The group has to take responsibility for itself it is up to everyone to look out for one another.Why use acrobatics?Acrobatics is a perfect method for team-building at any age. Its cracking to learn to give and to take help from one another. Even if you have only a sententious follow of time, participants can learn amazing things like building pyramids or standing on shoulders. Acrobatics can help people learn virtually taking responsibility for others but also about respecting limits (their own and other persons). The atmosphere in the workshop should allow participants to say if they dont want to try a certain figure or activity.An extra touchIf you have more time (e.g. the group corset together several days), the participants can put together a presentation. This is a great way for the group to show off what they have learned (especially good for children and new(a) adults).AccessibilitySome groups may have specific needs (e.g. older participants or individuals with physical or mental disabilities), but these are not reasons for people to be excluded. For example, past experiments with acrobatics has shown that its possible to include people who might be lacking a limb or even those in wheelchairs. There may be some limits, but in most cases it just takes some fantasy to create new forms and figures which include all members of the group.3. belles-lettresThere are many resources to be found describing acrobatics and other circus activities. Two of these include1. Rudi Ballreich, Udo v. Grabowiecki (Hg.), Zirkus spielen. Ein Handbuch, 1999 Stuttgart/Leipzig. Not only about acrobatics but all circus skills you can use with young people, tips for presentation as well. (German language)2. J.M. Fodero/E.E. Furblur, Creating Gymnastics, Pyramids and Balances. Leisure Press, Champaign, Illinois, 1989. This declare focuses only on acrobatics and has a great amount of drawings for figures for 2 persons up to pyramids with 15 or more persons. For beginners to advanced. You can find some figures presented in the book on the Internet http//www.mypage.bluewin.ch/mmc/akro/bkd7.html. (A German-language edition of this book is avail able under the title Menschenpyramiden.)

Analysis of three sun articles on the execution of Robert Harris Essay Example for Free

Analysis of three sun obligates on the execution of Robert Harris EssayThese three clauses printed in the sun newspaper in 1992,approach the execution of Robert Harris in very different ways . The articles have chosen to dish out different parts of the Robert Harris case. bind 1 is focused on the way Robert Harris break danced and the T. V reporter Michael tuck giving a graphic description of the execution and the build up to it . The second article is approximately he nuns including Mother Teresa who tried to turn the decision around so Harriss life could be spared. Article three snap offs a description of where and how the victims were murdered and what how the parents felt and thought of Harriss execution. The first article explains and describes what happened to Robert Harris. It starts with a enlarge description of Harriss execution. Gurgled and ball upped as cyanide gas choked the life from him. This has been written as the second prison term to give an immediat e impact of disgust and it plays with your emotions and it energises you more interested and you want to read on.Once the writer has got the readers attention, he then goes to the lead up to the execution. The first article is very against the death penalty as when it talks about the execution was reprieved twice before he was finally gassed, the article tries to make you belief grubby for Harris. Michael meet describes the execution as grisly and not a clement way to die and in this he is confirming that he is against the anti-death penalty. Alternatively, article three is not against the anti-death penalty.It starts off with Harriss victims parents, giving at that place opinion on Harriss execution. One of the victims farther said I have no time for do-gooders who says that he should be spared look what he did to my son. Am I supposed to erase the memory, the pain of that. This is trying to make you feel sorry for the parents of the victims and it is trying to persuade the reader that capital punishment is good. Article two is present out in a bold headline, which reads NUNS MERCY BID and under the headline is a itsy-bitsy paragraph.It mentions Mother Teresa Name to give a sort of good feeling to the article because Mother Teresa healthy know personality of being warm, nice and a gentle person and it says that she appealed to a California regulator Pete Wilson to spare Harriss life this sort of makes you feel that if Mother Teresa is trying to safe his life then she mustiness be doing the right thing and Harriss life should be spared. It says in the article that there were loads of anti-death condemn campaigners who urged for the killer not to be killed.This is a feature that many people wanted Harris to live and theres prove of Mother Teresa point of view. Theres a couple of lines in this article that say that Harris had alcoholic parents and he was fifth of nine children terrorised by there farther. His lawyers said that he may have been b rain damaged by a beating at the age of two. This could make the reader feel sorry for Harris and its not reliable for Harris to be killed in this way unless there no evidence that the article is true.The visual creation in the articles plays a very important role. In article one, theres a big picture preceding(prenominal) the article of two chairs where Harris was probably killed I think that this picture is trying to make you feel sorry for Harris as the picture makes you feel a sort of horrific sense of dying and displays a unspeakable looking setting in where people are chained to chairs and then are choked with gas and then killed. Beside the picture is TV man watches Harris in gas chamber.This is very emotive language and makes the article more dramatic. In article two there is a photo of a man I think its Harris but it could be a different number of people maybe Michael Tuck ceremonial the execution or is it Harris himself its good as it lets the reader speculate. All t hree articles are made up of fact an opinion. Article one is mainly made up of opinion it is nearly all Michael Tuck telling the readers what he thought.He said But IF you ask me this is not a clean and humane way to die This is Michael Tuck expressing his opinions on the execution. Article two has got a bit of opinion He said he may have been brain damaged by a beating at the age of two The words may have means that not necessarily true. The only fact in this article is that Mother Teresa fought with other campaigners to spare Harriss life. Article three appears to be a equilibrate of fact and opinion. The first half of the article is mainly opinion.Theres the victims parents saying what they think about Harriss execution. They were out for a fun day fishing when they were executed by this beast. It is the parents opinion that Harris is a Beast. The second half of the article seems to tell more fact, it says how the victims were killed, for the first time across the three articles . But after telling the spirit level theres still opinions added. The grinning Harris calmly ate the boys hamburgers. There is know way that anyone could of none this so this must be opinion.In conclusion all articles have different stories, which all connect together, but as you can see Harris was an evil man as he shot two innocent boys late(prenominal) for no reason at all. Language used in these articles is effective and ahs been used well to give you a clear picture of how Harris died and how he killed two innocent teenagers. People tried to save him but it didnt work. When all three articles are read separately they create a biased opinion on Harris execution, but when read together you have a balanced account of Harris case.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Construction Technology Design processes and Procedures

Construction Technology Design swear outes and ProceduresThe formula process of a project cig atomic number 18tte be very complex, there be multiple factors in which designers must take into carry onation during the early stages of a project. Each factor plays an important role non only during the design process but they screw also affect the demeanor cycle of the project, therefrom the RIBA plan of work is usu everyy used which allows clear guidance on the roles of those relate and is easy to understand. downstairs is a brief description of the factors surrounding the Nottingham Jubilee Campus Advanced Manufacturing Building Redevelopment project.FinancialFinances are usually the first thing to consider on a new project as it can massively influence if the project is feasible or not. A budget is set in show and each stage of the design and production process is allocated an amount of money to solemnize within the budget. outpouring over budget can mean that the desig n whitethorn have to be adapted to keep the extra costs as low as practical which can affect the overall consequence of the project in terms of aesthetics and performance. Some projects can be funded by organisations that are involved or will benefit from the project, i.e. Local Authorities/Government, Stakeholders, Companies/Partnerships, residents and Students.SocialA consideration must be made of the potential social impact of a proposed project, this can embroilImpacts on residents The project should be designed so that minimal disruption is made both during the construction process and the operation of the project. degraded factors such as excessive noise and visual obtrusiveness will negatively impact the view of residents who will be affected by the project in their day to day lives.Environmental impacts The design should consider the local environment in which the building is to be limitd. This can include higher pollution levels from increase traffic to and from the U niversity Campus during the life cycle of the building and the impacts on local wildlife. Care should be taken to check out that habitats that are removed are restored elsewhere so that the wildlife are not exposed to danger. It could also possible to design certain habitats into the project itself, through green roofs/walls and planted platforms.Economy Having an extension to a University Campus will provide a boost to the local economy. This can in turn lead to businesses expanding and providing more jobs to residents and potentially to the University Students.Client needsThe Clients needs are incredibly important on a project, after all they are paying for everything. For a project, such as an extension to a University Campus, the clients needs will includeFit for purpose classrooms The University has a duty to provide education to a high standard, providing classrooms that can deliver the goods the high standards is essential.Security The safety of the students is the Unive rsitys responsibility whilst on Campus, therefore having effective security measures in property is important. These security measures can include photo ID cards that allow access to the building through a card reader, security staff that patrol the premises and CCTV cameras.Energy skill There is a liberal focus on new buildings to be as environmentally friendly and sustainable through capacity use due to the increased awareness of climate change. By providing ways in which energy efficiency can be increased, the running costs of the building will be lowered substantially passim the lifecycle of the building.Legal ConstraintsThe design of a building must comply with very strict Standards, Regulations and Laws. These practices are in place to ensure that any project is designed and built safely whilst providing construction guidelines. There may also be a contract in place which indicates what the client is receiving for their money. Some of the legislations in place areBuildin g regulationsConstruction Design Management (CDM) RegulationsBritish Safety StandardsEN European averageISO International Standards OrganisationEnvironmental There must be consideration for the environment during the design process of a project, the designers should not only consider environmental impacts during construction but also throughout the life cycle of the structure and eventually the demolition. Some aspects that should be considered arePlant and machinery that is used on berth to minimise pollutionMaterials how they are manufactured, where they are sourced and the recycling possibilitiesHeat and power sources on sitewater system wasteThese factors should be considered to ensure that minimal impact is made on the local wildlife habitats and residents.There are multiple roles for numerous professions within the design team with each having a vital role. The roles and responsibilities for those involved areArchitect The architect is the person who initially designs the structure based on the clients needs/requests. There can be a group of Architects working together who are given a specific separate/area to design if it is a large-scale project. Architects must ensure that the designs they create comply with the relevant regulations in terms of environmental, safety and the construction of the structure. An Architect will have a University Degree with relevant have studying art.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

One Malaysia Concept Among Malaysian Media Essay

matchless Malaysia Concept Among Malaysian Media EssayMalaysia is a renown rude that is located in the s issuehern move of Asia, Malaysia consists of thirteen states and three federal territories which in general skeletal systems up a total land hole of 329,847 square kilometers, the unpolished also boost of a population of 28.25 million people this is according to the 2010 census. maven unique thing about Malaysia is the separation of the nation into two separate regions by the South china Sea but the same country with its capital city constitute situated at Kuala Lumpur and the base for the federal government activity situated at Putrajaya this indicating that both the different regions of the country are politic in ally and economically represented to reduce the founts of wizard part wanting to break from the main country due to wishing of political or economical misrepresentation, at that placefore the two separate regions are known as the peninsular Malaysian and the Malaysian Borneo in other words they are respectively known as the tungsten and East Malaysia.The country is bordered by other Asian countries that are very influential in the world political and economic fields around of these countries embroil Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore, Vietnam and Philippines (Kaufman, 2008). The country is currently deprivation by dint of a lot of challenges at the moment this challenges range from matters of governance and nationalism.The divided ideas of the Malaysian nationals is bratening the sleep of the country as the Malaysians are saying that thither country is invaded with lots of foreigners who have taken the all the major administrative, economical and political references of the country and are running the country indeed leaving out the true Malaysian out of the normal running of there own country this has resulted to animosity of the countrys citizens, therefore the media has to perform its duty in order to create a clear family amongst the countries citizens and the foreigners living in the country (Toumi, 2010).Malaysia has one of the well-nigh intriguing history as compared both other country in the world, that dissolve be dated back to the to the 16th century when the country was ruled by a king who was in -charged of the entire Malay kingdom but in the 18th century the British conquered the country and they eventually became a British colony, the country later got its fusion from the British in the year 1946 this was when the eastern and western regions and other countries like Sabah and Singapore were unified, it later became a federation in 1948 and archived its independence in 9 years later that is in the year 1957 (WTEC Hyper-Librarian, 1997).Its amount with Singapore wasnt a long one this is beca workout Singapore walked out of the union and later became an freelance country this was some years after the country got its independent. The country also boasts of creation a country that is full of tourist attr attain sites, this is because it has traditional and natural resources, that attract tourists who visits the country annually just to se these spectacular natural features the country has, the country also is expanding its horizons by venturing in other productive matters much(prenominal) as commerce, science and medical inventions that provides the country with supplementary in dress to arrest that the country can easily sustain it population without asking for aids from donors (WTEC Hyper-Librarian, 1997).Roles of the media in bringing an understanding of Malaysia amongst the MalaysiansBefore undertaking the assignment of identifying the roles that the media plays and its contributions in upward(a) the understanding of the Malaysians in Malaysia we have to first of all define and know what the media is and its roles/ importance amongst us (Kaufman, 2008).In general according to a lay mans understanding the word media refers to various means of discour se this implies that the media is a platform that provides different people and individual(a)s with the opport hotshot to communicate and exchange ideas amongst themselves in efforts aimed at improving there current form of life to a more remediated one (Daily Express, 2003). This communication is passed on through various channels that include the Television, Radio, and Newspaper, other forms of media include the internet, brochures, advertisements on billboards amongst other sources of in arrangeion that take to the woods to appeal or charm an individual to take in a given action into action (Nadchatram, 2007). Therefore media simply is the device that creates a smooth platform for the creation and consumption of messages from one psyche/ occlusion to the other freely.Roles of the mediaThe media just like all other organ in that has a mankind influence / contact has an important role in the society that it relates to and in this section I am going to take a look on the imp ortant roles that the media play in the society and they include the following.The first role of the media is to educate its audience this role is actually efficient because the people and the media are virtually tie in to each other and interact frequently (Ahmad, 2005). The media interacts closely with the masses without any interference occurring between them therefore the media bequeath use this time to educated the masses on the recommended issues thus ensuring the people a well informed when they about what is expected of them or how to handle themselves in a given detail (Center For Democracy And Governance, 1999). This interaction lead ensure that the public are well expert and educated on the ship canal they are supposed to handle themselves in a given kind of situation.The other role of the media is to inform its audiences, this is were the media informs its audience / readers and viewers what is going on in there surrounding, the media forget use its influence to t ell or show there respective audience what they are supposed to be mindful of or what is going on in there surroundings, this is slightly different from the previous role of inform the audience as therefore in this case the media lead be updating the people on what is going on while educating pass on be introducing them to new ideas aimed at improving there delays and improve there living conditions (TechTerms.com, 2006).Surveillance is another role of the media this is where the media monitors and provides its audiences, viewers and readers with information pertaining to development of pressing issues. This is entirely collide withn when the media monitor the behaviours activities and any other important information that is involving people involved lenience in unlike behaviors that may have negative impacts on the public (TechTerms.com, 2006). In surveillance role is where the media exit suss out on allegations that are indicted on graft and other illegal cases people, non governmental / governmental organizations are the most monitored by the media thus providing the audience with the ways that the organizations and individuals are affecting the ways in which an individual operates, at the same time the media checks on the ways in which a decease or disaster is affecting individuals and at the same time updating them on the level and of containing the disease or disaster in a community (Toumi, 2010).The other role of the media is correlation, this is where the media lead relate what is going on ion one point of the world with what is happening in the other point of the world, this is when the media highlights some of the intriguing matters that are hitting the headlines internationally, this provide be in the field of science invention politics, economics, social or abnormal situations (Ahmad, 2005). This provide be made clear to the viewers as there volition be in a dumbfound to know what the other parts are experiencing and implement some of these things in order to improve there living condition (Daily Express, 2003).The media also plays the marketing role this is when the individual or a company will be in position of airing his product in order to sell the product, thus the individual will be in a position to use the media in order to alert and/ or inform the people that there is a new product in the market (Foulger, 2003). This will brighten the respective customers be in a position to know the products and purchase them a role that is creation used by the media houses to sustain themselves as the products they are advertising raise some income for the media organizations.Ways the media can improve relationship in MalaysiaIn the previous section I have noted the roles of the media and there significance to the people who interact with the media, therefore in this section of paper I am going to see the role that the media plays for a better understanding of the Malaysian idea this is by evaluating on the ways t he media can use its powers to ensure that the Malaysians live in togetherness without misunderstanding each other.The media is supposed to provide the Malaysian citizens with the kind of information the will enable that each of the Malaysian individuals will practice the act of betrothal and respect amongst other factors that will ensure that the dermas and wishes of the prime minister Dato Najib Tun Razak are fulfilled this according to his vernacular that he delivered during the day that he was taking over the office of the leading the nation, he wanted the to see a1-Malaysia (Zainala, 2010). This is when he gave the media the opportunity to be the center stage of realizing that the dream of one Malaysia is experienced.As I had mentioned before the media plays an important in any community this is because the communities are in close contact with the community and the mass of the Malaysian population (Nadchatram, 2007). The media can helping the healing process of the country this is because the country is super bear upon with cases of ethnicity that are the key reasons that are destroying the close relationship that should be experienced amongst the Malaysian citizens (Ahmad, 2005). In this case the media is supposed to play a great role in uniting the country the is in the frontier of disintegrating as a result of the ethnicity in our country Malaysia and I highly believe that the media can come up with a method that can with a peaceful Malaysian society as a result of constant information regarding the importance of a 1Malaysia.I am a well trained journalist and the only tool that I will use to unite my country Malaysia from disintegration in the future and this is through the media, which according to me is the only way that I can save my country from the threat of disintegration as a result of political and ethical differences.The media will have a authoritative impact if used properly in the Malaysia in order to quell the raising differences t hat are organism experienced in the country, so in order for the media to realize positive impacts on the current lively differences that is currently being experienced in the country is when the media is used to Persuade the public (Zainala, 2010). When the media persuades the public this will ultimately contribute to an improved attitude of the Malaysian a citizens who will listen to the views that are being explained by the media and this will automatically ensure that the citizens of Malaysia change there reasoning and then unite to format country of national unity (Center For Democracy And Governance, 1999).In persuading my audience I will send massages that will basically be preaching for peace and at the same time persuading the Malaysian citizens to top indulging in practices s that marginalizes other Malaysians thus classifying them in different classes yet they come from the same country, the media will manage in unifying them by telling them (Listeners/ audience ) that s ome practices such as endogamy are the best for the country this is because the people from different places and cultures will be able to unite and form a family thus strengthening the people living in the country and in the end resulting to the unity of a one Malaysia (Center For Democracy And Governance, 1999).I would use the media to see an ethnic free Malaysia this is when I would use it as an instruments that I have in to ensure that a 1 Malaysian nation is realized, this is when the media houses in the country put a lot of there concentration in highlighting the issues that are related to seeing a 1 Malaysia nations (Daily Express, 2003). This can only be achieved when the media concentrated on reporting on issues that discouraging the uses of some encroached Malaysian cultures that deprive the country the realization of a new nation, this will to some point transform the ideological thinking of the individuals as the media will ensure that it provides the viewers, readers, a nd listeners with documentaries that will aim at telling them the impotence of unity (Foulger, 2003).This will to some extent reduce the cases of discrimination amongst the Malaysian citizens, in this case the ramparts information that swill be used by the media in discouraging ethnicity in Malaysia will definitely result to the unity of the Malaysia citizens this is because the media will have painted a clear picture to them thus ensuring that they will reform as the media has shown them the importance of the unity of 1 Malaysia thus the citizens will opt to be together and forget about there ethnic background thus ensuring that the country becomes one without any ethnic differences (Nadchatram, 2007).The government should also use or work hand in hand with the media in order for the achievement of the 1 Malaysia, in this case the government should invite the media to provide a critism and monitoring of its daily activities this will especially help the citizens to become more enli ghtened on the plans and activities of the government, I highly believe that if this is implemented a new Malaysia will be realized (Ahmad, 2005). This is because the Malaysian people will be informed with the media on the daily activities the government and this will bring some trust into the citizens who will experience that the government works hand in hand with them and this will automatically result to one nation that has the same political views that will ensure that the individuals in the country feel connected to the government of the country.The media should also show good images and news to the Malaysian citizens and the international countries, this will to some extent ensure that the people living in Malaysia to value piece in there country this is where the country citizens will see that they need to uphold peace in there country and them will have achieved in quelling there ethnic behaviours therefore make them to resort to be peaceful thus making them peaceful and m ore unethical (Zainala, 2010). This will be realized when the media indulges in public relations that will contribute to the government and the people that are living in Malaysia with this being implemented the Malaysians will feel more peaceful with each other and in the end they will be able to live freely in the regions without conflicts.